Why on earth are people classified by colors? On top of that, colors that don't even represent the people groups that they are attributed to?
"White" is such a misnomer as a label
Other urls found in this thread:
You just showed a picture of a bunch of Mexicans next to a bunch of Asian woman with white make up on
What did u mean by this
Bleached asian munkees are not white you dumb weeb faggot
>Race is skin color
Lurk moar faggot
Most Asians are dark as shit. Their celebrities are cream colored because they are wannabe whites and are very shallow about it. Same goes for Japan.
What really makes the Asian is not their skin color. Its their single eyelids and inability to drink cow milk.
Are you trying to change the rules because people the US who are white are actually brown? Even the guy who did the Florida shooting was a member of a white supremacy group and his second name was Cruz.
All the women on the right side are considered white in the US
>Most Asians are dark as shit. Their celebrities are cream colored
They all use fair and lovely, ask any pajeet or asian in this shithole.
The top right is clearly not. Mixed as best, which counts as white on a census but otherwise no.
Wow, I googled Asians and this is the first shit I see.
Are you saying, all jokes aside, that any of the women in ops picture in the US are considered white?
Have you realized that all chinks wear shades to hide their slanted eyes?
The level of delusion in this place.
The bottom left one would probably be considered white. Especially since the government considers Semitic/Arabic peoples white. She looks Persian.
no they aren't
No one would think so by looking. Except maybe top left, who looks tanned.
Rest are probably Mesoamericans, for which we have no classification in the US, because our government doesn't even know that such a thing exists nor ever existed.
Korean chin genetics are stronk.
Well the last ones are terrorists. All those Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, etc. didn't kill themselves
That looks like 3 Latin women, and 1 half breed nigger. Not a white in sight.
Keep in mind that they are considered privileged whites in the United-States
It’s 3 mulattos and probably a mostly white Latina. Only the latter would be considered white.
Three of them are niggers. ! drop rule. The bottom left is definitely Arabic in some way. Her features are not Latin.
what kind of country has the pepsi logo on their flag?
do they not want to be taken serioulsy or something?
>muh ass
scroll to the bottom
None of those women are white. This is what a white girl looks like.
Travel back to the past and you will see why. People back then didn't had all those tricks like us nowadays to change themselves in who ever they wanted to look like.
Blame the French they coined it.
None of those mutts are white
Never seen anything like that in America. Only on television. Looks like something from Northern Europe.
You posted a wrong pic.
yes or no
Is this a true huwite woman?
Fug, muh dick
You can still see the yellow tendency of the skin.
Albinos kill the "no white people, 56%" threads
>Albinos kill the "no white people, 56%" threads
>>Albinos kill the "no white people, 56%" threads
>>>Albinos kill the "no white people, 56%" threads
Your pic: What an animal.
>The audience demographics data comes from voluntary demographics information submitted by people in our global traffic panel. The data is for the past 12 months, updated monthly.
It's basically just people who tell them they're using it either directly or indirectly(using google on their google account) So a man with a google account that claims he's a female uses Sup Forums and it'll count as a woman visiting Sup Forums
"men". Lel...
Sweet Jesus
Congratulations, you've just figured out that race IS a social construct. It's designed to separate and categorize us.
Ethnicity is real. It's where you're from, it's culture, it's language, and it's genetics.
Sadly, our settlers from Europe also brought niggers from Africa. Present early on was a visible ethnic divide of Europeans (including mixed-Europeans) and Africans. To distinguish between the diverse European-Americans and diverse Africans, race was born. We called one group white and one group black. It was simple enough back then, but as multiculti has spread rampantly, """race""" has become profoundly deceiving.
We'd do well to drop race language in favor of ethnicity language, but even then, humans have begun intermixing to the point where many people have no clue who thwir ancestors are. My DNA test states that I'm made up entirely by a variety of western European ethnicities. Therefore, I'm European-American. But after a few more genserations, Europe will be a muddied gene pool lime the US is now, so how much weight will that term have going forward?
I wish every nation would close its borders and preserve their ethnicites. Without distinct ethnicites, we actually do lose diversity, whivh actually is sad. A world of 100% brown mutts sounds sad.
tl;dr protect QT 3.14 ABGs
Go to Korea and see how many women look like that, except on billboards. Koreans are the world-renowned experts at making themselves look white (skin bleaching cream, makeup, plastic surgery, dying their hair, etc.)
The ones on the white aren't either. But of course, I'm sure you already knew that, silly little troll.
Why are you so obsessed with Irish people?
This gook girl is naturally whiter than most white people though
>kpop star
nothing natural about her, m80
Do you really think you know more about Kpop than I do? She didn't even get her eyelids done, she's completely natural.
Looks like possession. Witches gonna witch.
So is this Iranian girl. Your point?
Top kek, them girls are putting on whitening cream every day. And they STILL have dark nipples.
there are many fair people in iran, yes, but that is clearly either a mixed persian, or someone using excessive quantities of makeup or skin bleach, in addition to camera filters and lighting
a fair persian
Dahyun is my bias. You have God tier taste my friend.
No, she's white as fuck, even when she was a kid. Her nickname is Dubu (tofu) because of her natural white skin.
Yes, let's all pretend spaniards look like that.
Thanks, I stan the fuck outta Dubu
I know, I’m trying to make a point about the level of absurdity and delusion around here when it comes to these cherry-picked skin bleached, surgically and digitally enhanced K-pop stars and their cleverly lit and angled photos. This can be done for any race.
You don't know as much about Kpop as you think you do. With most idols you can see their school photos and whatnot. It's obvious which ones have had surgery and which haven't, it's not as much as you'd think but you just assume it's all of them
Sure it’s probably not all of them, but plenty of them clearly do. In any case, surgery or not, these people are all cherry-picked in large part for their looks. They’re media personalities. These countries all worship whiter. So yes, you will always find people on the extreme pale side here and there. But skin color isn’t race; white is colloquially used to refer to Europeans.
Of course. every Kpop fan on Sup Forums knows most gooks are ugly as fuck, we just like the top tier ones. And yeah they worship white skin which is why that girl's nickname is Tofu which is meant as a high compliment.
>europeans are from europe
>asians are from asia
>africans are from africa
Then, you get to the New World and all of a sudden Europeans decide to isolate themselves from Europe, demanding a separate title resulting in
>hwite race
>hwite people
>wypipo mane