what happened to people in the 1960s that made them so obnoxious?
What happened to people in the 1960s that made them so obnoxious?
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They were probably sick of seeing their friends and family members be cannon fodder to feed the avarice of rich capitalist swine
Yea. There is no way a global communist takeover would affect them negatively.
I mean, the USSR was paradise!
The Flynn effect. It's reversing now.
Being sent to fight and die for a worthless patch of jungle in an irrelevant part of the world might have something to do with it. In reality though, the meme that hippies were everywhere in the 60s was just a meme. Hippies were maybe 1% of the population and only a small portion of the youth. It took time for their influence to filter into greater society.
Rampant consumerism without any checks was what enabled the slow decay of society after the Jews started rotting the core. That, combined with the easily subverted American meme of freedumb led to worship of state-sponsored selfishness and sealed our fate.
LBJ orchestrated the Gulf of Tonkin false-flag attack and used it to start a war. Then (as if it was WWII) he drafted shitloads of US citizens and told them they needed to go fight a bunch of slopes in pajamas in the hot ass jungle. Then, instead of simply saying "no", the people formed a gay ass movement.
I fail to see the point you're trying to make.
their retarded protesting did nothing. people were deployed 8years after they started their protests. they were literal communist retards
Everyone on this thread is wrong btw.
The correct answer is that exiled Trotskyists and their acolytes finished the takeover of American academia.
Baby Boomers. Too much competition for their parents resources really fucked them up. Too many of them for the establishment to handle started giving in to there demands. As time moved on the Boomers wanted more and more and more. Running up the national debt and draining from future generations. Individually there some good folks but collectively they are a blight.
You’re all retarded. The 60s were fucked before America got involved in Vietnam. The problem is that teens got a disposable income and became a large demographic in media consumption. Jews made media to appear to teens and boom society got retarded.
>this is your brain on Sup Forums
>One of the earliest on the Laurel Canyon/Sunset Strip scene is Jim Morrison, the enigmatic lead singer of The Doors. Jim will quickly become one of the most iconic, controversial, critically acclaimed, and influential figures to take up residence in Laurel Canyon. Curiously enough though, the self-proclaimed “Lizard King” has another claim to fame as well, albeit one that none of his numerous chroniclers will feel is of much relevance to his career and possible untimely death: he is the son, as it turns out, of the aforementioned Admiral George Stephen Morrison.
>And so it is that, even while the father is actively conspiring to fabricate an incident that will be used to massively accelerate an illegal war, the son is positioning himself to become an icon of the ‘hippie’/anti-war crowd. Nothing unusual about that, I suppose. It is, you know, a small world and all that. And it is not as if Jim Morrison’s story is in any way unique.
>You’re all retarded. The 60s were fucked before America got involved in Vietnam. The problem is that teens got a disposable income and became a large demographic in media consumption
>Rampant consumerism without any checks was what enabled the slow decay of society
This has nothing to do with capitalism, it's the Jews! If there were no Jews, then this wouldn't have happened :-)
Oh yeah, I forgot about that
>the meme that hippies were everywhere in the 60s was just a meme. Hippies were maybe 1% of the population
Yeah, whenever I tell people this they get all angry but it's the truth with every social movement, you just think they're bigger in numbers because it's all you ever see, you never see the other 99.9999% because no one cares. People realize the greatest voice they have is their votes, so they don't have to waste time and risk their lives rioting and protesting
>The problem is that teens got a disposable income and became a large demographic in media consumption. Jews made media to appear to teens and boom society got retarded.
>using retarded short-sighted warmongers to prop up the radical left
Welcome to Syria, Libya, Iraq, Vietnam, Germany 1939, Germany 1914...
>Free Love
Nothing is free, STDs and unwanted pregnancy is the price
>Drug use
Getting high off of everything to open your mind, now you have people who are addicted and have even killed themselves because of their addiction
>Tune out
Everything is fine just relax man
>We are going to change the world
For the worst
>Why is everyone working so hard, just relax and share man
Yes because communism works so well
The boomers are worse than millennials. Boomers threw away everything for a lifestyle of degeneracy and nihilism. Millennials are just poor.
We should do this again today, only in the middle east. Conscription, take the focus off of tech war toys and out it back on manpower, fight a determined "enemy" on his home turf....
Think of how many millenials and neets we could run through the hamburger mill that way! Fucking WIN!
>another (((rich man's))) war
so close
They had it too good.
It gets frustrating when people throw out the meme that today is just like the 60s. There wasn't a mass divide in the 60s, there were a few vocal negroes and whites who had polite arguments among themselves.
Late 2010s are even more divided than Weimar Germany was on a cultural level. If we have another Great Depression there will be untold levels of bloodshed.
>pic related: the gradual decline of the USA
Have another one.
The Jew was behind the war and The Jew was behind the anti-war.
Magic, mannn..
>Guaranteed a job out of high school
>Could pay out of pocket for college
>Would probably get married by 19
>Getting ready for grand kids by 45
>Had enough money for a house, car, summer home, anything they wanted
>Minimum wage job was enough
>Racially and economically segregated communities that were safe
>Everyone had their own, no need for communism
They seriously threw it away, they threw IT ALL AWAY. And for what I ask?
BS. Jim Morrison was no anti-war hero. He was a fucked up drug addict who couldn't tell what world is he in
America in the 1950s and 1960s was an abbreviation of history. No single nation held so much of a percentage of the world's wealth at one time as America did at that stage in time.
>Europe: destroyed
>UK: completely bankrupt
>China: Communist revolution
>USSR: ravaged by war
We should not idolize the 1950s as they were ill gotten gains at the expense of our racial kinsmen in Europe.
Eternal cuck globalist wars.
For (((they))) of course. When we feel safe, (((they))) don't feel good.
Boomers are worse than niggers
fucking spoiled brats
Your leaders messed with the atomic age.
Scared peasants are usually obnoxious.
fuck off baby boomers
you were given everything by your parents and you squandered it on pie in the sky dreams
>what happened to people in the 1960s that made them so obnoxious?
Cities back then were still livable, so all the young people moved to cities and that is where they learned this stuff. The draft mobilized the youth against the government.
The Vietnam war was really the worst thing america did in the 20th century.
the cold honest truth
i still can't get over how they went from super polite whitey trying to be as nice as possible saying 'colored people' is RACIST, but now their preferred term is 'people of color', which is actually more derogatory sounding, and totally fucking gay. The left is 'nuh uh' tier autistic.
I also find it interesting that the small periods where they failed to increase coalburning acceptability were when everyone was making mad dough.
Jews and their shitty hippy bullshit.
i don't know that i would quite call them ill gotten, we got what we deserved, then we really got what we deserved.
>nobody in that pic is fat
and stupid
>get forced to go into a pointless war for (((them)))
oh gee I don't know
>tfw the west is going to be destroyed and china is going to be having their 1950s/1960s phase in a few decades
The US and USSR were on the same team, both controlled by kikes. Cold war was a scam to destroy countries not within the NWO and to kill whites.
He's right tho
We can't really fight wars with manpower anymore on the scale that they used to be fought from a practical standpoint. Air weaponry (i.e. guided missiles) have made such warfare tactics outdated, which is why anyone who is in the field now walks around in 50 pounds of body armor just so they don't get killed, while always being close to a bunch of buildings or armored vehicles anyway.
I think you mean "aberration," but you're still correct.
Since we'll be irrelevant, maybe this means we can finally have our purge on non-whites and nobody will do anything about it due to our irrelevant status, like the communist nations and their purges in the last century or South Africa and its current purge
The CIA.
Here are the rich men sneering...
Jewish control of media and academia.
He's right. the boomers indoctrinated in their youth took over the institutions reflecting or being influenced by their views when taking decisions for the future of USA.
liberals, we should of killed them all then
>UK: completely bankrupt
Thanks Churchill.
Jews fully infiltrated US academia and media by this point after WW2.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Some buck tooth guy in a bad wig holding a pyramid while wearing an ugly shirt
Niggers and whites had polite arguments in the 60s? Bulllllllllshhhiiiiitttttt
More political killings then than there is now, for damn sure
Oh yeah, some gooks becoming communist was such a threat to us!
Vietnam still became communist and the world was fine.
Drugs..... oh, so legalize marijuana now to warp another generation.