I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled, and I'm concerned that I'll start ranting about blacks or the Jews while I'm on drugs. Most of my family will be there. Has anyone ever had this happen to them?
Getting my wisdoms pulled. Is there a chance of revealing my power levels while I'm doped up?
You know, you don't need to take nitrous oxide...? We don't take that shit in Holland. I don't know why you guys are such pussies. It hurts a little, who cares?
No underage people allowed. on this board, get the mods.
But as for the teeth, I’m sure you’ll be fine. I was perfectly fine, I just acted a little tired.
Do Not get them pulled they are energy receptors that connect to your spine
You should be fine. When I woke up from mine, all I did was give myself a bloody nose because it was itchy.
No, but that gas is so fucking good user.
Yes, there's a chance. I had mine pulled when I was like 15 and ended up telling the entire office about my latest oneitis.
But who cares? Just redpill them relentlessly while drugged.
Do your wisdom teeth bother you? I'm pretty old and still have all my wisdom teeth.
Just brush your teeth after eating food and they should be fine for a long time.
this is why i had my wisdom teeth removed without getting doped up. and i didn't need my family there to hold my hand. local anesthetic is enough, don't be a bitch
Getting your wisdom teeth pulled is a jewish scam.
Just get it done with local anesthetic, no need to sleepy drugs.
Why is your family going to be there? Get them pulled, get picked up by someone who won't laugh at you or fuck with you, go to sleep
>"please don't let me feel pain dr feelgood, my soft baby nerve-endings have never felt real pain before!"
Why don't you have them euthanize you while your at it faggot
>tfw 19 years old and too poor for removal
>tfw I plan on joining the Military and getting them pulled out hardcore style if needed
Pro tip, if they don’t hurt don’t get them pulled, and I mean you have to be in agony to get them pulled. Also, They are giving you little myths to scare you and Jew you into paying $700 to get them removed when you didn’t even need to. If you have a natural and strong jawline ur fine.
Spend the entire day before focused on a single topic, some field you're interested in, a book or show or videogame, etc. Don't do or think about anything else other than this topic. Hopefully, you'll get to fixated on it all you'll ramble about while drugged is that topic.
The fact that you even have wisdom teeth shows you are an unevolved subhuman.
The real aryans don't have any, we are the perfect form of human evolution.
A wisdom pulled cold.
You actually think it makes you a manlier to have infant teeth^
I'm a grown neanderthal. They basically have to shoot me in the face to get it done and then I bleed like a pig for 2 days
Do get them pulled! Its a scam, leave them be I had my pulled, never.
Wisdom tooth removal caused me permanent jaw damage, don't get the surgery unless you actually need it
Enough of space in your mouth for all your teeth = neanderthal.
Be gone germcuck
>underage detected
Also, no. You get a hanging jaw, but your brain will function as it always does.
It had two removed 5 years ago. Get set for when the sedatives stops working, that's where the fun begins.
They don't bother me, but I have nice teeth and they're going to get crooked if I don't get the pulled.
He didn't mean you pull it cold you utter mongoloid. You can get them pulled with local anesthetics.
Come here while I pull your teeth out, nigger.
It's not about space, you uneducated monkey. It's about not having "third" molars like a neanderthal. You know, being EVOLVED.
It depends.
If you're poor and they're using gas then yes you'll talk. If the doctor is using IV anesthetic you'll be fine, example propofol (Michael Jackson Milk).
Also $700 is the average amount payed for wisdom teeth removal... the orthodontist told me this year Alone he’s had 478 patients get removal. 700 x 478 is $334,600. He’s been doing it for 30 years, 334,600 x 30 is $10,038,000. They are profiting off your ignorance, and I don’t blame them. Ps, if you want to get rich pull wisdom teeth guys.
You should be more scared of dying due to the wisdom tooth being pulled out than spilling your spaghetti while high. Dying during the process is actually a thing that happens.
what type of pussy gets KOed to have their wisdom teeth removed?
what are you 12 you retard? jesus christ
>falling for the wisdom tooth meme
Old fag here. Had my bottom pulled normally after they came in, just freezing. Still have my top. Don't fall for that shit.
Most dentists use local anaesthesia. You shouldn't feel as if you are high, unless dentists use other methods in muttland.
If you just focus on not talking, you won't say anything on nitrous. I tried it last time I went and the dentists were impressed with my behavior. I could have drove a car fine, but maybe I'm just not a lightweight.
Why the fuck would most of your family be there? Is the American dental industry so fucked you've asked a family member to pull your teeth in the bathroom?
>MFW never have wisdom teeth
I never experienced it since I never have any wisdom teeth. Anyone else never have wisdom teeth?
Is this true? Big if so.
I went to get my wisdom teeth pulled and woke up without a foreskin.
Because they want to fuck with me.
>Most of my family will be there
top stuff m8
I had all my wisdom teeth, and all my molars pulled in one sitting with nothing but novacain. My wisdom teeth destroyed my molars (too poor to see dentist). Had to get 4 infected wisdom teeth pulled, and the roots of my molars pulled.
It took 3 hours of breaking, crunching, and vice grips to get them out. I endured having novacain induced panic attacks all the while, due to my anxiety. I thought I was gonna die.
And youre scared of raving while high, despite it being pretty normal to rave about depraved things lol. No one will care.
Small family. Need a ride and my bro wants to fuck with me.
it's not about any of that. it's about bone development and the lack of vitamin k2 in our diets. read about it.
do you actually think that it's normal for your body to grow shit improperly? it's because most people in the modern world are chronically malnourished from birth because of our shit processed food supply. if you had a good diet growing up, chances are you will have enough room for your wisdom teeth.
I woke up in the middle of mine getting pulled. I remember hearing the crackling sounds and the feeling of pressure. I started resisting a bit and I flipped the dentist off and then I just remember waking back up. Dentist was legitimately different with me after that, like he didn't like me. Not sure if I said something or what.
when i said i didn't need the gas the dentists acted like i was out of my mind, like i was totally abnormal. it went fine with local anesthetic and i felt no pain. i didn't see the big deal at all. i think maybe they make more money if they can gas a patient so they tell the patient they need the gas or they're crazy.
What part of evolution don't you understand? Wisdom teeth are a relic, a vestigial structure. They are useless and humans with full power level in their perfect form do not have any. Like myself.
Growing wisdom teeth is a defect in the first place, room or not. It's like growing a tail.
Do it while you are young. Did mine at 50. Chunks of skull came with. Then bone chunks working their way out for the next few months. Much neater and cleaner early on.
Nope. I had ONE wisdom tooth pulled when I was 28. It was impacted and got infected. My whole face was swollen and I could squeeze my jaw and puss would shoot out of my gums. Extremely painful, and I went to the dentist and they cut it out immediately
The immediate relief I had after they cut it out.. it was like jizzing down the bathroom sink
Fag boy, cite some evidence.
Felt so good
right, also the gall bladder and appendix we don't need either? hey, chop out one of those kidneys while you're at it! we don't need both of those! how many teeth do you have?
what have you been {{{reading}}}?
Look at this fucking monster.. just growing away in your head, ready to get infected and poison you to death at any moment
honestly there is nothing you can do about it
i was in minor surgery last year,
knocked out with gas
when i woke up i was raving a racist diatribe
the surgeon was indian
the nurse afterwards was spanish and very nice and gave me loads of morphine
but watch out, it's truth serum
I love Sup Forums
Don't worry about it. When I got mine taken out I was on the gas and was basically just confused about shit. You can't talk afterwards anyway because you're mouth will be packed with gauze.
Actually yes. I was being hazed by my fraternity and was 30 shots deep with about 4 edibles in me. Started ranting about jews and hitler and whatnot. Luckily some redpilled brother covered for me and said he showed me some Sup Forums videos that night and thats where i got it from. Id be worried if you dont think you can control yourself/ have much experience being fucked up.
you fools need to stop apologizing for speaking the truth. it's time. stop trying to hide it. the moment you fucks stop trying to hide it you'll probably realize that most people are already on the same page at this point anyway.
it's schopenhauer's 3 stages of truth and we're rapidly moving from the stage of violent opposition (2) to the stage that everyone finally is no longer able to deny the truth as it has become so fucking obvious (3).
All i gonna say is good luck. I woke up halfway through and remember it
I'd be more worried about ranting about porn habits to be honest.
Now this is the /x/ thread I want to read.
>Packed with gauze
>Can't talk
That'd be a relief if that's the case. I would be worried about saying weird shit. I would NOT allow anyone I knew near me.
>Can't even control himself while drunk
Lightweight. I can't comment on the edibles, maybe that does make a difference, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Whenever drunk, if you want to say something, stop and think: "What'll happen if I say/do this?" and that's about it. All being drunk does (for me) on that front is lower the pipeline from thought to speech, but you can increase it/go back to being more normal, if you just keep that in mind before speaking.
I didn't feel it but they had some white cloth covering my head and eyes and felt my jaw was forced open with some device. Felt my jaw vibrating a lot
It is, having enough of space in your mouth for all your teeth is a neanderthal trait along with freckles and occidental bun.
I had alcohol poisoning and almost died... ended up in the hospital after that incident. Are you sure you've ever had alcohol before?...
If anyone takes your word seriously when you're going under, you don't need them in your life because they are actually retarded.
I had multiple oral surgeries for an impacted canine, and the first one I found out I was 'allergic' to a certain anesthetic. When I was coming out, I was calling the nurse a whore, swearing at my parents and yelling in rage. I was 12. I felt pretty awful afterwards, but my parents just chuckled. The nurses weren't upset either.
It happens. If you let slip a Hitler speech, just blame it on the drugs.
Had two alcohol poisoning.
First one my mother recorded herself kicking me in the ass back to my room and the other one I woke up in the street and actually a third one where I woke up at home with teared jeans and shit from the bushes
This. You won't feel a thing.
You know, the wisdom tooth pulling was created by the dentist jews and is not necessary as ones think. I read article last week. Dentist created this as another profit maker. Dont remember link its in my emails. This is from a real dentist in Charlottesville va, is their headquarters.
Lmao if that qualifies as alcohol poisoning I get it every weekend.
We get local anesthesia here and that shit only worked like 50% because my tooth was long as fuck.
Was still completely doable pain wise.
You really do not need to be gassed you crazy americans.
>Most of my family will be there.
Why? Are you some kind of pussy?
He's right. Look it up!
This - pick a really annoyingly catchy song or something and just watch it for like hours on a loop before the operation.
When I got mine pulled I listened to the soundtrack to Hello Dolly on a loop. Spent the entire time I was under singing Put On Your Sunday Clothes
>pulled out hardcore style
The military gives you an anesthetic and sends you home with oxy. It's not all that hardcore.
Ask to be recorded so no rapey stuff happens.
It’s not what I’d call a Jewish scam, but it is a scam. Look up Orthotropics or Mike Mew. This guy has discovered that our faces have drastically reduced in appearance over the past few entities because we’re eating softer diets. Mouth breathing also has an effect on facial development. Correct tongue posture (tongue resting on roof of mouth) makes more room in the upper palate for the wisdom teeth to grow in without getting impacted. Another thing is correct swallowing. Swallow with your teeth together (not necessarily clenched). This will drive your cheekbones upward over time and hollow out your cheeks like a model. Doing these things will give you a more attractive jawline and face overall, although it works better in kids than adults. Look at Steven Hawking for proof that a face can have its bone structure change as muscles atrophy and aren’t used.
If all of your wisdom teeth have impacted it can cause problems. Some people have completely straight wisdom teeth, they erupt through the gums normally, and cause no problems. The main issue in this case, would be the fact that it is very difficult to adequately brush them. People who have straight wisdom teeth will eventually get cavities in them unless they spend a lot of time brushing them.
No but be sure to get antibiotics even if doc says no, tell him not operating unless antibiotic scrip is given incase of infection.
There sure is.
Apparently when I got mine pulled I wound up denigrating the English crown while raving about the Revolutionary War. This happened in California. My dentist was an Indian.
I started doing that shit and my wisdom teeth began to grow in, impacted. it's been irritating me for the past year, bouts of swelling and pain.
cracked my molars too and now I probably need to get the wisdom teeth pulled anyway along with at least one molar
fuck that. only take antibiotics if you need them. if you keep the sockets clean of food and rinse your mouth with salt water a few times a day for a week or 2 after, you shouldn't have any problems.
honestly i regret having this done
also something to avoid are the anti-inflammatories they will give you, swelling is part of the body's natural healing process and retarding it only slows your recovery down.
>getting my wisdom teeth pulled
Why not just kill yourself and take your genetic defect with you?
>having wisdom teeth is a genetic defect
I thought Germans were supposed to be smart?
>Thinking they give you nitrous oxide for a dental procedure.
How the fuck would they be able to operate in your mouth when you're wearing a gas mask?
Yes, there is a chance you will ramble on like the complete moron you really are.
lol this unironically happened with me. good news is you'll be slurring most of your words.
they give it to you first. it's just for nerves, not for pain. the procedure itself usually doesn't take long.
I'm sorry for you, this is all common knowledge. We indeed don't need the appendix, it is also a vestigial structure and it totally useless. Just like wisdom teeth. The fact that you lump the gall bladder in with the appendix is a testament to Canadian education, or maybe it's just you.
one impacted was right up against the molar, causing food to get stuck there constantly followed by bad breath if I didn't floss it constantly. eventually the soreness was too much and I had it pulled. relief, after the first week. my whole jaw was way more sore than the actual extraction site
>implying gall bladders aren't removed all the time for these same "reasons"
I came out of the anesthesia during getting 4 of them pulled, guy had a pair of pliers in my mouth, blood everywhere and I apparently I grabbed the dental assistants tits. But I'm sure you won't make an arse of yourself. Especially now since you've jinxed it.
It's not the teeth themselves, it's the fact that you need to remove them. Same goes for the appendix. Properly functioning human bodies don't need surgeries.
>Are you sure you've ever had alcohol before?...
Yeah, seems your genes for drinking are shit. Others in my family have good drinking reactions too, it just makes most of (the males) cheerful, and nothing much else. "Worst", or drunkest should I say since it's not really "bad", would be the stage where you see everything as separate clips or something like that. Difficult to describe, but each distinct thing you do is like watching a short clip of it, and you forget stuff super quick. You do remember it if you go back and re-watch it in your head, but it's very easy to forget.
But yeah, different people I guess. Some just fall asleep from alcohol, others puke. I do neither, I actually get a more difficult time sleeping because it's drifting (spin, reset, spin, reset) too much to feel comfortable lying down. In any case, it doesn't actually affect you all that much. You just think that alcohol is the big deal people have told you it is, but it really isn't. Turns out it's really very weak, I do want to try other drugs and see how I react to those since alcohol is so disgustingly overhyped by people with weak minds.
I think that's what it comes down to, if you have a weak mind where you can't just center yourself easily again, then you might get pulled along. But if you just step out of yourself for a second and think about your situation, it's really not very difficult to handle. The key if you want to get down from it is to just keep in mind that it doesn't change you as a person (so to speak), only your body.
I wrote this much because faggots like you hype it up, and people believe that, re-telling it later. Don't. If you have good genes for drinking, alcohol just isn't all that. If you feel like you're being silly, stop it. Shut down any impulse, never act on impulse when drunk. Always filter your actions. It's like dream checking, just learn to do it.
OP is 12
I'm getting them removed because I've already had my teeth straightened with braces when I was younger. The wisdoms are pushing my teeth around, so they have to come out.
18 in 30 days.
B& for 30 days