Why do people still belive communism could work?
Pic related.
Communism, like Socialism, originates with the ancient Aryan peoples. Both systems are workable but not when they've been kiked. Modern Communism is absolutely kiked and thus can not work.
Because capitalism clearly doesn't.
At least it's got food, pinko
eh I wouldn't mind if but all the communists generally love "Diversity" so yeah its a no go for me
Capitalism works great until Commie assholes infiltrate our ranks and shit up everything for everyone
McCarthy was right
>i-it's not real capitalism ;_;
Because stupid people that don't open a book to read about stuff. The favorites of commies are idiots since are easy to puppet around.
What did Lenin lie about?
>tfw you're such a shit posting loser you have to put words into other people's mouths
How did commies cause the Great Depression then?
>people are too stupid to handle individuality
>therefore communism
Collectivist retards are like a pile of sticks. One stick can easily be broken but a pile of sticks is one big faggot.
Because people are still stupid.
>let jews run your government and banks
>bad shit happens
Capitalism sucks and communism is worse both for the same fucking reasons
It's actually an improvement over the dreck they normally spew.
>those numbers
>kek.. is that you?
Checked your flag lately?
decent get
a lot of people out there lack direction in life, especially women, need to be told what to do.
communism fills that void. The police tell you when to wake up, they make you work all day at gunpoint, the put you in line to get a meal, and they shoot you if you are out after curfew
communism is good for people who have no discipline.
>Capitalist states (in various forms) 100%
>True Communist state 0%
All evidence says its working better than communism.
But hey a good communist never lets things like, evidence, facts & logic keep their wild beliefs down.
Yeah, pretty much sums it up, doesn't it.
Those Jews were capitalists you dolt.
Jews hold both financial capitalism and dictatorial communism in their palms
Take the charter-pill
I know, right? You very clearly have no idea of what you're talking about.
>Why do people still belive communism could work?
It is the easiest way for intellectuals to gain power over everyone and destroy a country at the same time.
Hmm... if there was a third way or sorts
?????????????????????????????????? Is someone supposed to take your seriously with that flag?
>Because capitalism clearly doesn't.
How so?
I have a roof over my head, food in the larder, and leisure time to waste as I please, everything seems to be working just fine on my end.
Then why not gas the Capitalist Jews then the other Jews just to be safe?
>a third alternative to preserving private property, and abolishing private property
>said the flag of not real communism
>deteriorating environment
>diminishing future prospects
>and the economic crisis we're due for hasn't even hit yet
Well he promised communism for starters. To this day, its yet to exist. Same goes for Marx.
>central bank
>has total control of nation's money
>picks winners in the market
>thinks this is free market capitalism
Still better than mass starvation from the get go
I know exactly what I'm talking about.
I'll put it simply so you can understand.
Point to "True Communism" in ANY large scale ANYWHERE in the world.
Oh that's right you can't, because communism doesn't work, and 100 years of FAILURE is proof enough.
Communists never dispute the MURDERS, they just want to get pedantic over how many MILLIONS it was.
There is only one scale, the global scale.
So you freely admit, that communism isnt working and capitalism is.
Thank you.
>ppl like free shit
>easier to pass blame on others than for your own shortcomings
And from this post it is clear you dont know what capitalism is.
If communism "doesn't work", why are capitalists so shit scared of any attempt to achieve it? :^)
Yes those are all horrible things, but I don't see how communism solves any of them, nor do I see how they are concretely tied to my ability to own capital. How does sending the NKVD around to kick me out of the house I inherited from my parents and then fill it with niggers solve "the deterioriating environment" or "diminishing future prospects" user?
What do all these things have in common? A central planner controlling society with no voluntarism.
>inb4 not real socialism, in real socialism the means are controlled da bepo xDDDD
because you drag us down with you. If you want to go onto your own little island and do it with your buddies have at it.
Is dolt going to be a insult now?
You achieved it for 69 years over in Russia and it's working wonders right now in China and NK
When you control the material conditions of people's lives, you can reshape society. Like ensuring the damage to the environment is minimized.
Let them try it in space since all islands on this Earth are already private properties.
Because its always bloody revolution followed by decades of misery and then eventual collapse. Why the fuck would anyone be interested in that?
>why are capitalists so shit scared of any attempt to achieve it? :^)
is this bait?
>Like ensuring the damage to the environment is minimized.
How does stealing my house and filling it with niggers do that user?
Are Communists just anti-Semites in denial so they just blame bankers in general?
>The 100 years of proven failure
Why are you Communist so keen on trying the same exact thing again and again?
When are you Communist going to admit that communism always falls at the same point, and rather than relaying on already well disproved and frankly boring points, actually come up with how you're going to fix this massive fault in the steps to 'true' Communism?
Because as it stands.
Communism doesn't work.
Communism has never worked.
Communism will never work.
Communism. Doesnt. Work.
>it defends private property
>but it's not real capitalism, it's actually socialism
>*insert dicksucking a dictator that committed atrocities in defense of private property, like Hitler or Pinochet*
Homosexuality has alot to do with it
Oh, I don't actually consider weaselly reply to be serious.
What's wrong with communism? Imagine having a commune with all your best buddies and family , and you share your resource pool for the welfare of the community. What's wrong with that?
I promise you, with the growth of Alphabet and of international banks. This website will one day turn full force marxist, and will once again become the hub of resistance.
Not a fucking clue have you..
>actually come up with how you're going to fix this massive fault in the steps to 'true' Communism?
Fucking this, you always try to either implement the same shit or god forbid you somehow make it worse by including identity politics
So you don't actually have an answer as to how communism is supposed to magically fix the environment?
Why not become a socialist of the national verity then?
USSR was still a backwards, agrarian country back in the early 20th century. By mid 20th century it became one of the two leading world superpowers, became a nuclear armed nation, went to space and other planets, produced everything from grain to microchips. Sure average Soviet citizen led a pretty impoverished life compared to Mutts or Europeans but their starting point was so incredibly worse that USSR should be commended for advancing their societies by at least a century. Having the entire non 2nd world against you didn't exactly help either. And now China - at least partially a communist country - has taken the mantle of one of the world's leading superpowers
>its not socialism if private property exists
>despite there never being a point in time in which socialism has been tried private property didn't exist
>meanwhile the fucking government owns everything
Congrats on this seriously.
The US kill those even faster.
They also sent funding into Africa for decolonization.
Fucking based!
Old and tiresome propaganda line, There is enough food under Communism. It's food variery that is lacking
And yet it's still the single political system responsible for the acceleration of ALL modern technology.
>turns backwards countries into super-powers and industrial giants
>improves quality of life of the people
>advancement of science
>all minor stumblings are propagandized by capitalists as atrocities
>constantly harassed and antagonized from inception
>constant insistence it doesn't work, as you do your absolute damnedest to sabotage it
>actually come up with how you're going to fix this massive fault in the steps to 'true' Communism
Okay, it's simple - we launch the nukes next time.
>Okay, it's simple - we launch the nukes next time.
Based, make sure to hit Israel my National Bolshevik Brother!
>muh classless society
>which is controlled by a special class of people
US is a socialist country, also GIBS ME DAT FOR FREE
>with all your best buddies and family , and you share your resource pool for the welfare of the community
Except in Communism you're forced to share with the bottom of the fucking barrel and some of us also want to actually own our belongings and not be forced to share our hard earned belongings with Tyrone across the street who hasn't worked a day in his life
This is not at all true. USA only started NASA and funding higher education after it noticed USSR was cranking out thrice the number of university graduates than USA.
because I want to own things, I want the tractor to be MINE, not the "people's". This way when the tractor breaks down I know exactly who is to blame and it doesn't turn into a tragedy of the damn commons disaster.
>he doesn't know the US got their technology to set up NASA from Germany
NutSacs fuck off, and stop cloaking reactionary politics in progressive rhetoric, you pathetic loser pieces of shit.
If you buy into commie propaganda on Sup Forums, you'd see that people in the USSR averaged around 3000 calories a day. That's right, people in the USSR were fatter than contemporary Americans.
Yes and Germany would never have invented the jet plane if it weren't for the Nazis, amirite?
Because they still think they get free gibs from the state, when in reality, they get imprisoned if they don't work (Unemployment was literally illegal under eastern european communist regime, I was born there ffs)
Pic related
>be lacking behind literally every country in yuop
>cheat off their exam
Look at my copy and paste guise!
Besides the USSR is an example of "state capitalism", not communism.
Ever heard of operation paperclip, you retarded faggot?
Don't fucking quote Leftcom theory at me.
>muh reactionary politics
Not an argument, if Reactionaries had won in the first place Capitalism wouldn't have become a thing
Afterall, Marx himself says that it's the middle class that has set everything up by defeating the reactionaries and supporting Capitalism
Since Communism has failed, the solution is to turn back the clock to feudalism.
Prove me wrong.
Socialists are literally the same.
>If I control society it'll work this time
So you're saying USSR was in fact real communism?
Pepe is not a communist
For all the good that did, USSR accomplished all the actually relevant achievements first.