When attacked by JIDF, do not run. Confront endlessly, no matter how long it takes. Calling them a kike is easy, but wearing them down (which is their method) is much more satisfying.

Pay attention to the habits of the poster you wish to attack. What do they try to use to dissuade you? Religious methodology? Scripture? Stats? Graphs?

It doesn't matter, once a JIDF has been identified attack relentlessly. They will be back tomorrow, and the next day so your strength of debate will be endlessly sharpened.

JIDF can be identified easily. Recently it is all NEOCON MEME FLAGS, occasionally you'll see a Jackass or a Kekfuckistan, but as they believe only white rural retards have hatred, they will assume the form of those they detest the most.

The JIDF will grow tired of questions, as that is their tactic. The JIDF will attempt to move conversations to topics they feel superior on. Never give way, they are held up by a group belief system that requires no individual talent or skill.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion must be discussed regularly, and memes focused on easily digestible information will be my goal. I have none at the moment, merely wishing to state my intent and open the discussion. I loathe generals and the obsession with small scale conflicts is worthless.

There is one main enemy that must be identified endlessly. There are no allies here, only ideas. You come to this place to pat yourself on the back? You have already failed

Other urls found in this thread:


You are beneath us goyim. Ready for our world relic.

Your world is worthless and built on lies. It is an inevitability that it will fail

Discard these to be free to form opinions based on your own intake of knowledge:

E-Celebs (all of them)

Politicians (all of them are kike controlled, till the Great Day there is no true way to determine allegiances)

Hollywood Personalities (none of them will ever truly be /ourguy/)

Events as Dictated by News Headlines (bait to pull your focus on meaningless battles)

You try it goyim. We win and we shall always be over you.
Sage. sheddai

Take the blackpill. Accept that all components outside of yourself and your own knowledge are compromised, or can be compromised.

Take the important knowledge learned from here and release the rest.

Do not fall prey to fantasy. Take what is in front of you and begin to draw guidelines of possibilities. Take your own experiences from JIDF experiences on this board and relay them to the next.






Noted. Thanks my fellow go- I mean white brother! 14/88!




I will gladly do that. In fact I'll dedicate my life to it. There's an NSA database with your name on it schlomo, and all your Israeli moles.


It doesn't matter what you do, we will hunt down each and one of your gentile nazi fucks, count on it. This time we will make YOU suffer.


Heavy heavy psy-ops being conducted on Sup Forums

Keep using easily digestible memes/graphs/infographics which encourage people to look into things themselves.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. You should be afraid.


You paid anti-Semitic shills. You're sponsored either by radical Islamic groups or similar who are banned in the normie social media.

>who owns the nsa.
>Who owns your economy
>who owns you
>Your short sight is our victory.

Understand that there are multiple layers of shills on this board. There are opinions they want to have solidified in your brain.

They are not just Shareblue. I am no insider, merely an observer. There have been thorough attempts at astroturfing, they fucked up after the shooting. They really fucked up going right into gun debate. I saw it, and I know others did.

That tiny exposed weakness of intent. Kikes always give away their true feelings, as they are proud of them, like the inbred usually are.

>is a jew

every time

>You paid anti-Semitic shills

Your name is on a list by posting on this board. It'll never leave you know. If it did, you could be found again and again. It would be so easy



I secretly hope my name is on a list and I will be contacted to work so I can stop being a NEET, but alas I doubt that day will ever come.

Very heavy, so heavy I'm still trying to figure out where it's going. It isn't good though. When you see people's heads start to turn towards a specific direction, you have to wonder who is doing the pointing.

I will be attempting to make memes as I get the ideas down. I'm thinking of reformulating the Protocols for the new age gold fish brains.

Do you understand how stupid you sound? Jews literally think that GOD CHOSE THEM. You are the only people in the world who ACTUALLY THINK
>We wuz kangz

You'll get taken care of first scholmo, then it's the Islamists turn. You're a different side of the same subversive coin. I will melt you down

Heil Hitler thank you brother. this was very informative.



You don't find it ironic that the systems you set up to control the goys have only made it even easier for people to realize the monsters you are? I went from liberal-lite to kike hating machine within the last two years. I've been on this board for 10+ years.

Think of what I could do with the info we have. The fresh young minds full of hate and no direction? You can only bash white people so long before they become fresh and cool.

Nothing is cool about a jew. Ugly and an abomination to nature

Correction, on this *site for 10+ years

when it was actually about drawing lines in the sand and protecting everyones right to a nation and freedom from the jews.

Good on him if that's true. I doubt all of it is though, kikes run on a pure formula of 80% water 20% poison.

I had those thoughts until I realized that kikes control every agency and until I see otherwise will never trust the mud brains they put in those positions.

Thats why part of my hope is that it happens after the swamp is drained.

Why is it that whenever you call out someone using the mutt meme, they mock you?

I believe that the ones that throw kike and shill around at other like crazy are in fact kikes and shills. They will offer no other bit of dialogue except

>Look at this shill
>Kike shill
>Shut up shill kike

There is always something to say unless you are a retard. If they call you a kike and can't say anything else then I think that speaks wonders.

Look at this mutt, he thinks his opinion matters.

see!!!!!I told you mutt memes and 56% was a Jewish psy op. All you need to understand to notice the shills is that they project Jewish insecurities onto everyone else.

Pic related is you.

>muh we need to find all jew posters on here because they are evil and trying to destroy society
This is what happens when you follow a conspiracy theorist, psychotic, racist ideology to the end. At least it makes for good entertainment. Continue

Feels good, desu.

That's something that has been bothering me. The swamp is thought of as the main part of the problem. But you have jewish insidiousness rooted in almost all aspects of this country. It's so bad we're at the point that I don't think we're living in America anymore. I think the parasite has fully taken over the host.

That's why I think education on this subject is important. There are much smarter people than me on this board. I am horrible with specifics, but I have a strong desire to remind others that we are endlessly dealing with this problem, and that fully focusing everything on Trump and whether or not that happens saps all our collective thought and abilities.

We rely on those battles to claim victory, but do not truly change the system. It's (((their))) system and any victories are not our own. As long as they can keep hiding and fighting on their terms it's a losing battle.

They cannot stand strength. They are the anti-life

Why does "The Chad" have a pedophile symbol on his shirt?


The swamp is the Jews.

I like the mutt memes. They don't apply to me, but I think they are funny and maybe that's why.

Plus they help identify JIDF and those that won't discuss. Those that don't discuss, are surface level and jelly brained

Well the chad is getting paid by Jews afterall.

The deep state IS the Jewish state.


>They don't apply to me
Sure they don't.

JIDF doesn’t shill on this board you Schitzo retard just normal fags


I'm not saying you're wrong, you're 100% correct. What I mean is that there's even more to it than that. These people themselves are a curse on this Earth.

You're not wrong and I am sorry to appear like I was disagreeing

I can never prove it so why have a debate about it? You want me to describe my facial features on this site? Are you fucking retarded?

Here let me just give them my complete online profile, just so I can prove to some cunt that he's wrong.

I'll fuck your mother with my uncircumcised cock

Yeah. There's currently 14k+ sealed FEDERAL indictments. Mueller is taking down the deep state.

Pic related is you, OP.

>JIDF doesn’t shill on this board you Schitzo

Kek, sure you will.

First time here? There's a thing called lurking, most idiots fresh off the boat don't even know what that means.

Enjoy the stay, you'll learn soon. They can't deny this thread. You think a kike can help any of his action? The joke is that they think they are in control. They're a species of parasite fully programed to subvert and destroy.

>Hurdur paid shills by Soros

I know, I hear it all the time. I'm not just sitting around waiting for that anymore though. If I was Trump literally upon taking office I would have arrested every known kike and kike puppet. Immediately. His lack of action will cause many problems to continue for a very long time.

You get in, you don't hesitate and you finish what needs to be done. We're dealing with levels of theatrics that people on the ground level dealing with the everyday don't have time for. We are on a time limit with huge potential hazards growing on a daily basis.

There is no time anymore to sit around and wait. And I'm not talking like feds do on here, trying to gaslight everyone into become a terrorist. I'm talking about a war of ideas. A true Shadow War that they cannot win. They cannot win against clearly definable accounts of their actions. People know, and they will know more.

i thought conventional wisdom was to ignore shills. Now you suggest we devote all this energy engaging with them? isn't that how they get shekels deposited? by getting (you)'s and sucking the collective energy out of this place. I think ignoring is a better tactic, or some simple name calling, but i don't know

37 millions dollars for shitposting? Shit. I do it for free. These fucking kikes are paid for everything.

>be amerimutt on Sup Forums
> Browising on Sup Forums someone mocks you for being a mutt
Look if the memes are bothering you just say that mutt.

Did I say that? You can't take on things that I'm saying, you only have very bad memes.

Semantics and personal insults are the last legs of a loser that can't form an argument.

>Gas tuh kikes
>Muh illuminati Jews

That's why these kikes are losing badly. Everything we do is organic and actually based on truths. Jews shill blatant lies and regurgitate the same bullshit every day.

My point is that we drive them out by wearing them down. It takes very little effort for me to continuously post at them until they get tired or, as I have found since the shooting, they do actually admit they are jewish usually. Kinda proudly. It's how I know I've broken them down. They expect you to keep it simple or ignore them.

What problems go away by ignoring them? They get paid to exist. Jews are fucking scum

>Implying your batshit insane arguments are worthy of serious replies.

Where do you get an image to have that sort of filename? I keep seeing it with certain types of posts. Mainly by the dashes separating the numbers and letters.

Got nothing huh? It's like I'm wiping my ass after pissing, expecting shit to be there.




Hol up
I’ve only been here for a year..or two myself.
Has Sup Forums only gone anti semetic in the last couple of years? I assumed it must have been like this a lot longer.


>man yells at computer monitor
Did you just now have an epiphany about how shills work? If people do not understand how to determine all of this on their own they are fucking idiots and you won't teach them anything anyway





>muh shill
Imagine being this much of a retarded mutt


Now let me up your game a level, there are free mason shills here and jesuits not just kikes bet you had no clue about this did you? You think you are "red pilled" but you are just a baby my friend only at the beginning


Kikes are mad.

You need a break from internet

ahhh your awareness is higher than the usual morons around here you are "noticing" things you want to know the whole truth start here

You will find what you are looking for on that channel enjoy

Wow JIDF is really shilling hard.

