For all the shit that is Apocrypha, that Dracula vs 5 servants fight was pretty great

For all the shit that is Apocrypha, that Dracula vs 5 servants fight was pretty great.

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I guess it was OK. I wouldn't call it great.

Who is stronger?

Arcueid 30% vs Dracula ?

Arcueid has the strength of 4 Servants.
Dracula handle multiple demi-gods servants.

He was running from them the whole time and the moment Karna got in one good hit it was over.

Achilles alone was thrashing him

Could you actually see the fight? Shit looked like a mess to me. Could barely tell what was happening.

It wasn't meant to be a fight. Vlad was running towards the Grail the whole time, that's why he didn't try hit Karna when he immobilized him, and why he was constantly on the move. It was Vlad rushing for the Grail while the other five Servants maneuvered him into position for Karna to immolate him.

>he conveniently ignored the part that Vlad was still trying to screw over Darnic
It's the only reason Shirou hit him with slow ass knives. Unrestrained Dracula would wreck everyone.

This wasn't the true Version of Vlad for Fate. If Vlad wasn't hindered by Darnic he would of owned all of the Heroes there due to his Aura, and Kazilik Bay. Karna was barely damaging him even with Vlads Weakness to fire/sunlight. This version of him could of been drawn out so much better but they made the Vampire version look like utter shit.

Dracula shouldn't be an angry beast. He should be smooth and elegant.
That aside, this has been good so far. I like a bunch of the servants and masters, and Jeanne and Sieg haven't been too offensive yet. Is it afterwards it goes to shit?

Arcueid has this thing called planetary backup in which the planet gives her just enough power to defeat enemy she's currently fighting. But it only works on single target basis, so it's not as useful when she's fighting multiple opponents.

was the still-alive vlad strong?

Because in flashback, he look pretty weak,
but as servant, in romania, he can fight karna.

Does a fame boost can make a servant stronger than when he was alive?

Can she be defeated by Zero Assassin, or Iskander NP?

>Shirou does holy church stuff to kill the vampire
>A Saint just buffs the other heroes but can't give off some holy aura or something to kill the vampire.

I don't get this at all.

Depends on the Servant.

There are Servants who were actually stronger than their myths. Gilgamesh is one such example. On the other hand, heroes who weren't especially powerful when they were alive can get power-ups thanks to their fame. It's how all these playwrights, artists and authors get so powerful. Why the fuck does Alexander Dumas have the power to create Noble Phantasms that surpass their respective legends? Because fame. How does it work? I don't know. There's literally no myth or legend that states that Dumas was some weaponsmith. It's just that he had a tendency to write stories based on other stories that surpassed those stories in terms of popularity, so I guess this translates to him being able to make Noble Phantasms.

And Richard was a huge autist, so his sheer autism lets him turn anything into Excalibur and summon other heroes from the Throne of Heroes. Because he was that much of an autist.

>Kazilik Bay
why can't anyone spell this shit correctly

No. Even if you sneak up on Arcueid, without some rulebreaker like the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, you can't really kill her. Hundred-Face Hassan has nothing he can use to take her down. It's like trying to sneak up on and kill a mountain with a knife. King Hassan might be able to do it, but not Hundred-Face. Also, individually, they're all pretty weak.

As for Iskander, all Arcueid would really need to do is use planetary backup to shatter the Reality Marble.

marble phantasm gg

Isn't it the other way round?
This is why she is weak to Gil, he has a ton of firepower but isn't numerically strong so she doesn't get backup. If she faced more servants she would get buffed proportionally.
I doubt those assassins could even harm her if they don't even have named weapons. F/SN assassin might be able to inflict some heavy damage however.
Reality marbles are ineffective since Gaia crushes them when Arc is present

They should have included his arch nemesis, Mehmed II the conqueror.
What a wasted opportunity
Anyway didn't he wanted to unite all Abrahamic religions under one banner?
He would be prime servant material desu

Nope. Only works on single-target basis at the moment. It might change as of the Remake, but for now, that's how it is. The reason Gilgamesh trumps her is because the backup doesn't take all the weapons in his treasury into account.

>Can [X] be defeated by Zero Assassin

No, never

I didn't take the time to google the correct spelling, sorry.

Kazıklı Bey, means Duke with Stake right?

apparently yes

They gain Conceptual NP, but no parameter boost (aside of NP).

- Rho-aius
- gate of babylon
- Li Shuwen one kill hit
- Nero NP
- Lancelot knight of honor
- Berserker god hand
- Vlad Legend of dracula
- La pucelle

Theses NP didn't exist when they were alive. It is servant-only NP

Nope. You're misinterpreting things.

Gilgamesh had Gate of Babylon when he was alive. He explicitly used it against Enkidu, and that's where he got the idea for swordspam. Li Shuwen's one-hit kill was also something he developed in this unvierse.

After seeing the ep I went through the wiki and found there's a whole other world and lore about vampires in this universe, pretty neat, do I have to play tsukihime to learn more about them?

Yes go play Tsuki

Tsukihime is amazing but compared to most of the fate stuff there won't be much fighting or action, especially in the far side routes

Jeanne is stupid.
It's actually worse because Jeanne does Saint shit later, so she could have easily done the same to Dracula but she just didn't

>27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series
>1/Primate Murder: Invincible killer. White beast. Gaia's monster that follows only Altrouge. Although not a Dead Apostle, he mimics Altrouge, so he got a taste for human blood. Has absolute authority over whether to kill or let live a person.
>2/The Dark Six: The first Dead Apostle. The first system. But it hasn't reached 100% completion.
>3/Brunestud of the Crimson Moon: The Ultimate One.
>4/Zelretch: Magic user. Extremely benign, but also one of the most righteous of people. Resembles a certain comic's Kujo Jotaro, rumored to have challenged Brunestud of the Crimson Moon because of simple dislike.
>5/ORT: ORT. Lives in a South American village. Has a form similar to a spider.
>6/Rizo-Waal Strout: Black Knight Strout. Possesses the magical sword Neardark. One of the top 3. Because of his curse of time, he is thought to be invincible. One of Altrouge's guards. Satsujinki's rival in Tsukihime 2 (*laugh*) No... there is no Tsukihime 2.
>7/Einnashe: Used to be a normal Dead Apostle. The current Einnashe is of the second generation.
>8/Fina-Blood Svelten: White Knight. Demon of Stratovarius. Has a liking for little boys, so he sucks only male blood. Sponsors a high-class parade, is the captain of a ghost squad. What the heck is that about? One of Altrouge's guards.

>9/Altrouge Brunestud: Vampire of the Dead Apostles. Mix of True Ancestor and Dead Apostle. Can be called Arcueid's big sister. But her look is that of a 14-year-old girl. Ususally, she has no special powers, and can't even teleport. But she can, like a magical girl, transform in two stages or something like that.
>10/Nrvqsr Chaos: Refer to Tsukihime.
>11/Stanrobe Calhin: Nickname: "City Eater". Big eater. Although destroyed by the church, his essence was enough to destroy everything and everyone related to him. But his annoying qualities could not be matched by any other.
>13/????: Only rumored to exist. TATARI (disaster). Tried to make his existence into a phenomenon, but his existence ended.
>15/Rita Rozay-en: Typical high-class vampire. Inherited her master's property. Does whatever she pleases. But never satisfied. Perhaps a fault of crooked personality? Has a good relationship with Sumire. Thinks that when one dies, the other will probably be the killer. Uh... are they really friends?
>17/Trvhvmn Ortenrosse: Whitesmith. One of the top Dead Apostles. Doesn't have a special ability - thinks that a vampire doesn't need any, and should just excel at being a vampire. A noble who thinks "Simple is Best". But also considered to be in the 17th place. Has the largest property out of all the Dead Apostles. One most acquainted with modern technology.
>20/Merem Solomon: Usually, he hunts vampires, and is a member of the Burial Agency. Possesses one of the four legendary horses. Although he's a traitor, the others tolerate him. Rumored to be a secret fan of Arcueid.
>EX/Michael Roa Valdamjong: Refer to Tsukihime. One who wanted to achieve the ultimate magic.

thanks, I wonder why they didn't make any adaptation for it or why we didn't see other vampires before, I mean we tons of fate stuff, and vampires vs servants looks awesome

>>Although not a Dead Apostle, he mimics Altrouge, so he got a taste for human blood. Has absolute authority over whether to kill or let live a person.

He sure likes to mimic his owner

It's only going to get more and more complicated with the remake coming (soon [tm]) now that nasu's established the whole light of humanity deal, but yes porkslope and early meltan are the primary sources of any actual dead apostle/true ancestor lore

There was an animated adaptation, but people like to pretend it doesn't exist. There was also a comic adaptation of the Arcueid route of Tsukihime, has well as a number of adaptations for MELTY BLOOD.

At the moment, Nasu is (allegedly) rewriting Tsukihime in preparation for proper commercial distribution.

I found out some concepts in F/GO pretty stupid,

but tsukihime concepts are retarded.

>jokingly written side material makes stuff look dumb

>white long hair
>sacrifices his friends for MUH DREAM
>sword fighter
>obviously a faggot

Is this the new Griffits?

What about everyone else on his list ?

Tsukihime is very different from Fate. I'm reading it right now and i am shocked because every single girl is good. Not even Currybutt is bad.

Currybutt's fairly unpopular. She was originally supposed to be cuter, but, well.

>Originally, Ciel-senpai was cute, and the staff all liked her too. Aaah... where did it go so wrong... she ended up as such a sober girl... (*cries*)

Which route are you on?
Who's the best so far?

Wait, really? I thought she was pretty cute.

I think she's pretty cute, i don't get all the hate. Is it because she kinda looks like a boy?

I'm really slow, i'm still in Arc's route.
I like all the girls so far but Kohaku makes my heart pound everytime i see her. When she opened the door to the manor i instantly fell in love, she's so warm it really feels like she's a normal person with no hidden agenda. Arc sometimes acts agressive, Ciel goes cold, Hisui is half of the time emotionless and Akiha acts like a bitch, but Kohaku, she's just kind.

keep on reading and leave this thread right now

I watched CP and played a bit of Melty Blood so i know most of the stuff already.

But i will take your advice since i'm really enjoying it.

>it really feels like she's a normal person with no hidden agenda
Yep, she's just a nice girl. Nothing more.

She doesn't get along with anyone other than Shiki, she's secretly asocial, she has an "anything goes" mentality where she'll use any dirty means to get what she wants, she's self-righteous, hypocritical, inflexible, confrontational, and her first response to dealing with new people is either to deceive them or be a dick.

>tfw you will never watch telly with Kohaku at midnight.
>tfw you will never hunt vampires at 1AM with Arcueid.
>tfw you will never eat lunch with Ciel.
>tfw you will never tease Hisui mercyless.
>tfw you will never invite Hisui and Kohaku to eat dinner at the table to make Akiha angry.

Putting aside horrible animation and retarded looking vampire, they also managed to butcher Darnic’s character in just a couple of minutes. They completely cut out motivation behind his actions though it was written in the novel. The whole thing about prophecy that gave him a fixation over his family’s continuation and his real goal, for what exactly did he heed Akashic records. Not only that, he acted very calm and restrained for the whole time before, like a 100-years old man would actually behave. He didn’t go mad even when the Grail was stolen. But then he suddenly bursted into hysterics and the most stereotypical villain’s laugh. It looked so fucking trite and out of character for him. Like they needed to rush this episode badly and decided to just make him look evil in a single moment, even though before there were no definite ‘good’ and ‘bad’ guys here. Maybe all this shit is really a result of their lack of time for this episode. If they need a recap when there is only around 10 episodes left for three volumes, I think they are out of schedule and had no time to properly draw and write a better scrip for this episode.

It was just Vlad running away the whole time and getting his ass kicked. Made him look like a chump, despite trying to play him up as a threat. Animation was dogshit, as usual. Also the Dracula design looked awful. If he's actually supposed to be based on the legend of dracula then he'd look like a normal man with sharp teeth and a horrifying presence, not some winged black-skinned monster.

>it really feels like she's a normal person with no hidden agenda

The only good girls are Len, Sacchin, Sion, Roastbeef.

But that is what makes her cute, at the end of the day you know that Ciel hates herself the most and just needs a hug.

>do I have to play tsukihime to learn more about them
At this point just wait for the remake, should be almost finished by now.

Retarded village girl.

>Dracula handle multiple demi-gods servants boosted by command spells


I miss the days when TYPE-MOON powerlevels only involved who could kill ORT

Also the 27's chuuni powers rubbed me the right way.
>Vampire is killed in a forest
>the vampire was so broken that the forest absorbs his vampirism and vecomes a vampire forest

>Merem is smug kid that teases Ciel. He can just imagine whatever the fuck monster he wants and it becomes real

>katto katto katto katto KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTOOO

[insert joke about the remake and how we will never have it during our lifetime here]

Could Gilgamesh beat Vlad?

he is not dracula. except when he is.

Gilgamesh could beat fucking Arcueid at 30%, in theory and with luck. Who the fuck is Vlad compared to Arc?

In a sense they were trying to stop him and he was just trying to get to the grail. For what we say i think its safe to assume he would at least have trashed Achilles, Atalanta or Chiron.

Still the fact that Jeanne didnt think of using any Saint shit on him was retarded.

He punches Karna against a wall. Mistblasts Achilles against the other wall. Atalanta makes him fall with her arrows. He blasts her off with his spears. Chiron kicks him and nails him to a wall. Achilles hits him, he runs away, Karna incinerates him. No effect. Second incineration seems about to be about to damage him but the Shiro shit happens.

He did pretty ok considering his rivals. Also, saying that he was on the run is saying little, you cant fight against 4 servants and not be running. If you stay still they are gonna try to NP nuke your shit.


Gil would stomp Vlad with minimal effort

How would Heracles fare in this grail war?

>>katto katto katto katto KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTOOO
Katto is the coolest and a better dracula than Vlad.

Eventually cath palug would have lost it's authority to kill humans but by that point he would already absorbed enough envy from them to keep growing into beast IV

>actually liking Ciel

I think it's lord impaler, but I don't know the language

why didn't dracula transformed all the red servants when they were vulnerable from their master getting killed?

Sunrise was coming.

Darnic's retarded command spells made him have OCD for the grail above all else

plus Chiron and Avicebron were still spamming him with their stuff

If he brought out ea, but his ego is far to massive to ever let him do that in any sort of timely manner. Really all you need to worry about with gil is sword spam and maybe chains

Berserker? Actually pretty decent if he had a strong Master like Illya to rein him in.

Holy shit, Y'all know that Gilgamesh VA also voices the best lol champion?

Did A1 fucked up the Dracul design?

Pfft. Illya was the crowning jewel of the Einzberns. You'd be lucky to find a magus with even a fraction of her ability.

Even putting aside how much of mana hog Herakles is, moreso as a Berserker, the vast majority of magi don't actually have the capacity to restore God Hand's stock of lives. Once a stock is gone, that's it.

Of course, ordinarily, this isn't that much of an issue. Servants generally only have one life, so having TWELVE lives is pretty much a huge advantage, even if they can't be restored.

I'm confused is Illya an Imouto or a oneesan. I never watched the anime seriously. I just watched the first episode than the last three episodes.

Gil's "sword spam" has status effects. They're all noble phantasms and they have passive abilities he can use. Like the scythe that can cut through distance itself that he used against saber.

Holy shit yes it looked terrible

Easily, I mean Karna shouldnt have "struggled" desu. He's a fucking Sun God.

Illya was born earlier than Shirou, and she's approximately eighteen years old by Fate/stay night. However, mentally and physically, she can't advance beyond the form of a prepubescent girl.

>supposed to be the 'Main character'
>Only starts actively doing shit halfway through the series

She's so much lamer than irl Joan

It's not like being lamer than the real Joan is hard

Are there circumstances under which vlad would voluntarily use THAT?

No one is the main character in Aposhit.

When summoned as Berserker, his Mad Enhancement is EX rank. The only difference in his sanity is that he will use his vampire powers.

I mean as lancer. As berserker he has no choice since it's auto-active

I feel like she's somehow better in Fate/Grand Order than in Fate/Apocrypha.

>britbongs btfo

The show would be a lot more entertaining if the servants were more like their real counterparts instead of weebshits.

So, like

Half of them don't exist and the others are normal people?

man I love amakusa I remember how hard it was on samurai shodown

Nasu tends to like writing characters in a way that changes them during the war rather than being shadows of their history, so he would probably pair him up with a Master that would give him a different view on the perception of his clan. For example, a Master who idolizes Dracula not as a monster, but rather as a refined creature beyond anything that could be called "monstrous". That would eventually lead to him considering that maybe "it's not so bad after all", and use it willingly and probably not seem like as much of a mad beast while in that form.

>Gilgamesh could beat fucking Arcueid at 30%, in theory and with luck.
The luck is on Arcuied's side if anything. Nasu said Gilgamesh is the one with high compatibility in that fight. She's going to be the one annoyed the entire fight because its an opponent that her normal buffs and boosts don't work against.

> Q: Who is stronger, Gilgamesh or Arcueid (30%)? While Arcueid has the strength of 4 Servants, I remember there being a scene in hollow implying that Gil was the equivalent of 5 Servants + a.
>A. In the definition of Arcueid's strength, there's this thing where "her output changes according to her opponent". As an absolute order taken from her backup, the planet, she is allowed only an output a little stronger than her opponent. And. Single entity abilities of Arc and Servants are roughly on the same level
>Servants use their respective Noble Phantasms while Arc uses her unlimited backup to fight, and differences occur depending on affinity. A simple-is-best Arc is an all rounder, and so generally her chances of winning are only high, but there are those opponents that she just has helplessly awful compatibility with.
>For example, in cases where even if the guy's stats are about the same as Arc, he has a ridiculously large number of weapons with high versatility. As the amount Arc is allowed to take out is based on "single entity ability", against types like Gil-sama, well, you see?
>And the "5 Servants + a" line is a comparison of simple "firepower". Like with the "corpses", foot soldier level opponents aren't going to be avoiding their attacks, so the ones who'd have the advantage are the ones who have more weapons. The reason why Servants excellent at one-on-one combat didn't stand out in Broad Bridge was because of this. Also, for normal Arc, she would get approximately the equivalent of 2 Servants single entity stats.

Arc is technically equal to one or two servants output normally

Real jeanne was a sassy brit hating whore-shamer. Apocrypha would have been better if martha was ruler instead.she would have punched vlad to death.