Did you just say Russia isn't STRONK?

Did you just say Russia isn't STRONK?

Poland gets fucked by missile that flies around the world 3 times for the hell of it.

And it has T-i-g-e-r-s.
Nice trips


We have the one thing you've always coveted.


That polandball ripoff russian cartoon is the most cringeworthy thing to have come along in awhile. Someone post the cartoons with poland tearing russia new asshole.. i love those.

Apparently, Russia is so "STRONK" it destroyed the entire political establishment with emails.

>I just build a nuke that can destroy half the planet with a single strike

>expecting anyone to take you seriously after that

>Someone post the cartoons with poland tearing russia new asshole.. i love those.
Those are the dumbest one. Russia would rape Poland off the map.

there you go



chinks don't have big cocks

Russia is the only hope of the White race. Russia is STRONK but should become much STRONKER...

...and crush Poland and the Baltics just for the lulz.

>...and crush Poland and the Baltics just for the lulz.

>no sunglasses on those sculpted buttcheeks
missed opportunity






in 20 years I think Poland will do to Russia what Russia did to Poland and economics and demographics confirm, No one will care because at that stage Russia and its 80 year old dictator will be about as credible a nation as Pakistan


Das rite. I was hoping somebody would make that one.

You're deluded. Poland is poorer than Estonia.

Russia can suck my freedom shitting ass

Poland has always been the bitch of Germany and Russia.

Lol, you don't get it.

But I believe that Ukraine raping Russia, or European Union raping Israel would be even funnier cuz it's unrealistic absurd.





I can’t stop watching.



Please collaborate


I saw a Russian today being arrested. He was without a shirt or shoes an appeared to be high on something or drunk. The pavement was blocked while the police restrained it and I asked the policewoman who was controlling the low of pedestrians what would happen to it. She just said he was going straight to court and immediate deportation as Russians are expensive to jail due to their propensity for savagery, so the judge would probably immediately deport it. I've been thinking a lot about why other nations allow any Russians in their territory at all. After all Russia points nukes at most of our nations so why tolerate their people, who are inclined to be criminals.

Personal favourite



wtf is this shit?

Incoming: best

Also I'm tired


fuck you can't meme can you?


I bet you are Chinese.

The fuck you mean. Lose fag flag.

>earth not raped too

>shitty eurotrash memes.

>The fuck you mean. Lose fag flag.

I man these memes are shit and gay. I'll loose the flag If you loose the false proxy flag


Proxy removed. Your turn, jew.

>The fuck you mean. Lose fag flag

You a Russian on holiday in Uruguay or are you jut a complete faggot behind a proxy?

Why vatniks are faggots the thread

>Proxy removed. Your turn, jew

No one would ever guess you are Russian user. Why are your memes so shit?

do you have hte original tiger one with russian text???? please repost I can't find it


Based Russia destroyer of every other nation except NL because we are bro's

Fucking gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaye selfpumping


>Based Russia destroyer of every other nation except NL because we are bro's

Do you realise that its fucking obvious you are the same retarded vatnik faggot?

What the actual fuck. Poland has so many problems in many years there will only be 20 million poles inside Poland whole Russia is fixing the ethnic Russian growth

i want to do more OC like that
give me more ideas vlad

Sorry canadabro, no luck

I just now got this.
It's the asshole!

I may belong in Rossiya, but you definitely belong in Reddit.

Sure you do. Stop though because its really lowering the already low standard of vatnik lada proxy self pump posting.


Us schoolshooter getting chinked

i want to place vietnamball and a scared americanball here but i don't know how

>I may belong in Rossiya, but you definitely belong in Reddit.

You're gay as fuck m8 and just make Russia look like a land of memeless queers

that's the vietcom flag tho

>I just now got this.

That vatnik for your a faggot?

I am lost? Since when has Poland been important in the world?

Have they neonazi government brainwashed their population now making them believe then are important and can fuck Russia?

is it just me or are these American version memes just low quality Russian shills?

>"Axaxa look america get assraped too))))"

You're asking the wrong (and pointless) questions, jewboy.

The real question is, how do we get rid of our Freemason governments?

As in "we, the entire world".

THAT is the question you need to ask bitchboi.


Poland does many good things but they overhype it too much
Just like the Russian ones were made by literally degenerate liberashka's and some dumb r/autism followed the trend

>China has effecient little tiger

yeah. instead we should import more niggers, spics, and other shitskins since they are model citizens.

>not enjoying the best meme of 2018
I pity you faggot

Go suck the Vatican's cock Poland lover!

Jewtin, Jerkel, Junker, Jrump, Jingping, Jrewdeau... all Freemason Kike puppets.



there will never be ANY SOLUTION TO ANYTHING

This. The thread reeks of reddit though, wtf happened to lurk moar


This meme sucks. Oh it was good for a chuckle the first time, hurr durr that one country got fucked in the butt by the other one. Look at as his gaping ass hole and how sub human the country that did the raping is.

It's boring. Nobodies doing anything interesting with this shit. It's just the same joke over and over. I miss the old country balls. At least people were trying to be original. This is 9gag level copy paste may-may work.



will ever get done


>meanwhile in reality

>this meme sucks now that my shithole is the target

Poland/Vietnam buddy cop movie when?

STFU, elitist shit. I've got countless archived polanball, countryball and memesphere dumps, and not one comes even close in lels to a single T-I-G-E-R-S dump.

Polanball was good, yes, but it was also political, got too serious and elaborate.

thanks Poland.

Anyone can explain this meme to me?


>it's only funny when it's not me

exactly... Ukraine, especially the Khazarian menace. We need to nuke them out of existence, Them and the rest of the fake jews in Pissrael.

It's the only option to clean house.

Just ignore the butt hurt faggots. I feel like we're being raided by t_d niggers

gimp dot org my future image editing intellectual

And this will happen next, with or without you faggots.

You both don't get it. It's about making fun of Russia, while also shitting on Poland. You actually has to know a little bit of history to appreciate the irony of Polacks spamming this meme.