Chuck Schumer votes against nominee because he's white

We cannot allow this shit anymore.

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Schumer is a paradoxical redpill. Isn't discrimination fucking illegal?

Awful stuff. How can Dems support this?

hes gonna be replaced come the civil war. dotr is very real now.

racist chuck schumer

the unchecked racism of kikes and niggers and spics against whites has gone on long enough

you cant discriminate against white people

If a black runs against him, does that mean Schumer will automatically give up his seat?

>hes gonna be replaced come the civil war. dotr is very real now.

I think either civil war or secession is inevitable at this point.

If it doesn't happen, then the US will turn into South Africa in 20 years.

What are the demographics of his district?

*whisper* soon

How is it that Jews escape all of this White hate even though they are on average more privileged than any white person and also complete nepotists

Typical Loxist Kike.


don't be so antisemitic goy

the audacity of this fucking kike

Why does no one call him out for discrimination?

Can we just get the civil war over with already? I am going to be too old to fight when it happens if we wait a few years. Let's just get it done already. Everyone knows its coming. Let's just get it over with and balkanize already.

He represents the entire state of New York

Thanks entirely to the faggots in NYC. New York needs to balkanize.

>John G. Roberts, Jr. - White
>Anthony M. Kennedy - White
>Clarence Thomas - Black
>Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Jewish
>Stephen G. Breyer - White
>Samuel A. Alito, Jr. - White
>Sonia Sotomayor - Hispanic/Latino
>Elena Kagan - Jewish
>Neil M. Gorsuch - White

So, around 50% white, 10% black, 10% hispanic, 20% Jewish.

What did he mean by this?

This fucker has got to go

And why not? Please explain your hypocrisy.

Because the Holocaust literally put them in the safe zone for any form of criticism. If whites disappear they will have a bunch of niggers left that don't give a shit about Jewish problems cause they aren't guilt ridden.

Democrats are the epitome of evil masquerading around as the saviors of the human race. They are everything they claim to hate and everything they claim to fight against.


It's real


Nice bait

>It's extremely unlikely Schumer, himself a white male, will step aside anytime soon to balance out the mix.

When will the media be brave enough to start calling Jews out for what they are?

>Because the Holocaust
That worked well for a while but it doesn't mean shit to kids nowadays, especially not spics, kebabs and nogs. I don't think it will work much longer.

except (((Chuck Schumer))) is doing just that

More Jews.

>So, around 50% white, 10% black, 10% hispanic, 20% Jewish.
>What did he mean by this?

Same shit as the #oscarssowhite bullshit.
They push diversity when they should be giving jewish jobs to white people and hispanics to match demographics.

>Jew calling for equal representation

I stand corrected...

>John G. Roberts, Jr. - White
>Anthony M. Kennedy - White
>Clarence Thomas - Black
>Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Jewish
>Stephen G. Breyer - JEWISH
>Samuel A. Alito, Jr. - White
>Sonia Sotomayor - Hispanic/Latino
>Elena Kagan - Jewish
>Neil M. Gorsuch - White

So, around 40% white, 10% black, 10% hispanic, 30% Jewish.

What did he mean by this?

Even the link shortener knows

Also remember that Jews are like 2% of the population. So the ratio gets fucking outlandish for the amount of over representation they have.

This is just the Jewish trick of pretending to be white while he usurps whites.

Those are all white people

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y, said Thursday he would vote against the confirmation of one of President Trump’s judicial nominees because the candidate is white.

This is not a loose paraphrase of what he said. It is nearly verbatim his explanation for his “no” vote on the nomination of Marvin Quattlebaum to the U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina. The only thing missing is the senator stating specifically that he couldn't support a white nominee because two African-American nominees had failed to pass a Senate vote.

“The nomination of Marvin Quattlebaum speaks to the overall lack of diversity in President Trump’s selections for the federal judiciary,” Schumer told senators. “Quattlebaum replaces not one, but two scuttled Obama nominees who were African-American.”

He added, “As of Feb. 14th, 83 percent of the President Trump’s confirmed nominees were male, 92 percent were white. That represents the lowest share of non-white candidates in three decades. It’s long past time that the judiciary starts looking a lot more like the America it represents. Having a diversity of views and experiences on the federal bench is necessary for the equal administration of justice.”

>This is a good thing folks. Let them accelerate this shit. They are red pilling people faster than we could ever do. Lets help them along. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Sotomayor is a Jew as well.

No they're not.

Source? I can't find anything that says that.

No this is great.

We need to accelerate the Dems into being completely anti-white.

No white people should be allowed in the Democratic party.

Surely there is a law

You’re impaired. He just handed you gold, especially if you can vote in his state. Just meme it.
>because Schumer thinks less wytpepo need to be involved in politics, I’m voting for something else. Be like chuck. Vote for someone new.

Chuck schumer is a pedophile


(((They))) want only their pet niggers
or pet beaners.

>Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer attacked one of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees on Wednesday because the nominee is not a racial minority.

>The Democrat from New York said on the Senate floor that he could not vote to approve Marvin Quattlebaum for a vacancy on the U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina because he is a white man replacing two black Obama nominees.

>“The nomination of Marvin Quattlebaum speaks to the overall lack of diversity in President Trump’s selections for the federal judiciary,” Schumer complained. “Quattlebaum replaces not one, but two scuttled Obama nominees who were African American.”

>“As of February 14th, 83 percent of the President Trump’s confirmed nominees were male, 92 percent were white. That represents the lowest share of non-white candidates in three decades,” he continued. “It’s long past time that the judiciary starts looking a lot more like the America it represents. Having a diversity of views and experiences on the federal bench is necessary for the equal administration of justice.”

>“I’ll be voting no on the Quattlebaum nomination,” Schumer concluded.

I'd be interested so see the demographics of Schumer's circle.

Schumer smokes black cock!

shapeshifters are not white



You mean after GOP refused to appoint TWO black nominees in a row?

Schumer is /our guy/

This is great. No whites in the democratic party, make it us vs them

just call him a racsit en masse on twitter why cant you faggots into psychological warfare jesus.

>Schumer is /our goy/

I'm sure it was simply because they where black and they came right out and said it. Maybe people don't want affirmative action Judges controlling peoples lives.

>just call him a racsit en masse on twitter why cant you faggots into psychological warfare jesus

twitter is world-class shit, why would i want to stain myself with that?

WTF I'm a Schumer Zoomer now

I think I got banned from twitter for being white.

use the enemies tools against them. Put this shit in the MSM's and normies faces. They cant escape this shit if it trends on their favorite social media platform and then you show the middle leaning americans how thousands of people go "its okay to discriminate against white people" jesus.


>I don't know what you are talking about goy. I am white!

>The country might be less then 50% white and their is still a large cuck bloc.

Jews are just launching their final master plan and are making this country the brown mullato class they desire with an intellectuality enslaved white class to keep everything afloat. They are going to make soviet propaganda look like child's play while shutting down what's left of free speech (as if they haven't already).

We have to get the retarded boomers to vote the most hard lined anti shitskin policies. It's our only way out with out massive civil war and this has to be done within about 10 years while going full swing in the next 2 to 3.

Whatever happened to "The content of their character"? Oh wait, Schumer's from New York. Never mind...

why in the fuck does a 'red' state vote for schumer year after year?



try again.

Isn’t this some kind of civil rights violation? Chuck Schumer allowed some immigrant to stay and he raped someone. Not the best judge of character.

NYC alone controls the state
stick 8.5 million democrats in one city and they vote likea fucking block
the great terror is that the areas surrounding NYC itself are red, it's literally just the fucking city + Albany

Fucking kike
Disseminate to normie book:
Jewish supremacist denies European appointment purely because of ethnic hatred.

You must be able to call the kikes out to this level with your own name by now.

73 replys and nobody notices that Schumer the sandnigger refugee's child is #fellowwhitepeople-ing on another sandnigger's behalf.
No one named Marvin Whateverbaum is white.
It's a sandnigger just like Chuck is.

At this point, you'd have to be blind to not see that Jews are anti-whites.

Are they getting bolder because they think the US is so full of niggers and leftist soy golems that they don't need to be tricky with their political moves anymore?

Can you miss someone you never met?

dunno what it is, but it looks comfy.

>When will the jewish media be brave enough to start calling themselves out for what they are?

ftfy. also never because jews lie like they breath

I had an actual have nigger friend tell me this.

>editing the kike's face to make him look normal
Fuck off kike, I'm onto you

Breyer is Jewish

Secession would result in the seceding state being blockaded by the rest of the world like Rhodesia or South Africa.

already corrected

>waiting for cryin' chuck to step down so a (((non white))) can take HIS seat.

>nigger friend

Most people see Jews as white

Zeldin is Republican.