Is Trump going to answer this KGB faggot?

Is Trump going to answer this KGB faggot?

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There is no need to do much. Sanctions are choking them and the price of crude is starting to drop again. Without high crude prices they are robbed of oxygen. Eventually the russian people will wake up and violently throw this revisionist out of office.

Mr. Trump!
Please send democratic ICBMs to Moskow and St.Petersburgh!
It's the only hope to us to ever get free of the yoke.
t. Russian


Putin have not actually delivered even 10% of his promises.
His army fought for 2 years against like 2k chechens and ended up paying 900bn rubles/year of literal trubute to Kadyrov.

Putin and Trump are fighting the Jewish World Order. Soon Peace and Prosperity will come to all of us.

>shows a video bombing Florida
I guess he's starting with the retirement homes in Boca Raton, huh?

It wasn't even florida you fucking moron. It was the west coast. You are incapable of even thinking for yourself. You sit and your handlers send you talking points and you just say them OVER AND OVER AGAIN

Putin''s mom surname was Shlomova, she was jewish. He is Ber Lazar best buddy.
He is fighting FOR Jewish New World order, if not playing Antichrist trying to actually start Armageddon.

Nobody cares.

>your handlers
You need to get back on your meds, Cletus.


Heh. We got shit that nobody knows about, but they suspect. Nobody is going to step.

Keep us posted

On the other hand, consider the following:
Putin declares war on USA.
A week later he declares capitulation.
> USA occupies Russia
> Putin gets convicted by US laws, his life if guaranteed (in case of a revolt, his life will probably ends Gaddafi's style)
> His cronies keep his monies
> Russians became oppressed and die out even faster than was planned

Without high crude prices Saudi Arabia will collapse first, a US ally in the region. Also, all this crappy shale oil being produced in the US would not be profitable, just a mean to generate some employment and keep busy. Russia and Iran can live with $45 per barrel. many more months do they have?

This it's coordinated bullshit.

Not the missile that's real, the treat.

Keep nukes out of our Florida schools

you said that 4 years ago

*Shelomova, after the word "shelom," a type of knight's helmet

Obvious disinfo only works on boomers who don't know how to use the internet

It's other way around, Shelomova from **SHALOM**. The jewish greeting, you know.

>the plebbit is strong
go ahead and keep sucking that russian cock

Russia is under sanctions for almost 150 years without pause.
And it has been smeared as being near collapse for at least 475 years.
Still waiting.

I don't really give a shit about Russia.
I do know they don't have troops on our we do on theirs.
Maybe that's why they are piss off at us?

>I don't care that the rooskies wanna nuke us

Putin's regime IS jewish oligarchy you mongrel. He's not fighting against anything, he wants to steal even more and be safe as dictator!

>Abramovich was the first person to originally recommend to Yeltsin that Vladimir Putin be his successor as the Russian president.[44]:135 When Putin formed his first cabinet as Prime Minister in 1999, Abramovich interviewed each of the candidates for cabinet positions before they were approved.[27]:102 Subsequently, Abramovich would remain one of Putin's closest confidants. In 2007 Putin consulted in meetings with Abramovich on the question of who should be his successor as president; Medvedev was personally recommended by Abramovich.[44]:135, 271

>Chris Hutchins, a biographer of Putin, describes the relationship between the Russian president and Abramovich as like that between a father and a favorite son.

He kicked out the Rothschilds, and it was a while ago.

What do you think Trump can do? Putin probably has a copy of Trump's activities with Epstein, raping a 13 year old.

The fuck he did. All the Russian oligarchs are deeply embedded in the global Rothschild system. Putin is sucking Russia dry you mongrel.

Russia slips back into communist rule under Putin. It's been the agenda of the USSR since WW2. Russia has only changed externally.


Nice selfie, jew oligarch shill bot.

Get the fuck out of here.


TFW Russian government is literally Jew Fascist Junta

yup....he is a puppet to the jew all the way

Manlet Putin is irrelevant so he makes big boy threats like Little Kim in NK. The smallest least important people always talk the loudest.

Sure thing meme flag.

Uh no

Russia will make war if they can't make money was Florida you dumb clap

Russia can't make war outside of Russia or very close countries. When they go far away such as Afghanistan or Syria they get their asses kicked because they can't support forward bases.

And Trump isn't?

Look it up man, same bitch recruited a 15 year old employee at Mar-o-Lago.

Trump's main man Acosta gave a plea deal to Epstein, thereby covering Trump's ass in the associated case of his raping a 13 year old.

I guess /pol now support pedos

Trump is not only jewed but is also a pedo

Trump isn't a pedo. If he was Israel could control him, but they can't and thats the reason you're shilling here. Because you're scared, out of options, and have to feign strength.

A lawsuit? You mean a civil case with no proof? IMAGINE MY SHOCK.

go read the article

After Acosta shit down the investigation into the Epstein conspiracy, he was given a job LOL

Five Years After Obama-Hillary Sell 20% of US Uranium to Russia – Putin Threatens West with ‘Unstoppable’ Nuke Bomb

What a coincidence.

correlation does not equal causation.

No. He threatened Putin's allies. If israel tries to nuke the US and false flag as korea then Israel will get nuked.

He threatened Russia and it's allies enemies****

Well, Putin is also a pedo, and a homesexual one:

Main problem is that while burgers getting kikes shoved into their face constantly and thus getting redpilled, russian kikes are more obscure and information space is cleaned up very good from JQ knowledge by soviets. I remember myself treating what they say about them as utterly ridiculous until I learned English good enough to learn easliy available JQ info.

BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH what a fucking wonder he touches his daughter like he does

>20% of US Uranium
That's a joke right?

Tell me a member of the elite that is NOT a pedo?

Just imagine guys: you just casually walk around your Kremlin and suddenly startled to:
1. Grab a cute boi
2. Roll up his t-shirt
3. Gibe dat creepy vampire kiss.

Trump has more important things to worry about.

REMINDER: this is one of Putin's good friends

have a good day Sup Forums with love

Like what?
keeping the blackmail videotape of him and Epstein doing dirty deeds with a 13 year old from surfacing?

Would not object if it's a willing loli 10-12 years old.

you should be sent to Siberia for that comment

Bring Putin, Bill Clinton and Trump with you

Drown yourself in semen.

^This is a jew oligarch shill bot!

If I only could bring them all down with me in one hit, I would definitely do that, without any remorse and self-pitying.

noticed that the jews are shilling for Trump...

It is cute that they think Trump is not part of the elite shitshow

You would be doing the world a great favor

OP who slipped soy into your estrogen today?

If that happens you will have more corruption than what you have now..... You think the CIA doesn't do the same as what KGB did 30-40 years ago?

much much worse

>Putin's regime IS jewish oligarchy you mongrel.
I'm getting tired of repeating this. Putin sold S-300 to Iran, Israel's #1 enemy. Putin defends Syria. Putin trades with Iran and has good relations.

You feel like a retard, now, don't you?

I don't see anything wrong with that

You don't see a contradiction between him saying that Putin is Israel's puppet and Putin support their #1 enemy? OK.

>Putin sold S-300 to Iran, Israel's #1 enemy. Putin defends Syria. Putin trades with Iran and has good relations.

Don't see a problem with what he did.

>No. He threatened Putin's allies.

Putin threatened Putin's allies?? No -- he threatened the West, including the US

>That's a joke right?
No, it's been reported in many places.

The air raids of flying jews on Syria proved that S-drista just don't work as advertised.
Selling that shit to a cuntree where protesters on the streets shout "Death to Russia" seems less dubious after that though.
Unless Putin is trying to play Antichrist and cause the Judgement Day War, he absolutely had no idea when poking his small nose on his little head in the 1000 year war.

AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH random peninsula is florida

WEW I knew americans were terrible in geography...but this is pushing it a little far

lol he looks just like his mother

presently choking on kompromat kremlin kock.
Tramp - suka Putina

Could you guys just gather some balls, impeach Trump and elect someone responsible for world peace, who will nuke fucking Moskow with fucking Putin and his cronies ?
Pretty please.

Trump can't just shitpost about this. Its a pretty big deal desu. Previously, the relationship between the US and Russia was that the US could nuke anywhere in Russia and Russia couldnt really touch the US. Even though the chance of US nuking Russia was basically 0%, the US still had the ultimate checkmate because of this. Now that Russia is on equal footing with America the whole ballgame is changed. The US doesn't automatically get the upper hand in international conflicts anymore. This is why ZOG is so pissed off. We have to give Russia a lot of respect now

ron paul rand paul

>PyeongChang Olympics: A new cornerstone for peace and prosperity
>Trump’s message at Davos: ‘Peace and prosperity’
>The way I try to define the President's foreign policy objectives to people is he really has two major foreign policy objectives. Peace and Prosperity

1956 Presidential Campaign Slogans
Peace and Prosperity -Dwight Eisenhower
>PyeongChang Olympics: A New Cornerstone for Peace And Prosperity
>Will the 2018 elections be about Trump or peace and prosperity?
>Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

>PyeongChang translates into "land of prosperity" in Korean and the city itself is located 50 miles south of the Demilitarized Zone in the Korean Peninsula, which separates North and South Korea. In order to prepare for the games, PyeongChang has beenstylized as "PyeongChang"for the first time in order to avoid confusion with the North Korean capital Pyongyang. Prior to that, the "C" was not capitalized.

you guys both don't that jews are also divided. globalist jews and zionist jews follow two different seperate world domination agendas.

>Trump can't just shitpost about this.

Dude, Putin kept lying about everything since he was put in this chair by Yeltsin, but the TV (yep, the first his big deal was to get the TV in check) made it look OK and even better.
Fucking Puting is chronical liar. Just like showing Stone in The Putin interviews thermal cam footage shot by US AF in Afganistan, claiming its his aces working ISIS in Syria. Cannot not lie. Cannot stop being clown.
The cocaine habit and old age dementia and his general degeneracy just adds to that.

working on it.
>ZOG is so pissed off. We have to give Russia a lot of respect now
ZOG is Russia
ZOG has exhausted the US intentionally, drawing Russia into the ME is the master plan, leaving the US depleted.
pro tip:
ZOG has quite the nuclear arsenal thanks to the US.

Can't distinguish between labrador shit and bulldog shit.

can you just fuck off to america please. emigrating is not hard.


Putin's doing a favor for Trump. It's to help defend against the bloated defense budget.

you fuck off globalist bitch

No. I would rather see Moskow and Peterburg burn in nuclear fire together with thier thieves and churkas, then stake some vatniks then serve in democratic occupational police.

you can dream all you want, or you can fuck off to america and stop being so miserable, your choice really


You see, I'm not from Moskow, and cannot that sell old woman's apartment for $500k to have any money for moving abroad, so I'm stranded with you faggots.
And thanks to your kind, this country was, is and will be a shithole.

...or be cornered into a wall and realize there is nothing left to lose.

Well, Putin is clinically fucking nuts. And I bet, that saying that on cam costed Boris Nemtsov his life.

is a renegade Air Force General going to kick off WW3?

>le globalist vs zionist jew meme xD
Fuck off