These goddamn millennials need to get off their asses and do some real work!!
By working only making someone much richer and you stay poor. lol
Boomer here. I am so tired of young people whining and blaming my age cohort. It was millenials and young kids who took on too much college debt, and spend all their time playing video games and have their noses in their phones.
Can we just agree that every generation is retarded in its own special way?
There are no accidents
Agree, I am a millenial, and I accepted the status quo. Now I am fucking lazy, I take anti-depressants, and lack motivation. Fuck my upbringing, and I dare you to bitcoin an assassin on my ass.
I don't believe you are an actual boomer. I think you're lying for (You)s
No I am real.. I post here sometimes when bored.
>born in the most boring time in world history
Expect us to be excited about life
You dumb cunts sold our country out to a bunch of greedy rent seeking kikes who made their money off of selling student loans and artificially inflating college tuition. Consider yourselves lucky that you'll get to die at the incompetent hands of Sha'Quanda in the nursing home instead of getting slaughtered like the worthless dogs you are.
Agreed, my dad even told me that the country is going to shit
Says the leafaggot
Millennials here. I have more money than you. Deal with it
>work 50 hour weeks
>work a second job on the side
>constantly told I am lazy
Nah man, fuck you. What should I start cutting sleep to work more?
These are slide threads stop fucking falling for it god damn Sup Forums.
Stop responding to millenial threads, >how can white men even compete, women hate, nigger hate threads. That's what the mainstream media wants.
I build tires. What more do you want from me? Work doesn't get much more back-breaking.
T. 28 year old millenial
hey there young man.. I understand your feelings and I can relate, but I don't think you can blame an entire group of people for one thing. Also, who is to say that you would have done anything different if you lived through the times I did? I just think it's not fair to judge us like that.
>just gib le boss a firm handshake and you'll have four cars, three houses and two wives like me :^)
I'm not sure I can believe you on that, nor should you believe me if I say that to you. This is an anonymous web site afterall!
>dad uses his money to have fun instead of save
>works his whole life spoiling us believing money was love
>only made a ton of money because of American economic golden age
>public education system was built for kids eating lead in the 50's
>extremely boring and not very educating
>study my young years away on APs
>get to college for engineering
>realize I didn't learn anything related in high school except for some calc
>have a semibreakdown from studying my life away
>start smoking pot because depressed
>barely get degree but didn't learn enough CAD
>realize i didn't learn anything relevant in college when every job listing requires CAD
>breakdown again
>get fairly shitty job in overpriced city
>have to throw out all the useless shit i accumulated and throw what i need in my car and move to less expensive city just so i can live because my dad makes me pay ridiculous rent to live at home
>now working slightly less shitty job but still a paper pusher
tl;dr- studied my life away and didn't learn anything relevant because of a broken system and now i'm stuck in a fucking office for the rest of my life working off a shit ton of debt. if i could give you my years of life i would, just so you can deal with the long term consequences of your baby doomer decisions and complete complacency towards our governments being overtaken by special interests.
>Hey kids, I know my generation didn't give you anything to inherit besides the hollowed out corpse of the U.S and a fundamentally incoherent culture in which the only acceptable political opinions are those of an ethno-masochistic death-cult, but don't get mad at me. You would have done the same thing if you were given the greatest and most powerful country that has ever existed.
Fucking kill yourself you waste of resources.
just to clarify, both of my jobs have required engineering degrees, but they only pay around 50k
Dude. The problem isn't if we have it easier than previous generations. In some ways we do, in others we don't. But regardless of generation, in order to escape your financial situation, sacrifices have to be made. Stop drinking. Stop smoking. Stop doing drugs. Stop taking countless Tindr sluts on free lunches. Stop eating processed food and learn to cook meal plans for yourself. Save what you can, and keep applying for better and better positions, when you hit a ceiling, educate yourself in a trade or with a degree that will land you into a field right away. They want you to stay a child because children are easier to control than driven individuals. Stay in your lane and tighten your belt. It is not about fair it is about making your life worth living.
>dad uses his money to have fun instead of save
Be like your dad, bro.
>Hey kids, I know my generation didn't give you anything to inherit besides the hollowed out corpse of the U.S
You're a pretty special snowflake, huh?
It's not being a snowflake, it's understanding that decent human beings recognize they have a responsibility to their progeny and their society to reciprocate what is given to them.
try millenial nigger
or millenial indian
or millenial mexican
thats where you really up the ante
of course they are all as dumb as rocks
the generation raised by "technology", the dumbest in human history
Stop with this shit. There are plenty of good people representing all generations. Quit responding to these threads and assisting ((( them))) in dividing us.
Why should I work? So I can pay taxes to a government that thinks I am evil and should be replaced? To get a wife that doesn't cook, clean, respect me, or think it is a big deal that she slept with 20 men before me?
Fuck off.
t. millennial neet
>Boomer here. I am so tired of young people whining and blaming my age cohort.
Your age cohort has done a lot that negatively impacted later generations; yes, there were some things like the "immigration reform" of 1965 were before you came into power, but that doesn't mitigate the others.
> It was millenials and young kids who took on too much college debt,
I, for one, got through college with zero debt, via the US Army; while I agree with you about the folly of student debt, it's pushed *HARD* by schools, to a degree that is, frankly, disgusting.
> and spend all their time playing video games and have their noses in their phones.
Well, I'm in a technical field [STEM] and it's become common that contracts have what is essentially a "all your IP belongs to us" some written in a way wherein a plain reading would indicate that if I wrote a novel on the weekends and it became a bestseller the employer would be entitled to all royalties.
-- It used to be that companies would pass on profits to their employees (pic related), but nowadays that's less and less true --
I blame HR, it's the Boomer Generation of Corporate Structure.
>"Millennials are lazy"
>"What should we do about the manchild problem?"
>"Why aren't men getting married these days?"
>"Why are women doing better than men?"
>300+ posts
>(1 post by this ID)