Japan need immigrants.
Your idea?
Japan need immigrants.
Your idea?
No you don't you, just need automation
Japan already wants immigrants and has policies in place to attract quality immigrants, for example the highly skilled professionals program.
Problem is, no one wants to join a workplace culture where the most important thing isn't talent, productivity, or innovation - instead, the most important values are senpai-kouhai relationships - age and how long one has worked for a company - as well as putting in the longest hours.
Japan also has a deeply ingrained culture of stoicism taken to excess - abuse and bullying, plus sexual harassment for female employees, is an accepted part of life from elementary school through the late stages of your career as a middle aged person. Everyone is a slave to their "superiors." And if you're mistreated by someone higher on the food chain than you in any way, the Japanese way is to simply suck it up and endure it for the sake of the group.
If Japan wants to have an economic resurgence and increase its global power, it is going to need to change its culture, not only for the sake of attracting foreign talent, but for the sake of making its own companies globally competitive and its workers happier.
My idea.
Automation > immigration
The government should train people, not import them.
No whammy’s no whammy’s show me Somolians
Lol country's begging for immigrates,
Defiantly a South Korean plot.
Nope economy only looks shit because for some blizzard reason, being over populated helps your states
Japan already hired temporary workers from south east asia for unskilled labor shortage
niggers need not apply
No they don't, you proxy kike
Well, even if you exclude immigration from the discussion, native Japanese are well aware of the problems I addressed. Many of them don't want to live like slaves and are aware, through knowledge of the Western world, that there are better ways of doing things. It's very relevant to the phenomenon of hikikimori, herbivores, etc. - men avoiding the traditional life of work and family because of the oppressiveness of Japanese culture.
Bust your ass working on some robots that make people obsolete.
There is no upside to immigration.
More girls would end up being beheaded by barbarians.
So no thanx.
Forced breeding camps.
I'll come over. Just give me a big block of land and a decent size car.
You wont ruin Japan like you did western europe, you fucking jew.
i hate this merchant. it is every fucking day with this guy.
I'm a university graduate in nursing, especially with a lot of experience taking care of older folk, and have years of work experience in my profession. Keep in my country has strict schooling and PT nurses are better than American waito piggu.
Let me move in to crush my crippling depressing and fondle your qt3.14 wahmen. I'm not fat aswell
Nice try Ashkenazim.
Me so I don't have to live in this fucking shithole anymore
pretty much this... im skilled in IT, and would probably get in with your merit-based system. In fact, I'd like to come. But I refuse to have my life sucked away while I needlessly wait in the office until everyone goes home before I leave.
Once that bullshit stops i'll be on the next flight.
No they don't, Schlomozaki.
>Japan is the most threatened by dying out
When will this bloody meme end?
charge your phone retard
why does that nigger look like the Toxic Avenger
Faggot, I will charge whenever I ple-
no, keep the ethno-state you fucking retard.
Daily reminder that all these threads are made by sjw English teachers working in Japan
Don't accept black people.... You will fucking regret it.
>Learn from our mistakes
Japan only need Mexicans.
Japan no need immigrants. Need make fuck. Need government mandated gf.
The only people who will want to move to Japan are weebs and old people and you don't want either of those. Neither are likely to integrate well. Soemthing to consider about whatever sort of immigrant you decide you need is to get them young and breed them there.
Which sort of immigrants do you need, Japan? To entire them to come require pandering to them directly or just paying them. You could just pay them. You're pretty rich from all that rice, right?
no you dont.
your country is amazing done let anyone other than respectful tourists in !
>merit based
Japan should make that choice on its own the UN should fuck off.
merit like marrying your boss' daughter and raising her sons
instead of bringing in immigrants, have government-mandated speed dating and legal maximums for hours worked.
Top educated Europeans, mostly whites, if your country is really so desperate. Your government is insane if they accept thousands of blacks from shithole countries. I'd even say you could accept a bunch of well educated South Americans. Never go with blacks, Japan. Never go with blacks.
>Step 1: stop watching porn
>Step 2: have sex
It's such a hard fucking concept I know...
I have idea how to do the 2nd part, been two years.
Please japan.. dont make our mistake, just an hero
No it doesn't.
if only our leaders knew that before they flooded our countries