Do you adhere to judeochristian or grecoroman values

do you adhere to judeochristian or grecoroman values

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Judeochristian, my ancestors are not of Greek or Roman descent.

Catholic values, which are superior to both
>inb4 rest of the world, being inferior, gets butthurt

Christianity is Hellenic fag

What about GERMANIC values.

Tacitus "Germania" has been described as the most anti-semitic book ever made, by screeching kikes - and it's the number 1 book on the Sup Forums reading list, the SECOND being Mein Kampf.

Yes, and Communism is German because "Das Kapital" was written in German... Logic

>le turn your other cheek

judeochristian is an anachronism, you cant hold both beliefs, Judaism is an ethnic religion, Catholicism is a universal system of ethics

There is no such thing as "judeochristian values". There are Christian values and judeomuslimic values.

my nigger