Do you adhere to judeochristian or grecoroman values

do you adhere to judeochristian or grecoroman values

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Judeochristian, my ancestors are not of Greek or Roman descent.

Catholic values, which are superior to both
>inb4 rest of the world, being inferior, gets butthurt

Christianity is Hellenic fag

What about GERMANIC values.

Tacitus "Germania" has been described as the most anti-semitic book ever made, by screeching kikes - and it's the number 1 book on the Sup Forums reading list, the SECOND being Mein Kampf.

Yes, and Communism is German because "Das Kapital" was written in German... Logic

>le turn your other cheek

judeochristian is an anachronism, you cant hold both beliefs, Judaism is an ethnic religion, Catholicism is a universal system of ethics

There is no such thing as "judeochristian values". There are Christian values and judeomuslimic values.

my nigger


Engels was German.

He was best buddies with Wagner.

> implying Catholics aren't Christian
thanks for clearing that up

Good posts. Everyone else can enjoy burning forever.

Most of the """judeochristian values""" were originally roman values, i.e. the protection of children from sexual abuse, resistance to tyrany, etc. There is no judeochristian value that the Romans didn't already have in 300 BC.

>no values is superior to having values.


electrocute is cute. CUTE!

penny arcade nailed it with this news story

It comes from... The christian adopting the Old Testament and the Jewish book as it's foundation of law...

Judeomuslim is also correct, but it's semitic Abrahamic values at broad.

no its stupid

Catholic here, we are of the Christian faith