why is pol against equality? Can't we just accept that all humans are beautiful?
Why is pol against equality? Can't we just accept that all humans are beautiful?
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Damn, that's a powerful statement. There's hope yet
All humans are trash
Dios mio, la creatura...
It's not equality, it's beasiality
Equality is a myth, a lie, and a social construct; that exist literally nowhere in nature.
Except black women, that's why all blacks go for white ones :D
Apparently not all are considered beautiful. Take a guess as to which ones.
We need these threads 24/7.
We have em
El Goblino has been born.
maybe we want to have different cultures with different traditions and languages and not a heap of a-culturelessness where everyone is exactly the same
It ends in jews enslaving us forever.
That thing is actually hideous desu.
You need something more convincing
The woman in the picture isn't black. She's mixed.
Los orgos de americanos...
I understand where you're coming from OP, but that's not a solid argument to make against racism. Especially when it comes to the racist morons on Sup Forums.
No, not all humans are beautiful, just like not all humans are good or evil. It's far too definitive of a generalization when reality does not reflect that.
It makes more sense to accept all people are human, and that human life is inherently valuable. Which opens up the possibility of empathy and understanding even between cultures and generations. That is how we've progressed to this point at all.
Judging people based on their cultural differences can be reasonable, so long as it's based on actual facts and not misconceptions or stereotypes. Judging people based on an arbitrary physical trait such a skin pigmentation is foolish and regressive behavior. It's typically unreasonable.
We are all humans and we are all individuals, simultaneously.
All humans are beautiful.
Love is hate.
War is peace.
You must be new. You're not supposed to be sensible and nuanced on Sup Forums
Those kids are ugly AF
Why would you give up your lineage, your heritage and your uniqueness as a race for some bullshit postmodern semblance of altruism?
btw no one posted this classic
I love how OP didn't say "accept that all humans are equal", because that would have been a factually false statement. I also thoroughly enjoy the fact that beauty could be considered highly subjective, rendering his entire thread's purpose up to a matter of opinion. That is, until, we start getting into the harsh reality of statistics.
And those kids will need to find a bone marrow donor that isn't their own fucking parents.
no. that's fucking gross.
say hello, Sup Forums
i prefer a population group thats not only capable, but fair
Blacks can be very capable, though
No one aknowledges that this shit is fact. And black people and to a lesser extent mexicans just wont stop committing crimes at an extreme ratio to white people.
>hand rubbing intensifies
even when niggers are doing their jobs and i kinda like the fact a woman gets fucked up for being a cunt for once instead of being untouchable. They still have to nig out and the second bitch gets some stomps in.
Like what the fuck. Also why cant all these black people learn to speak. Jon jones is my favourite nigger because he commits white crimes and talks like a white person. its dope
> humans
sure all humans are beautiful.
Beastiality OTOH, should be illegal.
Daily reminder that leftists want this extinct
fuck, thats depressing for asian and indian dudes.
I wouldnt think pacific islanders would rate so low
And how do middle eastern men do well?
They yell in peoples faces with bad breath
and food and spit getting caught in their
scraggly chin beards. Its not even their
cousins rating them like you would expect
one day africa will change
That looks like pubic hair on his chin. He needs to put conditioner in it
Only through eugenics. We should stop giving food to Africa and let the smartest and strongest survive. Then sterilize those who are left that are stupid but managed to survive
If people are in love i see no problem.
The problem is most girls who go black
are huuuuge whores so they dont feel
feelings anyways, and even if they do
its fleeting and dependent on no one they
consider "better" being an option.
No. Now fuck off
That mom looks like Joker without the green hair and makeup, the dad looks like an addict and those kids look like they'll grow into la creaturas.
that is a major problem. Black people seem to legitimately such at parenthood. Is that cultural or inherent?
Like in africa do their kids die so often they evolved a lack of effection? or did they just not have dads themselves because of the way welfare rewards single moms and now theyre doing the same?
OR are they just low IQ monkeys who only act on base instinct and DONT GIVE A FUCK NIGGA
As a Christian i appreciate you promoting peace rather than hatred. God doesn't judge us by our race, he judges us by our actions. We should apply the same logic to ourselves, be godly. You feel relief if you just let your racism go.
Low iq usually means lack of self control and dysfunctional families.
Include the degenerate environment the media pushes in the west and there you have it.
/twg/ Traditional Women General
This thread is for appreciation of traditional women:
I agree but I wanna speed up the process and I never wanna go back. I cant stand when my people are compared to beasts. The age of the nigger is over, the rise of black people will come.
the stupid mob up and fucking kill the smart ones because theyre magic, witches or vampires. Look up I think in malawi (might be wrong) they fucking kill doctors because they think they are vampires.
Like legitimatly pull over ambulances and kill the medics because they think they are taking people to get their blood sucked hahahahaha
yeah, if you kill off all the retards and breed the smart people. OR kill off EVERYONE and repopulate it with different races. Even blacks from the US only have an average IQ of like 78 - 82 or some shit. Just because white people and asians bred with their ancestorys a bit
the genes of high IQ africans must be protected
I'm not looking for more mix breading
they marry their first cousins 40 to 50 percent of the time to keep wealth in the family
Conditioner wont fix those genes dawg. Plus its not like he ever washes it and you dont need conditioner if you have natural oils or whatever
One drop rule friend. Anyone who has even 1% of African blood is black.
holy fuck
DId the white increase and black decrease because black people are bailing on the
women they knocked up now instead of just
black women? hahahahahaha
Some people are good. Some are bad.
Well your pic related is actually Indian.
>Equality of Opportunity under the law?
Enforced Equality of Outcome, regardless of effort, ability or accomplishment?
Agreed in part:
Peace is good, hatred is bad.
You don't need to hate something for its differences, but to pretend that differences don't exist would lead to disaster. I.e. Clay and Iron. (Daniel 2:39-43)
Keep shilling
yeah dude, its gona be a long ol rode for you
guys. I dont understand why a difference
hasnt started already, its not like millions of
people dont starve to death in africa. but i
guess Governments killing people and
rebel groups killing people and shit is
Artificially keeping the smart to dumb people
deaths at a neutral balance or someshit.
It seems like anyone with a brain at all leaves
immidiatly aswell so thats not helping
I guess back in the day people who left africa had to all of a sudden deal with winter so the extra effort of having to be warm, clothed and sheltered as well as storing food during winter lead to only smart people surviving. That took thousands of years though, it also helps that we interbred with neaderthals though because they had a larger brain capacity than homo sapiens. Everyone on earth except sub saharan africans has like 2-4 percent neanderthal DNA
because your version of equality is perverted xenophilia rather than wanting to progress the human experience by recognizing our differences and allowing us to be allies naturally you wish to force the houses of man in one land destroying nationhood and killing races
It's degeneracy,not equality
yeah dude,Shakeel Ahmad Bhat is Still a muslim. And pakistanis are basically indians and are the most inbred of all muslims. What is your point? i dont understand...
these nations are responsible for the deaths of higher IQs because of fear of super natural forces while other high IQ Africans simply leave those countries
Nothing wrong with demelanation.
he still excemplifys the best of muslim traits. his unshaven face probably isnt quiteeee ugly as a typical mussy tho
snow nigger wh*toids aren't beautiful
hahahaha yeah, Fucking Sargon just posted a video a couple days ago about people murdering doctors and EMTs because they thought they were fucking vampires
My bad, I thought you were using him as an example of Middle Eastern since you were wondering why they apparently do ok.
that shit makes me so fucking mad I can barely see straight
Of course, it’ll become far worse on a decade or two
I guess i see the point in that i literally distinguished between poos and sand niggers. But i imagine if you looked at his ancestry youd find some major sand niggers in there
found the jelly indian
you're so inferiority complexed over middle easterners it's sad
side note wtf did sargon pretend to be black
Find me a mixed race kid that looks better than any of the white kids in the front row of this pic
Pro tip: you can't
sorry dawg, i got carried away.
Just stop
>asian woman approval rating with asian men
No fucking way
How many fucking times do we need to see this kind of shit fucking thread?
This fucking website fucking sucks cock since the elections.
jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with these coal burning retards
Imagine there’s no countries it isn’t hard to do nothing to kill or die for and no religion too
Because mongrels are dumb and fucking ugly
Lmao this faggot beat his wife, glad he got shot sissy boi.
Naw dude, I have at least 130 Iq. I've scored 148 and 152 before on mensa tests but AT the very least I'm 130. I'm 6ft 1, 210 pounds with abs(most of the time lol), blond hair blue eyes. Make good money. Have a city condo paid off and an inherited large house in the country while only 25.
Why would i feel inferior to your inbred genetics?
I watched "Jihadis next door", i think was the name, and this fucking guy on disability for a made up disorder is talking and you just see the spit and food chunks piling up in his beard. Its one of the most discusting things ive ever seen, and ontop of that this motherfucker is like 5'4 ffs. I think something like 50-60 percent of muslims have salary for disabilities in the UK even though they never worked. I might actually be wrong, it might be more than that...
Of all Negroids around 1-2% of the entire global population are "Beautiful". Theres a reason people in East-Asia do everything in their power to look more European; because people of European stock are inftinely more attractive to then Gorilla beasts.
Don't get me start on how stupid and violent these negroid, "humans" are.
Why do commies, and other people on the left-wing side of social politics believe in such stupid retarded concepts like equality? If you're left-wing and believe in equality feel free to protest your local NAACP; or fuck you anti-white hypocrite Jews.
I have never seen or read anything from a reliable source that would lead me to believe that John was physically violent toward Yoko as a pattern of behavior
I’m also not sure where the demographics of those results pertain to, but at least here in the USA, a lot of our Middle Eastern populations are Maronite Catholics from Lebanon, Assyrians, and Persians who came post Iranian revolution and are mostly non religious. Basically the more Med type groups from that region. This could influence the results a lot if they’re being taken from here. And you’re fine.
wait a second. How in the fuck does this chart work if Asians are grey? does that mean they automatically assume that Asians will make up for the percentage of other races who don't want to fuck them? what?
Say it out loud
The quicker this happens, the better
Sargon of Akkad doesn't care if white people go extinct. He is not pretending to be black; he is a nigger.
Source? I heard his 1/4 African is North African, but he’s probably lying about that as well. No way he’s a quadroon though.