Verified progressives are attacking boogie2988 for this tweet, mistaking him for a trump supporter, and deeming him a gamergater who only cares about human rights until video games are involved.
I love when the left eat their own.
Verified progressives are attacking boogie2988 for this tweet, mistaking him for a trump supporter, and deeming him a gamergater who only cares about human rights until video games are involved.
I love when the left eat their own.
>Trusting Trump
Not even once.
>g-guys please s-stop! i've been posting anti-trump stuff, i'm with you!!!
>First President in history to actually hear the concerns and opinions of people actually in the video game industry instead of just using it as an endless scapegoat in lieu of real solutions
This is probably the best thing to happen to video games. Fucking shills.
>be a fat but generally harmless fuck on the internet
>use the fact that your fat, ugly, prosepectless nerd to create "comedy" which people eat up online
>do relatively okay with yourself, support yourself with a "Youtube career"
>actually unironically get a girlfriend
>people support you because you're a reasonably nice guy who makes okay content if people are into the same stuff as you
>take this support and use it as an excuse to preach to people how to live
>go full on "I HAD A HARD LIFE BAWWWW" and start talking about how hard everything is
>refuse to take responsibility for your rotting, bloated fucking body and yet demand that nobody ever, ever, ever call you out on it
>get a taxpayer funded surgery to try and undo the damage YOU did to your own body
>use this as an excuse to double down on the "my body isn't my fault look I'm trying" thing to get brownie points
>partner eventually leaves because as it turns out you are an overzealous uppity autist
>get used in several shows as the token white male because you're such a pushover (despite nobody on god's green earth being able to physically move you, never mind push you over) and actively help the things killing the industry you claim to love
>go home and preach to people and act like you're better than them
>lose a shitload of your supporters, began the slow descend into utter irrelevancy
Boogie, you're three times the man I ever could be.
Or at least three times the weight.
>I'm ok with chinese people buying up all real estate and kike corporations taking away our rights and ruining our health, but don't you dare touch mah vidya gaemz
America, everyone.
video games are already ruined
imagine being this much of a cuck
>I vote based on which candidate I believe won't fuck with my video games
what a fucking sack of shit. please die already
Only the Western Euro and American ones.
mama mia!
>Being such a gluttonous, self-indulgent degenerate slob you need a slo-kart to travel anywhere further than 10 feet
I don't get it, if you have a problem with weight just stop eating as much. It's not even about starving yourself. Just eat like a normal human being for christs sake, even if you're still fat you can still walk across the living room without endangering the integrity of your fucking ankles. How do people like this simply never change?
>trump is messing with vidya
What did I miss
This. Modern post 2007 western vidya has zero value. I hope Donald destroys the vidya industry and all the shitlib game developers that ruined video games go hungry and get fired.
InB4 boogie gets redpilled next month
w-warframes kinda neat...
Holy shit can't help but feel bad ...
oh it's comin
Prime example as to why non-tax payers should not be aloud to vote.
>muh obese nu-male e-celeb soyboy
Fucking orange scum how dare you touch my Zelda you're real fucking lucky I have a short attention span or you'd be in big trouble
it says in the tweet that he didn't vote for trump.
can this fat sack of shit just die already?
Lel I want him to go full 1488
based cat
This guy is about 10 years too old to be acting like that, what a fucking faggot
can we meme boogie into a natsoc?
You're smoking crack if you think that will ever happen
why does a grown adult "care" about video games? i mean he looks to be around the age where his hair will start turning white
a sight to behold, for sure
Yea you're prob-
>Donald trump is president
Never say never
his hair is white, and he's 40 something
Why did his girl leave him though? Did she crave a masculine man?
She probably settled for one who could find his weiner
The literal king of soyboys.
trump will literally meet with anyone
He's a typical mutt that doesn't have anything real to care about (no race -> no real family) so he substitutes that with video games (other guys do this with sports teams or movies or whatever).
She craved a real man not some cowardly little faggot like this bitch, he got pushed around by everyone man, he's just a weak cunt who doesn't choose sides because he thinks they're both stupid positions. But in reality it's because he's a coward and subconsciously knows it. I bet she was getting blacked too.
Will this stupid faggot die already
rainbow six siege still alright, could be better but its probably the "best"/fun fps we'll get for a while
>rainbow six siege
>camping: the game
Do people not know that trumps brother is part owner of zenimax?
Boogie is the reason not to play vidya
>using camping unironically
gb2 cod, babby
Fat piece of shit
That's even worse
Brave, powerful blah blah blah
He's losing his mind
>doesn't want slow paced tactical FPS
>doesn't want fast paced death match
okay.... uh... what fps games do you even fucking play?
He's kind of right though. I SOMEWHAT enjoy RB6S, but holy fuck, would have loved a classic TDM mode.
>dude that's not Rainbow Six. You want TDM, then kindly go back to COD dewd.
Except Rainbow Six has ALWAYS had TDM before Rainbow Six Siege, faggot pleb.
>doesn't want fast paced death match
I didn't say that, I just said cod was trash. Halo was always my favorite, the new star wars battlefront was good, been playing fortnite recently
>reading comprehension
where? when?
I've literally never been able to camp and live for more than 20 seconds in ANY round in the last month
there's a fucking 3 speed around every corner ready to fuck you up, holding an angle is a coin flip and there's map where power ops just are too strong not to pick and they dictate the pace of the round, no matter who you pick
what fucking game have you been playing?
Then why did he vote for Trunp?
during the time leading up to his surgery he was apparently insufferable, so she asked for time away to go to her parents' up north, a month extended to two and so on, then she filed for divorce.
During his time of confusion as to why she kept asking for time away he said some golden lines like,
>"my wife is not a very sexual person"
>"the other men she's been with... it's just not a thing she's THAT into"
>"it's not possible"
>"i'm one of the only men she's ever been attracted to"
>"thats what she wants you to think? might be, but i love her enough to where im gonna let her do it"
It's all on videos too.
>boogie melt-down
>he's just replying to obvious false flagging Sup Forums trolls who follow e-celeb bullshit
wow I'm glad mods delete threads about politics but make sure to always keep twitter drama up.
It's not as simple as fast paced vs. slow paced. COD is just shit in terms of quality. I kinda liked Rainbow Six Vegas and I LOVED Rainbow Six 3. They had TDM gamemodes and it was kind of a mix of slow and tactical, but with occasional bursts of action, AND it had respawn.
RB6S is good... but ugh. If you wait 3 min for the game to start and some fag team kills you, gg, you're sitting out for another 3-4 minutes.
why is that black guy photoshopped into the pic with her?
He didn't?
>touching guns
>touching civil liberties
>false flags
>crisis actors
>war crimes
>child trafficking
>human body part black market selling
>daily gore videos in mexico cartels that keep getting worse
>Lefties and righties
>list goes on and on
>touches guns
>start match
>sneak into house
>check all corners, crouch, Uber stealth mode
>get shot by a guy laying down, up the stairs, around the corner, looking through a 1in peep hole
Every. Fucking. Match
see you fucking illiterate
Yup. Ultimate soyboy.
I think i might love that almost as much as my 16 year old sammy.
And thats my cat for over half my life
>touches video games
Boogie is a fat faggot and he will die soon. An ex CIA officer is exposing a bunch of shit about Hillary, the Democrats and (((them))) and we need all the bumps we can get.
Fucking shit taste old fucker or poor shitkid detected.
Boogie1488 when?
>Fucking shit taste old fucker or poor shitkid detected.
Lol that was too dumb of an insult to be insulting. What?
I think he's LOST his mind!
His a piece of shit, dont
>imagine being as pathetic as boogie where the only thing you value in life is video games
>single player/co-op mayhem battleground shooters
well that wraps it up
>"""sneak""" into house
the barricade you took on your way in wasn't the epitome of silence, nigger, neither were the cams you took out on outside
on top of that, if you're getting shot through peephole, it means you're taking a spawn-to-objective route, which is riddled with those fucking peepholes. It's why you fucking flash the room before you sweep, or you let glaz do his fucking job and clear those before you smoke in to plant or to take point
It's a fucking strategy game for christ sake, you're supposed to know a little bit about the fucking tactics and mechanics, like blowing the middle part of plywood walls to prevent thermite charges from being able to blow it up, or 2-hitting window barricades on their bottom to make them crumble at the next hit for easy access or surprise factors.
the irony of this faggot being triggered when government starts intruding on an area of his life that he actually pays attention to
>I don't care that Latinos are over running the southern states.
Americans everyone.
People who play video games need to be rounded up and shot. These manchildren are a disgrace to humanity.
>All that ham
>all that soy
Like some sort of ill-advised bacon cured with soysauce.
>the barricade you took on your way in wasn't the epitome of silence, nigger, neither were the cams you took out on outside
>on top of that, if you're getting shot through peephole, it means you're taking a spawn-to-objective route, which is riddled with those fucking peepholes. It's why you fucking flash the room before you sweep, or you let glaz do his fucking job and clear those before you smoke in to plant or to take point
>It's a fucking strategy game for christ sake, you're supposed to know a little bit about the fucking tactics and mechanics, like blowing the middle part of plywood walls to prevent thermite charges from being able to blow it up, or 2-hitting window barricades on their bottom to make them crumble at the next hit for easy access or surprise factors.
That poor guy is racked with anxiety. The left has no soul.
Is @Dan_Edgar our guy?
/thread, desu.
he called everyone here a cuck less than 2 weeks ago.
fuck him and fuck you, cuck.
You think Boogie can function sexually when he is 500 pounds?
She left him because she wants a good fucking.
can this piece of shit die already
Who cares about video games in today's political climate?
Who cares about tranny bathroom rights and what colour your skin is.
Absolutely no one should care.
The world is on the brink of socioeconomic reforms the likes of which happened in easy comparison only with the invention of electricity, stop focusing on fucking video game you cuck fucks.
Nailed it
>Meme flag
Not a particularly good disguise niggerfaggot
Dear fucking god