Guptas’ South African empire crumbles in wake of Zuma’s departure

The wrath of SA's niggers is scaring pajeets out as well!

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This. As a pajeet, the takeover in south africa scares the shit out of me. We'll get fucking killed and deported like in Uganda. If a civil war does break out, I'm fighting for the Whites.

so much for muh tolerance and diversity

Don't poo on anything or touch anybody, and you can stay until we kill them all. Then you have to go back.


But really though. I'm not from SA, nor do I have any family there, but I want to fight for a change, to stop this cycle of the natives ruining their own countries over petty fucking differences and shit which happened over several centuries ago.

Shit is going down, niggers want ethno state in South Africa.

the only way to restore peace and make SA great again is to go back to apartheid. all attempts of peaceful coexistence have failed

shit nigga wakanda is real, everyone get in here!!