What do you think of Chairman Mao 2.0?
Jingping could be Chinese President for Life
Apocalypse Mao
He's my dad hope he brings communism back
It really seems to me like china is getting scared about all the freedom that the newly somewhat prosperous citizens are starting to demand. I can't imagine all the probably 100's of thousands of international college students from around the world going back to china and just accepting all the restrictions they have on freedom. That might have been a mistake on the commie's part. Let alone all the regular folks who are just now starting to make a decent living who are noticing how fucked up their leadership is.
We could see a chink civil war in the next couple decades. honestly.
Emperor Xi
Why do Americans love shilling for civil war in other countries? Do it in the Middle East, Central and South America and Asia. This divide and conquer technique learned from the jews in the government. Most western nations are under the guise of freedom when social restrictions is sometimes much worse than the political restrictions in china.
how am I shilling for civil war? is it that unreasonable to think that as a nation becomes richer, they start to demand higher quality from their government? there is a reason only rich countries have high pollution standards for instance. Also like I said there are so many god damn chinese college students around the world exposed to western freedoms that going back to china would probably feel very restrictive to them. I couldn't care one way or the other if china gets into a civil war, I'm just stating what I think. People from HK already have basically the same feeling about china, since you gave them back.
It's the only way they keep their advantage. They pretend to be anti-establishment but still choose red and blue time after time.
mao remix
me pee pee in your coke!
to be fair, stirring up strife in the land of your enemies goes back to ancient times
the chinese never learn. It is their history in a nutshell.
They have always lurched from one disaster to another. When things go wrong they find a scapegoat and set course for a repeat. One would think a people and an empire that focus is inwards would reflect on themselves, but they don't and never have.
They are the embodiment of "manlets, when will they learn?"
I love that guy
They had it all and they squandered it. They know it's only a matter of time so the only thing left for them to do is jerk off fantasizing with China somehow collapsing despite the fact that it's made its way through basically two centuries of constant catastrophes and has never been stronger than it is now.
You'll be the first one to the gulag fag
Anglo heritage
commie scum
Its better to have a strong Centrist Govt. Than a hard left or hard right retard leader that swaps out every 8 years.
They don't like us faggots in China you dense fuck.
We can only hope for a few hundred million chinks starved.
Trump should follow suit to protect the honor of the United States.
they probably won't be starving like that this time around, but it will still be interesting. When was the last time a country of that magnitude made a law that basically gave one leader permanent leader status? russia is close to that, but they are a basket case at this point desu. Maybe there are some other big countries who have laws like this but idk.
I'm guessing he's trying to stay in power to keep that fake economy going, with the constant empty construction projects, the currency manipulation, the massive corporate spying schemes. He know that anyone else unwilling to do any of these will result in China crashing and burning, because it's not a real country. It's economy is purely a leech on the world, it can't sustain itself.
I have always felt that china is one bad harvest from killing hundreds of millions of chinese of hungry, they're eating all sorts of fake foods, gutter oil, rats, dogs , I do feel they could starve very easy.
Muslim free while this guy is alive -- not too bad
They are rich enough now that they can buy food from other countries. Like the retarded US, who produces so much extra corn that we literally burn it as a fuel.
Also If you look up food production of basically any random vegetable/fruit/grain food, China is #1 in most in most of them. I was shocked at that when I went down the wikipedia rabbit hole a while back. basically every vegetable or fruit was being produced at insane levels in china.
Legit informed Norway bro. China has a long, long history, and if you learn some of it you'll see that there is a common theme throughout. it's like a script that China follows. it is their clear destiny as a people. And that is to build up a remarkable culture, nearly on par with the best in the world, with some features no one else has. They slowly get comfortable on the throne and it eventually falls apart before they can take on the mantle of #1. This happens for reasons related to Chinese cultural practice and probably genetics behind that. It's as sure a thing as the sun rising tomorrow.
He has more power then Mao ever dreamed of. He's a motherfucking emperor.
He entertained trump in the forbidden city, the seat of power for all true Chinese Emperors. That was not an accident.
Once again just like in the cold war the entire eastern bloc is ruled through the facade of socialism by leaders with absolutely no accountability.
Only this time they have thousands of operatives in my nation. You told us free trade and freedom of movement would be a good thing, so we followed along with the rest of the western hegemony.
It is not a good thing, and our sovereignty is in peril. You need to do the right thing and nuke Vancouver.
More dignified and presidential than Trump can dream.
Trump sounds like a fucking moron and writes like a dotard during his sundown phase.
This shows they're still full commies.
you having a stroke?
Jingping is a good guy though.
Hes doing great for the country. You try and imagine what would be involved with bringing a country of 1.3 billion into the 1st world. That shit must be difficult as fuck and requires a leader with a solid plan and foresight. Removing him after only a few years would not be a smart move for the country. Why risk so much progress by removing the person who has the vision, the plan and the drive to make it happen?
Imo this is a problem with most western countries. Our leader/parties don't have enough time to do anything and allow it to have an effect before a new leader/party comes in and changes everything. This even causes parties to make POOR mistakes or stupid decisions so they can then pawn it off and blame the new leader/party to be in power next time.
They are gonna losing population with TFRs below replacement. Plus they are emmigrating/colonising to other countries.
Birth rate can be easily changed though. It's not like just because a country has a low birth rate, it's destined to die out
How? Dictatorship =/= communist
Not surprised at all. One Belt One Road initiative literally has the power to shape the world for over a century to come. It took a lot of years to plan and will take considerably longer to create. Like hell the current establishment would risk others coming in and fucking it up. Also
>Mao 2.0
Not even fucking close. Fuck off with your reddit-tier comments.
White people are just assmad Chinks can into national socialism because they don't have white guilt and have an openly xenophobic, fascist, traditionalist government that promotes Chinese culture. Basically an ethno/civilization state that Whites will never have because of radical liberalism.
nono I know! Let's force them to like us! Just like in America! haha! XD
>We could see a chink civil war in the next couple decades. honestly.
You have never spent one single day in China in your life
How can you live in a white country in 2018 and still support democracy
Are you masochistic, or just an idiot?
Out of genuine curiosity, what about China, besides heavy emphasis on collectivism, makes it immune to civil strife? Are there some other cultural aspects that I am unaware of?
>Chairman Mao 2.0
(((We))) love it!
Because china doesn't elect new ideas, dumbass. They have a communist party congress where people "vote" for the new people on the Politburo, and they basically just continue on the same voyage as Deng set out on.
I would love to be proven wrong that the leaders are not literally selected prior, there's a "vote", and then shit continues on regardless of term limits.
Can someone explain why the same topics get discussed in new threads everyday? How many more times and I going to be informed about chinas term limits? Maybe I should make a thread telling pol about Xis term limit removal. How's that sound pol? Would you like another Xi term limit thread?
Starvation or cannibalism. Either one gets rid of chinks.