>tfw I have never been to a party ornightclub or had female attention ever
>tfw I see pictures like picrelated and realise every single girl goes on the hunt for chad dick every friday and saturday and every day if they are at university
>tfw feels bad to be too ugly to get a gf or anything at all
>tfw eternally bitter
>tfw demoralised after seeing Staceys everywhere and knowing they all have 100 tinder matches with Chad
>tfw I will never have the extroversion and alpha personality to even be seen as human by Staceys
>tfw ugly face dooms me no matter what
Tfw I have never been to a party ornightclub or had female attention ever
Other urls found in this thread:
>they all have 100 tinder matches with Chad
try 1,000 lol
the elusive incel surfaces on Sup Forums
what brings you here?
Post face so when can roast you
Even the below average chicks have fucked at least one chad in their lives too. It's not just stacie
Bullshit, I am facelet but I am buff as fuck, lifting for few years and literally every time I go out I always end up with some average as fuck girl approaching me.
If I wasnt autist I could approach even better girls
Brother, go out tonight. Get a buddy, head to the bar, just chill. Girls will approach you don't be too aggressive don't even flirt just be nice and make em laugh. Life is short, gotta socialize while ya can.
Don't you live in england and people is just ugly?
Also learn guitar or something.
>why are we still here, Just to suffer?!
t. 5 ft 4 eurofag
there's ur problem
>tfw demoralised after seeing Staceys everywhere and knowing they all have 100 tinder matches with Chad
I knew a chubby 6/10 when I was at university who had over 600 matches and she was extremely picky too.
>average height in Croatia: 5 foot 11 inches
>average height in United States of Manlets: 5 foot 9 inches
yeah, it's best to go for nice conservative girls, not stacey sluts
A hot rich girl in the pub told me she'd sit on my face saturday
I have over 2000 tinder matches and I only swipe right if you're 7+
>a tranny who started whoremones at 14
>look like a girl
>get a vagina when I was 18
>22 now
>look like a stacy
>get fucked by chad all the time
Why would I waste my time when a manlet or an ugly tall guy? Tons of chads will fuck me and they don't even know I am trans. Infact they love how my vagina so tight even though it hurts me. When I grow old I will just find a soyboy to marry and pay my bills. I bet he is so beta I can go find a 30 to 40 year old chad to rail me while he watches. I have no incentive to fuck ugly guys until they can pay for me.
Id rather dodge bullets than dodge serbs, igor.
burger height: 5'9
Little young for my taste
is that way
Damn bruh, God must really hate you huh?
sage in all fields
>girl goes on the hunt for chad dick every friday and saturda
You spelled attention wrong.
Bitches do this for attention not for dick.
Master their want and you get yours too
>t. Chad.
Dude, stop feeling sorry for yourself. The only way you get girls is by being someone a girl wants to be with. So you have two choices. (A) Acquire lots of money and have decent hygiene and clothing. or (B) Start working out, get some active hobbies and become passionate about them and decent at them. Eat healthy, and get fit. The confidence alone will attract females. Seriously, you don't have to be good looking. I knew a guy with ONE FUCKING EYE... seriously... and he got with hot chicks just because he forced himself to be social and didn't give a fuck about getting rejected. If you have confidence, it's just a numbers game. Try to talk to 100 girls, chances are one of them will be lonely enough to talk to you. And assuming you aren't completely crazy and can at least hide your neediness a bit, she might even date you. But just like you probably wouldn't date some fat ugly slob of a chick, why would she date you. You can change it, and it takes work, but all the guys getting laid are DOING THAT WORK. So get off your ass and go do it.
Yeah attention from somebody attractive
oh you mean One-Eyed Chad? dude is a fucking legend
>He doesn't dedicate his entire life to the cause
>He doesn't realise that once you do this things start to fall into place naturally
What cause buddy?
>go clubbing and partying just about every other weekend
>hang out with lots of girls
>have a fairly large social circle
>tfw still a kissless virgin
it kills me because everyone thinks I've felt the embrace of a woman and it hurts too bad to tell
>He doesn't know yet
White women are garbage anyways. Dont let a female control your quality of life/mental state.
Nah, if you're unattractive the trick is to be outgoing. Don't be drop my, value tour self above her and she will naturally keep craving you to put her on a pedestal, put her on it once in a while but make sure you knock her right down again. Nobody deserve a that pedestal for no good reason.
>caring this much
You deserve your psychological suffering for being such a needy beta.
That is a really good advice for frogs.
Also do not act superficial, well it will work on some girls but most of the time if you want some that isnt just a fuck she will look through it.
Assume that the animals would also want to fuck, just in a different way.
you never know OP women do something called "throwing a guy a fuck" you just have to keep your ugly ass out there and hope for the best
>get a buddy
Yeah about that...
I feel alienated from everybody. I'm not even fooling myself that I'm ever going to change it
Get down on your knees and sincerely pray for a mercy fuck.
Dont fret, I have a chad face, but zero personality, and I'm skinny and I get 0 pussy.
Its not just because your ugly, you have no personality.
yeah but do you actually "go for it" or do you remain eternally polite?
Girls love confidence, you can be a fucking gym animal or a 10 and if you dont have confidence girls are gonna leave you, so dont give a fuck about your being alone, and do your stuff you are interested and girls are gonna notice you
>ave a chad face
no you don't
Someone up that pic of those little midget burger toy soldiers next to the Polish one
Buy it by the hour - cheaper anyway
You’ll get someone user. She’ll be fat and ugly like you but she’ll be yours. If you really just want to fuck Stacy then there’s brothels with eastern european qt.3:16s. one of the hottest girls I ever fucked was a polish prostitute.
Depends, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I have a problem with talking shit to everyone like we've been lifelong friends so that also probably doesn't help me out.
How much are you going to charge her to do so?
>polish prostitute
how is it fucking someone like that? are they completely desensitized to sex from fucking all the time, do they still act like they like it?
This is an advanced form of demoralization theyre applying to us. It doesnt work, because its a running joke with us anyways, but the JIDF and others purposefully pose as retarded incels, and idiotic mutts to try and make us look bad. We have moles in the JIDF that leak information about their tactics to us from time to time, this is one of them.
>I didn't ever really pay attention to the study of evolution in school until just now.
This. See above.
Purpose. Same as the rest of us. OP just took the hard route.
Never fear, OP. I have some good news for you. You ready?
1. Clean up your diet.
2. Clean up your gym habits; if you don't have any gym habits, DEVELOP SOME
3. Clean up your game. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE GAME, READ PIC RELATED. No, seriously. get ready to learn something.
You are welcome.
P.S. After you read pic related, I want you to take a step back and learn something about "love". Love for men is different than it is for women.
When a man loves a woman, he adores her (doesn't see any of her faults).
When a woman loves a man, she admires him (finds something worthy and admirable in him to like and look up to).
If, at any point, the man ruins that one admirable trait, she's already looking for other dick. Conversely, a woman would literally have to cheat on her man to make him want to move on (either that, or subject the man to years of abuse and criticism; which is often the case).
Read pic related. Re-read the P.S. above, and sort your fucking self out.
Absolutely beta. Fucking hell.
You're not missing out on much desu. Women are very repulsive
>go to club in Manhattan
>make out with exactly 7 girls
>go home with hot Indian girl that has an apartment on Wall Street
>she gives me a blowjob because shes on her period
>sleep over
>gives me a water bottle the next morning for the subway ride back home
haters will say this didnt happen
then get a hooker or get /fit/ and stop being a disgusting slob
I think these threads are cancer for so many reasons. I'll bet a lot of anons come to these threads looking to vent and feel better, and end up feeling worse than before.
That's it guys. I'm truly sorry for everyone who has had to be alone for a long time. I'm in the same boat. Just keep trying.
>posting that on Sup Forums
Kill yourself already.
Go back to your containment board /r9k/ faggot. MODS!
Tits or GTFO.
>be me
>be female autist
>go to a university with a majority east asian population
>never go to parties/clubs
>spend most of my time studying, masturbating or working
>only get attention from middle easterners and hispanics
>white guys chase asians exclusively
not all of us are chasing dick on fridays and saturdays because we do not want STDs, baby daddies or other degenerate shit
Who cares. Fuck roasties nigga.
Start a family with a 5/10 church girl. Lift. Read. Build. Learn. Raise your kids to be better.
Fucking sluts is litteraly the lowest thing you can do in life.
Do you really believe ""every single girl"" goes clubbing or is on tinder?
She acted like she liked it. It was bad acting but she put in the effort, bless her. It was £60 for half hour, was done in 20 mins so got her to massage me for 10 mins. Getting the most for my money kek. It’s the only time I’ve done a prossie but would consider doing it again.
All girls want is attention. They hardly give a fuck about looks. Hit the gym, eat heathlty, take care of basic hygiene and have atleast one hobby you can talk passionately about. Do all of that and you can bang pretty much any average grill you give some attention to. If you really want to go for the Stacy types (idk why you would, they're all whores yet somehow boring in bed) you're gonna have to learn some Chad like social skills which mostly involves faking confidence and cockiness at all times. It's not hard, just going to take a little work on your end
Fuck the asian student that needs citizenship or they will go back to the third world.
Power. once you have it, everything else comes along for the ride. sometimes it is physical power, sometimes it's financial power, sometimes it's intellectual power, but it's always power. Chasing some perk to power is a fools game.
>go clubbing with a lot of girls
>not making a move on any of them
They probably think you're a faggot or a useful 'ally' orbiter
Then go to a party or a night club and satiate your curiousity. Gets old fast anyway
>friday and saturday nights
bitch please the dicking begins on thirsty thursday this is common knowledge
Ahhh, the words of a future feminist cat lady.
In another life this girl would have married at twenty and directed that eagerness to please towards her husband. That effort could have gone to raising a family, but instead she's sucking some rando's dick because she never had a strong father figure. Doesn't this depress you?
Incel would not know the lifestyle of the noble unemployed alcoholic. Leave him to his misery
TFW am ugly and no girl will ever like me.
Just put some fucking effort into yourself.
> that pic
All these words of some faggot larper that probably only does mildly decent pulling girls
He was right about cleaning up your habits. I just had a date on valentines and i'm probably going out with a girl this weekend and I had some roastie lying about engaged so I would keep talking to her. What he says is true for a decent amount of girls, but a few questions can sort out very fast which girls are even date able. (which is few)
Thoughts on dating niggers-
besides the obvious wrongness of coal burning. Women that race mix are casual daters and will never really be in a relationship and actively participate in hook up culture so they're a no go.
Club goers-
Pretty much the same reason as a coal burner. If they club they're probably a coal burner anyway
Messy room and especially messy bathroom-
This proves they're an awful caretaker and this reflects their willpower.
Piercings other than the ears-
This shows that they like to appear "unique" which isn't a good thing for a gf.
There's decent girls out there, but just like guys majority of them complete shit. There's only about 1/3 of girls that capable of being in a serious relationship without cheating.
you're british, everyone has an ugly face there.
>tfw grew out of club meat markets shortly after teens
>tfw grew out of rancid, degenerate roasites short thereafter
>tfw worshipped by high-I.Q. traps that actually enjoy dicks' company and companionship (compare: cûcking and ex$anguinating them)
>tfw happy as a pig in shit
>tfw bottle lightening
He probably had to get jaw surgery, I don't remember ever seeing a pic of him wearing braces. He obviously had a week jaw and an over bite.
I don't know why people larp that traps aren't the highest form of degeneracy and have a bunch of drug and alcohol problems.