Seriously Sup Forums why do you have a problem with this?

Seriously Sup Forums why do you have a problem with this?

Because some choices are objectively wrong.

Because living your life in any way deviant from my own is degenerate.

one of those things depends on the welfare state

Isn't she judging people who chose to live their life judging other people? What a hypocrite.

>Getting married young and having children instead of becoming another hag everyone hates in the office is ok.
I really do agree with the first part
>being a single parent
if your a widow I guess

Which of those are objectively wrong?

The only one I see is a single parent. Everything else has perfectly fine justifications especially for a man.

>Seriously Sup Forums why do you have a problem with this?
Post more than once you forum sliding faggot and I'll respond to your question.

Because being a single parent is unironically objectively wrong and women shouldn't be allowed to do it.

being a single parent is not okay, i mean its upsetting you're in that circumstance but its not ideal in any sense. Getting married and pregnant young are good choices if they're made in the right circumstance. Not going to college is not a good choice in this technological age, it pays to be educated unless you have rich parents or plan to be mediocre