Seriously Sup Forums why do you have a problem with this?
Seriously Sup Forums why do you have a problem with this?
Because some choices are objectively wrong.
Because living your life in any way deviant from my own is degenerate.
one of those things depends on the welfare state
Isn't she judging people who chose to live their life judging other people? What a hypocrite.
>Getting married young and having children instead of becoming another hag everyone hates in the office is ok.
I really do agree with the first part
>being a single parent
if your a widow I guess
Which of those are objectively wrong?
The only one I see is a single parent. Everything else has perfectly fine justifications especially for a man.
>Seriously Sup Forums why do you have a problem with this?
Post more than once you forum sliding faggot and I'll respond to your question.
Because being a single parent is unironically objectively wrong and women shouldn't be allowed to do it.
being a single parent is not okay, i mean its upsetting you're in that circumstance but its not ideal in any sense. Getting married and pregnant young are good choices if they're made in the right circumstance. Not going to college is not a good choice in this technological age, it pays to be educated unless you have rich parents or plan to be mediocre
I agreed with everything up to single parent. That is objectively not ok.
There's nothing "wrong" with any of that, as long as you're happy and content and take responsibility for your own actions. But the moment you bitch about "muh economic inequalitea" and "muh 99%" and "muh ebul gapitalism", I will call you out on your shitty choices that led to your shitty life.
Otherwise, we can live and let live.
Degeneracy is NOT OKAY
The only time being a single parent is okay is if your spouse dies. All other options are degenerate.
>society'sfw the edgiest place on the internet full of vile racists draws the line at breaking up families
Of course she says this because t fits her narrative. She’s too feeble minded to do anything about her situlation so she just acts like everyone else has the problem.
>get pregnant young
>can't afford child
>child lives in shit conditions
>Mother will most likely use it to leech welfare
Yeah nah. You shouldn't be allowed to have children unless you can afford it.
being a single parent is not okay. the rest is okay.
Being a single parent is NOT okay.
Children from single parent homes are 20x more likely to go to prison, 9x more likely to be criminals, and 5x more likely to live in poverty.
This is statistically significant.
Where you see someone making an activist statement, I see a probable single mother who is upset and ranting on twitter as a result of the hardships of being a single mother, which is why society has a generally negative outlook on the prospect of young women becoming single mothers
We'll revisit that issue once it's smaller without niggers and spics rampaging throughout the workforce driving wages down
If a young married couple has children that's fine. They may be poor but at least the children will have a chance of improving on their parents.
Young single mothers are raising the next generation of criminals. In fact, any single mother not just young.
All but being a single parent is true.
Being a bitchy uppity negress is not okay
>Where you see someone making an activist statement, I see a probable single mother who is upset and ranting on twitter as a result of the hardships of being a single mother, which is why society has a generally negative outlook on the prospect of young women becoming single mothers
Which is absolutely justified since young women are a meatgrinder for children's behavioral development when there's not a man keeping them in check
Thank you Sup Forums encarnate
she had me until single parent is okay
retard. >40% of single mothers live in poverty, for starters
Sad but true. This is why the PC culture of blindly accepting everything that is "just different" is fucked up. Its good to not be bad to others or make them suffer, but its also cruel to be kind.
Young and married with a working man making a living while she stays at home raising a family you dumb fuck
Agreed. I also don't get this 'lol don't judge bro' meme.
We all fucking judge, that is why we choose to associate with the people we do, date the people we date and vote the way we do. Everybody fucking judges.
Single mother households is damn near the top of problems our society faces.
If they can afford the children without welfare, then whatever. I was also commenting on the original tweet which doesn't specify the woman has to be married to have children you angry little virgin.
All of this is correct except the single parent thing.
>single parent = niglet
single parenthood has a high correlation with troubled childhoods, violence, and substance abuse. why do you not have a problem with this?
>I was also commenting on the original tweet
I was as well, assuming it was done in chronological order
>Holding people to higher standards is just not OKAY... OK?
I mean not getting a college degree in today's economy is fucking stupid unless you work in tech or in a lucrative / dangerous industry that pays well. Even then, there are very few jobs that pay well enough to be worth it. Community college is dirt cheap and most offer online classes as well. If you're in CA you can easily get into a UC.
Even if you were raped, you should abort it instead of being a single parent and sage slide threads by the nigger OP.
I was raised by a single mother. You're wrong. I got in fights all through high school, have had drug and alcohol addictions since I was 15. I'm currently a 30 year old piece of shit with nothing but a car and a dog to my name, and zero prospects, and no motivation to change that.
apparently you're also illiterate, I said that single parenthood has a high correlation with all of those outcomes
Dude, don't, he was raised by a single mom
All are good except the last.
autism speaks, but lacks sarcasm
Paying you 7.25 is okay.
I don't judge single moms. I point out their economic hardship and overall difficulty in life raising a child without a father.
Hey, you chose this bed sweetheart. Lay in it.
That slut looks way too young
to have a kid.