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I guess most movie critics for newspapers are soyboys. Sad.

Are there any right wing writers anymore? Has the newspaper always been this liberal?

SHIIIET. User score is gonna be 70%+

sadly from the trailers it didn't look too good, so I don't think there will be a lot of people going to see it

Am stoked for this movie. Going to see it as soon as I can.

>Who cares about whether this movie was good, it hurt my feelings so here's a 1/5 review!

They're not even trying to hide it anymore

LOL as soon as I saw the trailer for this a few months ago I knew leftists would trash it. They can't stand to see the white man depicted as unchained from SJW progressive values.

Literally he only kills Whites to protect Blacks. What fucking timeline is this?

its about a white doctor who protects black neighborhoods.

Literally what made the niggers angry this time? Is the cast too white?


0/10 not enough wakanda

>pic related
but seriously, someone give me a basic gestalt

But will it have the iconic line?

they are remaking death wish?


"If a man wants to protect what is his, he has to do it himself"

"I want to buy a gun"

I'll take the wife and check it out.

>directed by eli roth
is this not more kikery?

Apparently movies are rated not on how well they were made but how they align with the critic's political stance. I feel like they were supposed to hide their personal feelings and at least pretend to be objective. They dont even attempt to be partial now. Either its SJW wet dream or evil racist baby murdering white people.

>adds nothing to the gun law conversation
What did they think they were gonna get from this movie?

this means the vengeance plot line is out? so there's no rape scene either? hmm

remember violence never solves anything.

Literally /ourmovie/. Make sure to see it multiple times.

risks his life to help save niggers lmao

They were supposed to do that, but now they dont have to anymore. (((They))) fully control all gears of the media and can use it to assault people with never ending propaganda and correct all of the problematic "wrong think."

You can't just enjoy a movie anymore, you have to pretend you enjoy the ones that align with sjw politics and never see the ones that dont.


Sup Forums here, trailer looked like arse and it's Eli Roth, but now everyone thinks I am a leftie for trashing it. Thanks Jewwood!

t. Jeremiah Cohen Sandberg

Is this another Jewish trap ? Why encouraging revenge and violence in a movie while IRL if you do what’ Bruce do, you are going to jail? Why is the message behind these type of movies ? Discouraging us ? Internalized violence ?

We’ll see how roger ebert’s people review it. They’ve been the least biased in the past

Fucking everything has to be political anymore
It's exhuasting

It's Bruce Willis it gets an automatic 70% you dumb faggot.

The guy's family gets attacked, and his wife dies. He wants to get vengence and in the process, kills a lot of criminals.

I see what you did there.

Fuck I'm sold on it!

Wild cathartic ride of kill the muthafucken bag guys!

In glorious Bruce Willis vision

Fuck these kikes I'm going and I'm supporting Bruce "Support our troops or fucking die" Willis.

Might interest some of you to know that the early 70's (Death Wish, Dirty Harry) were a time of "rehabilitation" of criminals, and being soft on crime. Crime was often blamed "on society" and "poverty".