
Vol 12 in less than 12 hours.
Yukino left the club according to the teaser spoilers.


You forgot Hachiman is angry for some reason and he abandoned genuine

>Yukino is at her lowest
>Hachiman cares about his problems

>She was crying in the cover all along.

So, same old, same old?

Vol 12 translation never ever.

>Spyro returns from the dead and starts translating it.

What would be the general reaction if no one wins and 8man just goes back to his normal life as an outcast?

Let the cat and the dog fight.

The anime stops at the same moment as LN?


It's fucking haganai all over again.

best end

Good, leave that bitch

What animal is Iroha supposed to be?


>It's fucking haganai all over again.
I fucking hope so. The rage and assblast would be iconic.


Yuri end pls. Hachicuk is so ugly.

I just wish one time we could anticipate a novel without bullshit spoilers.

Ferret or fox.
Quite appropriate too since she makes beta males mad as fuck.

It's guaranteed.

>V12 has no afterword.

t. tobe



>that one phoneposter that keeps replying to the iroha question
You mad af son.

Why are you guys so insecure?

Friendly reminder to just wait until the actual novel comes out.

WW is a huge fan of haganai afterall
Do note that oregairu was known as a haganai ripoff at the start.

Don't you mean TORA-motherfucking-DORA.
It'd still trigger the fuck out of yukinofags to no end for fixing her bs off screen.

She wants the gomi-gomi-gomi-niichan

>She wants the gomi-gomi-gomi-niichan

I wonder if Komachi is ok with Iroha taking the gomi nii-san.

>the "no girl win" faggots were right this entire time
bad timeline

Nah, she'd hate her

any illustrations?

you don't even know that

No, just shitposting

>A boy wins
>It's Hayama

Oh good god no.

No, Iroha and Komachi are very similar

Hayama loves Y

At this point I don't care who wins, just that someone does.

It's a mixed bag.
She has only shipped him with 3 people YY2 and Saika, atleast until she found out Saika is a boy.
She doesn't ship him with Saki because of Taishi or something Taishi tells her.
I don't remember her first reaction to Yumiko, Ebina and Haruno during the camping trip, but that seems like a no for now.
If sensei was the right age, it would be a yes.

She didn't get to do the valentine's event and failed to meet Orimoto and Iroha sadly.
I think she'd have shipped the both of them hard if she was there.

So? Komachi would still hate her. Besides don't compare Komachi to that shit.

Komachi hates Orimoto though. She'd hate Iroha as well probably.


>hating the sly girl that gets along just fine with gomi nii-san

It's true. Why do you think she didn't interact with her in the VN?

Hate her for rejecting his confession? Would 8man really tell Komach about that?
They get along fine now and Komachi would recognize the I'll make you chocolates this time as a big flag.


If Yukino wins, Hachiman is gonna have problems with her family

If Iroha wins, Iroha is gonna have problem with Hachiman's family

If Yui wins, everyone in both families would get along

Because it's a VN with no room for extra stories.

No that's not true. From another Komachi told Hachiman that she doesn't like her, because she knows about how people used to ridicule him back in the day because of her. It's almost as if none of you read the source material and just make stuff up. Oh wait.

If Yui wins, it's a short lived relationship.

ANOTHER is literally non canon palo.

>Hachiman calls her foxy or a fox about fifteen times in five episodes

probably a badger desu senpai

Out of all the characters, Yukino and Saki actually spend time with Komachi in the VN. Komachi was nowhere near Iroha and it would probably stay that way.

Another isn't canon for the main story. That probably happened on the main story too, but you can't just assume like that.

Nigger it's a cash grab VN.

Sure, but if Komachi and Iroha are so compatible, why not cash in on it? Because they haven't met yet? Who cares, it's a cashgrab VN anyway.



Good Irohasu, everyone!

>If Yui wins, everyone in both families would get along
Only Yuimom and 8man would get along, if you know what I mean.

Just read that part. She doesn't hate Orimoto. She just wants to protect her gomi-niichan.


Fuck off cancer

Holy shit.

Not the same user but even if it's not canon, the story is based around the same set of characters with motivations around the same point as they are in the canon storyline. It's just that situations and scenarios have chance to propel a different story than what the author initially sets out to create. Even more so, komachi wasn't one of the charecters to be majorly changed by the AU that affected 8man and yui. As such it probably is a safe assumption that "canon" komachi would hate orimoto as much as the another komachi.

I don't know why though, orimoto is top tier.

>Yukino left the club according to the teaser spoilers.
Yeah, that is what I have been reading but there hasn't been confirmation, in fact there have been more posts about Yui being on suicide watch. Most nips are complaining at the lack of spoilers and no store breaking street date.

>I don't know why though, orimoto is top tier.
Shit taste. How does it feel knowing Komachi has better taste than you?

Where have you been reading that? People here are pulling shit out of their ass.

>You forgot Hachiman is angry for some reason and he abandoned genuine
I haven't heard that one.

I never realized how much of a socially damaging couple Hachiman and Yukino could be. A school idol and daughter of a prestigious family in a relationship with a literal who such as Hachiman would cause all sorts of problems publicly.

...Do it, I wanna see the chaos unfold.

Because its still not confirmed. We got an interlude and a snippet of the first chapter, and everyone is freaking the fuck out for some reason

I can't sleep tonight less than 12 hours until yukinon wins

I think it happened in the main story too

Nips are talking about the Yukino things as a given but there hasn't been confirmation. OP is mistaking speculation as spoilers.

The Yui thing is likely shitposting, but if 8man blows her the fuck out do you think she wouldn't be on suicide watch?

2ch bro. Nips have been saying that for a while.

Just confess on Valentine's Day goddammit. Let 8man understand he can love and be loved back.

>literal who
He's literally Hitler to the rest of the school.
Why would want to see 8man get bullied even more? Do you want him to commit suicide?

The interlude was poorly translated. 8man is showing regret, not that he isn't still going to go through with it. That is assuming 8man is speaking.

8man doesn't need love. He needs real friends, that's all he needs. Holy shit, girls manage to be such an infinite source of bullshit, even in 2D.

>That is assuming 8man is speaking
Thats the thing. We still don't know for sure who is speaking

That is because like us they speculate and even try to pass it off as fact. Just like here.

Physical bullying is a thing of the past and no one talks during class. Just go somewhere isolated at lunch if bullying is such a problem.

Maybe if people fucking had some patience user. Everything is out of context at this point.

No u

Haven't you learned yet? Never trust (((them))).

Well before he didn't have anyone in his corner...well, not that he knew.

But would he be able to deal with it knowing it's for Yukino? Would him and Yukino just fuck off somewhere to escape the stigma?

If it is 8man than making assumptions is bad since he already stated it would would be something he'll regret and that this volume is full of regrets.

Go to sleep, this isn't even close to the final volume

I agree, but thats just how it always is. People are so ready to jump the gun and shitpost, that anything that comes out will immediately be overreacted to

Suicide end would be a pretty good end. Then we jump a few years in the future and Yui is the only one who still remembers him.

Except that's wrong. Do you not understand his character or something?

He wouldn't give a shit about stigma. He'll tongue kiss Yukino in public

But seriously, fuck off

Sometimes the winner becomes clear volumes before the end.

I'm reading the character list, and apparently Kawasaki shows up? And Iroha? Guess were getting some filler shit with these irrelevant characters

I have spoilers.

I don't understand why everyone is chimping out. Everyone should calm the fuck down until we have actual concrete spoilers.

>He's literally Hitler to the rest of the school

Something animeonlyfags will never understand because they cut out all scenes where he was hated for the Sagami incident. From an anime only point of view, nobody knows Hachiman

And sometimes the author cucks you at the last moment possible even though everything pointed to another winner

Going back to the last thread.

I want Yukino and Yui to stay friends and I hate this speculation that they won't. Fuck 8man and his 8, they should be friends no matter what.