This is what happens when you call BLACK person a nigger outside Sup Forums.
Know your place or else we'll make you know it
This is what happens when you call BLACK person a nigger outside Sup Forums.
Know your place or else we'll make you know it
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be nog
>Start fight
> Accidently kill a man
>"uh er, uh, he callin me a nigga n shit"
>Win ghetto lottery and dodge jail
I can guarantee you its not
Bets on it being a 6v1 fight?
Anyone have that gif of the black panther trailer that ends with planet of the apes?
this has been posted here over 9k times. Kill yourself Ivan
I don't even see black people there, and you know they'd be posing next to the body
>call antique farming equipment a nigger
>nigger responds with violence, confirming the stereotype that niggers are violent savages
Fake and gay
Nigga pokemon fight
black people in the west are like bulls in china shops
i don't even want to imagine what would happen to an even more docile environment like japan if even a few of them moved there
I once shoved a Confederate flag into a nigger's face until he left me alone.
> be white in nogville
> not being jacked
>closes the till after he robs her
I typically call white people niggers. Because white people act like niggers where I live.
Nigger are weak
Why did faggot mods delete the other thread?
damn dude thats actually really fucking sad
huh. You can still feel.
You should probably leave.
lol rekt
Fuck niggers
Didn’t you make this same thread yesterday around the same time. You Jews need to step up your game.
>an even more docile environment like japan
you know how I know you're a newfag?
fuck off nigger
>have 300mil guns among whites
>not asingle not died in race war
>too scared to kill blacks
You all make me sick, disgusting cowards.
>yell nigger
>feral niggers approach
>draw firearm
>adjust racial demographics
>claim self defense
Success may vary by state.
lmao Russian troll forgot the proxy
the last remains of my feels died with that video
this one really make me want to kill niggers... I hate sucker punches (nigger specialty), but this shit...totally unacceptable
That blood doesn’t look right. Is it mixed with cerebral fluid?
"Oh shit nigga we killed that cracker boi cuz he didn't give us his bucks!"
"It's ok Tyrone, just say he said "Nigger" and post it on the social media dawg!"
piss off tovarishch, we know this is total bs
All I know... Is when I see this thread every single day. I think to myself, "What kind of low life trash is posring this? He must be incompetent, low intellect, unemployed, has a high inferiority complex and feels he has to push this complex onto everyone else." So what else could OP be? Oh yes... An American nigger.
what really happens when you calla nigger a nigger to its nigger face
Why are all the worst serial killers in the world from Colombia?
That's only because we're damn big wh*Te boi
enlighten me, secret club member
What happened to you with black people?
Muh special word! You can’t say muh special word!
Jesus fuck, 1.6%. Way to fucking go, Russia.
Hahahaha holy fuck how?
>What happened to you with black people?
try living around them, newfag
Hey albanian bro how's your girlfriend?
>What happened to you with black people?
the post
here's what happens when you make fake memes and post them in the US as real
niggers are so fucking stupid. You have one security guard, 2 big dudes, 2 average size guys a bottledneck exit, and cameras and they try to go for a purse wrapped around a ladies body.
What if I am a trained boxer and I call someone a nigger? Because I’ll call a nigger whatever I want to do and if he wants to challenge me on that he can try but it isn’t going to end like it did for this guy. I’m sick of liberals and niggers picking on the weak the guys at my gym are the most racist people in earth and I have never seen any of them confronted.
... all can see how poorly shopped this is, right? you all can't be that stupid.
Japs aren't docile