Would Robert be allowed into the ethnostate?
Would Robert be allowed into the ethnostate?
He's allowed at the border. On a pig pole.
Would sterile or castrated blacks be allowed, with the conceit that any crime = instant deportation?
no niggers
sorry robert, the ethnostate has a no niggers policy.
Allowed in? Maybe
Allowed to be a full citizen, and do things like vote? No.
That's how I always viewed an ethno-states. However, I'd be more for a governmental system along the lines of the federation in starship Troopers desu famalamily.
Lmao niggers like, need to be deported
I don't know? Does that black wash off?
as farm equipment
sure, he can visit.
Is deportation enough of a disincentive though?
Yes, Robert is pure and wholesome.
He'd make an acceptable butler.
Keep in mind that loyal slaves stopped the Denmark Vesey Revolt.
Remember when we thought it would be a good idea to import millions of niggers into our country? Just as slaves of course. No way we would ever let them vote
only if he looks the other way when I violate the no singles policy
That's why I say "maybe". Allowing a controlled number of foreign-ethnic people with their shit together to come, go, and even settle isn't bad per se.
And that would be a very different thing from literally importing niggers by the hundreds of thousands who, by definition, are totally uneducated and totally useless except as manual laborers. That was America's mistake: Bringing in (1) a huge number of what were (2) basically farm animals, and then doubling down on that fuckup by not sending them back when they decided slavery was distasteful.
The best of the goyim should be killed
He honestly seems like a nice guy, he should be able to live peacefully in a white-ethnostate. Being a well-mannered black guy is tough, you're surrounded by sociopathic niggers constantly.
you civnat fags get the gas 2bh. you are destroying both the white and black ethnostates.
>m-muh based niggers can stay
>the nigger ethnostate is now run soley by 60 iq nigs
god you race based retard niggers are faggy
of course!
how else are we meant to keep our wives happy?