holy fuck share this everywhere
holy fuck share this everywhere
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why is the video so long? there's literally nothing new in there.
>posting epsteins
you must be new here
it is actually only 12 minutes
Why did (((Trump))) order the false flag. Was it only to take away our guns or is there a yet to be reveled motive?
fuck off.
Trump didn't order it. He just goes along with it
Who's the chick laughing at Trump?
He didnt order it. Its the mossad, CIA, FBI, liberal leftovers still in power, pedophiles trying to divert attention and destroy trump and current administration.
He has to play like its real until all his chips are in place than he can expose and destroy and lock them all up, ship them to gtmo and hang The rest.
images like this are disinfo and made by JIDF
Fucking wow. I like how it's 12 min long and hiding under a 1 hour timeframe.
This has to be real.
stop you fag
editing it down to 12 min i am a noob lol
Honestly this. There's a reason they point out and highlight the kookiest conspiracy theories, then smear the entire right wing by association. It's easy to pull together a retarded theory, spread it all over the right wing internet, then turn around and criticize the right wing for engaging in it.
Yes, some people on our side scream 'false flag!' and 'crisis actor!' at everything. Sometimes they may even be right. But that doesn't stop the theories themselves from SEEMING beyond the pale. And they'll use them every time. Every single time. Just like we use the kookiest, crazies SJWs to smear the left. The only difference is that we don't put our crazies on a pedestal and call their theories 'visionary'.
Call this Florida shooting what you want, what they're telling us is a fabrication.
Call Hogg what you want, he's not a witness nor a survivor. His testimonies are useless. He's simply the chosen mouth-piece to push a political agenda. Is that a crisis actor? Yes.
The shooter, as seen by witnesses, was dressed in "full gear". Cruz was not. Some even said to have seen his face, and one of the girl witness said she walked and talked with him while escaping.
A. Why did the agent and 3 officiers stay outside?
B. Why was the security camera feed delayed 20 mins?
Could B cause A? Waiting for a cue to go in to kill Cruz and be a hero, a cue that never came?
good points
digging though a lot of articles from the 14-16th and alexa miednik's account is pretty accurate. The alarm goes off, PA system comes on and a lot of kids have enough time to end up outside before the shooting happens. generally it is a about 2 minutes from alarm to shooting.
Another thing is quiet a few articles mention kids going to the Walmart for refuge
yea I find out that Hogg was hiding in the culinary class, which is in another building. Culinary teacher name is Ashley Kurth, who Hogg was on TV with several times.
Official Israel narrative
>2:21:33 pm: 2 minutes 33 seconds after he was dropped off by Uber, Cruz begins shooting at classrooms 1215, 1216 and 1214; returns to classrooms 1216 and 1215, and then to classroom 1213. He then takes the west stairwell to the second floor. He shoots one victim in classroom 1234.
From what I can see the shooting is really going on at around 2:35
>>At 2:35 p.m., precisely 24 hours after a former student at the school killed 17 and injured more than a dozen during a rampage for which police have yet to find a motive, the student body held a moment of silent for the dead. Among them: the school’s athletic director, assistant football coach and security guard, a teacher — and Makinde’s friend Guac.
>Beth Feingold said her daughter, Brittani, sent a text at 2:32 p.m. that said, “We’re on code red. I’m fine,” but sent another text shortly afterward saying, “Mom, I’m so scared.”
>"There's a real school shooting going on right now i'm not even playing i just heard 10 gunshots there's police everything i'm shaking," @Luvanth wrote at 2:42 p.m. Wednesday. That tweet triggered a Dataminr alert in many newsrooms, spurring news coverage of the attack.
>The “weapon and bullets were not high quality and were breaking apart,” one of the legislators, state Sen. Lauren Book, D-Plantation, told the Herald.
>Cruz went in with only 10-round magazines because larger clips would not fit in his duffel bag, Book said.
Yet somehow he shoot Meadow Pollack 9 times on the 3rd floor. Also on the 3rd floor he
>Sources told CBS News that Cruz broke a third-floor window, possibly to fire upon people from above. Sources say he tried to create a "sniper's nest" by shooting out the window, firing 16 rounds into the glass, CBS News correspondent Manuel Bojorquez reports. But the hurricane-proof glass appeared to have stopped it from shattering, Bojorquez reports.
This is the same floor where 2 teachers witness someone in mask and helmet. This timeline dumber than Vegas
>According to an eyewitness, Cruz arrived at the school in a small, gold-colored vehicle. He was wearing a maroon shirt, black pants, and a black hat and carried a black duffel bag and backpack. The eyewitness watched as Cruz walked towards one of the school buildings. Moments later gunshots were heard, and the eyewitness called a “Code Red.”
He was wearing a maroon shirt, black pants, and a black hat
>“And then I suddenly saw the shooter… standing in the hallway, actively shooting down the hallway. Just a barrage of bullets. And I’m staring at him, thinking, ‘Why is the police here?’ This is strange ’cause he’s in full metal garb — helmet, face mask, bullet-proof armor, shooting this rifle that I’ve never seen before.
full metal garb — helmet, face mask, bullet-proof armor
I like how the second girl doesn't give a shit about people being shot and killed. She's a badass. Would definitely bleach&dump
Bullshit, they look nothing alike. There's a reason why your pic covers Hogg's eyes and eyebrows.
>Mackenzie Hill had just left her AP Psychology class for the bathroom.
>Her twin sister, Meghan, a student in the same class, stayed behind. The bathroom was closed, so Mackenzie made her way upstairs. Then she heard the bullets. Ten, maybe 15 gunshots.
>Looking to her left, all the way down the mostly empty second-floor hallway, Mackenzie noticed a man holding a large gun.
>“I immediately knew it was him,” she told The Post, recognizing Cruz’s face. She remembered the boy from her middle school, and from the dollar store in town. She recalled his terrifying Instagram posts about wanting to kill people. “I always had a bad feeling about him,” she said.
But then in the interview here at 0:20 she skips over all the that
Her two versions of the story do not match at all
It Also conflicts with the whole Chris McKenna story