Varnashrama Dharma

Ma Aryans ,

“The devotee, however, is not disturbed by such desires because of his fullness. A Kṛṣṇa conscious man is not in need of anything because the Lord fulfills all his material necessities. Therefore he is like the ocean—always full in himself. Desires may come to him like the waters of the rivers that flow into the ocean, but he is steady in his activities, and he is not even slightly disturbed by desires for sense gratification. That is the proof of a Kṛṣṇa conscious man—one who has lost all inclinations for material sense gratification, although the desires are present. Because he remains satisfied in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, he can remain steady, like the ocean, and therefore enjoy full peace. Others, however, who fulfill desires even up to the limit of liberation, what to speak of material success, never attain peace. The fruitive workers, the salvationists, and also the yogīs who are after mystic powers, are all unhappy because of unfulfilled desires. But the person in Kṛṣṇa consciousness is happy in the service of the Lord, and he has no desires to be fulfilled. In fact, he does not even desire liberation from the so-called material bondage. The devotees of Kṛṣṇa have no material desires, and therefore they are in perfect peace.” desires&f=1942#1942

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Dont associate Red Wing with this horseshit.

You will surrender. Either to the jews or Krishna. These are your two choices.

Utilizing my five senses is fulfilling the measure of my existence, is it not?

I suggest you surrender directly to Krishna. It is going to be much easier.

The supreme object of the senses is KRSNA. Krishna advised Arjuna to remember Him while fighting.

My sensory perspective is the only God I know. What can Krishna teach me that I don't already know? I say the mantra and it feels good. What else can I do?

What about your thoughts and dreams that are beyond the sensory perspective , would that also be something within your God experience ?

There are different layers in understanding God.

As a matter of fact what gives you your ability for sensory perception knowing well you did not create even your own 5 senses ?

Fuck off iskon bakti is the weak man's path

I suggest you find another meme.
>nothing against your religion

I do not know. My mortal brain can only do so much.

It is my duty to guide you on the right path.

Anything favorable to grab your attention is a proper utilization of KRSNAs energy.

My purpose is to promote KRSNA , and the means justifies the end

Or perhaps even better,

The End justifies the means

That is always a proper understanding, ...the importance of acknowledging our own limitations.

I only promote KRSNA Bhakti.

That's the funny part, krishna himself discouraged bakti

You Ignorant fool

Here is the proof ,

bhaktyā mām abhijānāti
yāvān yaś cāsmi tattvataḥ
tato māṁ tattvato jñātvā
viśate tad-anantaram
bhaktyā—by pure devotional service; mām—Me; abhijānāti—one can know; yāvān—as much as; yaḥ ca asmi—as I am; tattvataḥ—in truth; tataḥ—thereafter; mām—Me; tattvataḥ—by truth; jñātvā—knowing; viśate—enters; tat—thereafter; anantaram—after
One can understand the Supreme Personality as He is only by devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of the Supreme Lord by such devotion, he can enter into the kingdom of God.

Is that you Krsna?

What is the kingdom of god?
Secondly i'll try and link you books that have real translation, it does not say supreme god or supreme personality neither does krishan refer to himself in that way

>Bhagavad Gita


Now do this without God and enlightenment shall be thine

who the fuck says thine? what are you, retarded or schizo?

What is thine problem?

If you want to go into a deeper debate you need to present your credentials in the subject matter.

I’m a devotee of Lord KRSNA. I belong to Brahmā Sampradaya (chain of command) where Prabhupada is the current link. I have been studying and practicing under Prabhupada for the past 25 years.

What is your credentials ?

Me? A scholar

This is called appeal to authority fallacy, secondly I can read sanskrit since I was 7 i could recite the entire 11th adhaya when I was 8, I did study under learned people but their names are irrelevant, i understand the sense of community iskon offers and how a cult of personality makes you blind, if you are looking for the truth i presented you with the starting point

nice trips bro
whats better or more real, your senses or your imagination?
also explain to me things about them i know jack shit fuck all

“ I did study under learned people but their names are irrelevant”

This is where you err my friend. If that’s so , why should I listen to anything you have to say ?

You are posing as some kind of authority as well ma lad.

“i understand the sense of community iskon offers and how a cult of personality makes you blind”

Why would you judge me like this if you don’t know my situation. For example , I have been exiled from ISKCON 20 years ago.

>why should I listen to what you say
Cause its a language which i understand and is being translated falsely, if your faith is so strong reading a different translation won't shake it right?

And you still haven't found the truth? I had a brief stint with them as a kid and i could tell they are dishonest

Now listen stupid. Why should I trust you that you know Sanskrit ?

What fucking good have you achieved in your life that’s so famous besides following your guru Terrence McKenna ?

>25 years
My suspicions grow that there are two anons namefagging as Hare Krishna on Sup Forums; someone who really does demonstrate a deep knowledge of the subject and someone who doesn't, who I suspect is the same user who namefagged as a title for the Holy Spirit, bhakti mantra.
You appear to be the former, so I thought I'd let you know.

Uh, you confused me know. According to you am I good or bad ? Sorry , sometimes I block

fuck you poo niggers

Based on my experience on this board, I think there are two people who are posting using the name, "Hare Krishna." You and someone else. When it's you, the posts are informative and critical while maintaining a measure of aloofness. When it's the other person, it's always very caustic and forceful; extremely argumentative too.

Oh thank you. Greatly appreciated

You're welcome. I wouldn't want someone to be ruining my good name (or by proxy, the Bhagavad Gita as it is) with others either and would wish to be warned fairly, so I am just expressing to you what I would like expressed to me in such a situation.
You might want to start using a tripcode when you post, for authenticity purposes. If you do a search on how, you should find what you need. Cheers.

Yeah. The hardest argument I get is , poo in loo

You have your work cut out for you. That meme has been around for quite awhile and to be completely honest, it has substantial merit. No offense. I can see the reality of India today, but I can also imagine what could have been. Image related.