
>be americunt
>throw dog against wall and stamp on it
>it gets hurt
>vets euthanise it
>12 years in prison

So is the American justice system just one huge joke or what? 12 years is longer that most murderers and rapists get, what the fuck? Why are Americunts such bootlickers?

Other urls found in this thread:



God that slut is gross.

Dogs are retarded animals unless you have a German Shepard trained to go for the neck every time, Dogs are essentially useless.

cant be real

Look at it like this, most people who abuse or kill dogs are muslims and spics. It's a good way to weed them out.

animal abuse=probable future domestic abuse. I'm not defending the legal system, it's fucked, but animal abusers make me sick. Not sad to see this guy get hard time

Historically, people who abuse animals resort to more nefarious behavior. Look at how many serial killers admitted that they would harm animals in their youth.

There was a girl who killed her newborn baby and she only got probation. 12 years for a dog is nuts.

so what about the Chinese they are unimaginably cruel to animals wheres the outrage for them

Unironically most dog people are generally autistic and or autistically obsessed with dogs


Hello Mohammed, neck yourself.

Not joking my neighbors i think killed their cat and dog, what do?

They said it died (the dog) and not seen the cat in ages, btw they are feral people, literally pikey and are both druggy/alcoholics who live in trash and are just the worst

should i call RSPCA or OB? I cant confront them becuase they are both Fred and Rose West tier



>he really thinks killing a dog warrants 12 years in jail
Can you fit a whole boot in your mouth or will it only go in up to the laces?

Good, animal cruelty is a sure sign of a psychopath . She has no place in society

>12 years is longer that most murderers and rapists get
Maybe in your non-country with no rule of law and 'prisons' that look like resorts

The bitch should have hung from a tree. Doesn't deserve to live. They should feed her to starving dogs.

Isn't that your word for gyspy? Should be legal to beat the shit out of them in public

They deserve the death penalty, only a muzzie would think otherwise.

Forgot about them too, even more effective

Animals are property. You should be allowed to do whatever you want with your property.

Just more femification of the justice system based on emotion.

I would AR 15 all of them, if i had an AR 15 and lived in CHING CHING CHONG

Sounds bretty good, I have a psycho neighbor that I know for a fact loves killing animals, next time I'll give the cops a tip, I live in texas as well

Yep, animal cruelty should be punished by death. Dogs are literally better than people. People who are evil to animals are scum

Are children also your property?

story sounds fishy, animal cruelty is a misdemeanor in texas, and you could put your dick in an animal until 2017

This is insane. Animal lives will soon be worth more than white lives.
And I adore dogs btw, I do believe he should be punished for this.

Burn him at the stake, you attack doggos or defend someone who does and you and me have a serious problem. Do i make myself clear?


you seem upset, buddy

You the guy with the chink webm collection?

I would brutally murder anyone who killed my dog. No question. Even if it was a police officer exercising his extralegal right to shoot every dog in his field of vision. Even if it's the neighbors' disturbed child. My dog is family; what are you to me?

Still, it's not the government's place to imprison people for hurting dogs, especially a dog they own. Anything longer than a 6 month slap on the wrist for killing your own property is ridiculous. Just fine them and ban them from owning another animal.

>being this emotional about an animal
You're either a woman or a complete cuck who's probably never spent a day outside your council house. If you ever get to see a farmer clearing a road of roadkill in a morning I bet you'll have a panic attack and drop dead.


Cunt is lucky they didn't execute her.

Btw Jesus sent 3000 pigs over a cliff and watched them die painfully just for the lulz.
That's the bibles (=our traditional) position on animal rights.
Today everything is inverted to the extreme.



You should be shot for voluntarily killing an innocent dog.


Why do i get the feeling that you are a school shooter kinda kid...

Your dog is not your family. What are you? some kind of twisted devil worshipper?

Good. Doggos are white mans best friend. Don't hurt doggo.

Exactly. Dogs are more worth to me than most people. Fuck anyone who hurts a dog

KYS ChingChong. Where do you live? I will personally rape you in the ass so hard that you wish you were a rural farmer under Mao.

>all animal abusers are psychopaths
Not true sometimes they can change and just feel bad.

Yeah sort of, Chavs would be a better description, but these two are even worse.
They bought the dog from actual gypsies who live in the forest near by and when i say bought i mean the gypsies gave it to them and would worry about the money later....
The ambiguity of the Irish gypsy, both of them are dirt poor druggies so they had no money and the bloke got bundled into their gypsy van and took a serious beating for not paying for the puppy.

Usually when they opened their door the cat ALWAYS ran to my door, becuase im a cat person and now i never see it, dare not ask about it, but they told me the dog died, i call bullshit. They killed it I know they did becuase they are both full blown psycho and could not afford to feed it anyway, they spend all their coin on beer and speed


He deserves it. Who kills an poor animal or tortures is a shitskin ,or has a shitskin soul .


I'm not a dog person but abusing animals is nigger degeneracy.

hey! we only kill niggers and retards


poor chink kitty

Anyway that most people here agree that animal abusers should be hung up and tortured to death actually proves that this place is populated by decent people after all. Someone should show CNN this thread

Pic related proves that good people like animals and evil people fear and hate them

I agree and the fuhrer knew this.

>Muslim gets triggered at Texas and dogs.
the meme write themselves

>12 years is longer that most murderers and rapists get, what the fuck?
You are legit retarded.


You're an arab, or a nigger. Only subhuman psychopath "think" it's ok to beat an animal to death for fun.

Why not just run over it or drop a tool box on it when he was done and call it an accident?


Personally im outraged, fuck the chinks

>wheres the outrage for them
right here spudblood
i hate those people
people who are cruel to animals are not human
being humane towards animals is what sets us apart from the savages


Any of you guys remember this?


>these are the soft cunts who think theyre going to win a race war

I'm beginning to think this board is full of women.


That better not be shovel dog, pls dont derail this thread with fucking animal abuse, leaf

fucking love Putin, that gay bondage collar has to go tho, trying too hard.

>12 years is longer than what most murderers and rapists get
Murder gets you 25 to life, or the death penalty. It is, however, larger than what most rapists get. I will agree that we need to increase the penalty for rape.

>be Merkel
>no children
>afraid of Dogs.....
>divorced twice
..........such a Europe destroying cunt

>killing a doggo makes you hard alpha
Fuck off mutt. We value a dog's life more than yours

chinks aren't human, it's expected of them.

Nope. I'd say it's almost worse just because of how long the video is. I remember the video going viral when I was just starting junior high or something like that.


No killing dogs

If you were English you would know that.
Go home to your shithole


How can you argue that it's not the governments place to enforce laws, but at the same time believe that it's your right to enact capital punishment? You even said you view dogs as property, so why are you justified in murdering someone for destruction of property?


You get tossed in jail for shitposting.

Should get 120 years. Only a nigger barbarian would disagree.

I'm not even clicking it, Im almost over shovel dog, almost


I would never kill a dog but I will not mourn some random dog either.

Talk tough leaf. First time you see a man die would likely break you psychologically.

The dogs demand it, what is a Putin to do?

She is pretty much totally devoid of redeemable traits yeah. At least if she had liked animals it would have been something, but nein

>british flag
>support cruelty to animals

>hurr I'm an alpha because I hurt animals

Fuck off, faggot.

Women get lighter sentences


Why? Why are the innocent punished? Why the sacrifice? Why the pain? There aren't any promises. Nothing's certain. Only that some get called, some get saved. She won't ever know the hardship and grief for those of us left behind. We commit these bodies to the void... with a glad heart. For within each seed, there is the promise of a flower. And within each death, no matter how big or small, there's always a new life. A new beginning. Amen

in the UK you get jailed for 2 yrs for posting Merchants on twitter, not even joking.

pretty sure a guy got jailed for calling footballer a lazy nigger on twitter too

pic not related

You're not even white, i can tell because you don't like dogos, subhuman.
>Dogos lives matter

>Dude im hard and bad-ass because i can torture helpless animals like some nigger, heh, nothin personal

ITT: Literal niggers

should be life with getting torn apart by a dog once a week

Dumbass, we don’t give less than 12 years for murders and rapes, especially not murders. 2nd degree murders regularly get 20 years or more, 1st degree murder gets you a life sentence or 25+ years

That's what you get for being an evil whore.

This guy lives in Texas, where Mexicans murder dogs every Friday night for fun.

I realized that when I saw everyone call him a him