Higher minimum wage = less reliance on government handouts and higher participation in the economy. How is that bad?
>inb4niggers don't deserve it
Higher minimum wage = less reliance on government handouts and higher participation in the economy. How is that bad?
>inb4niggers don't deserve it
Other urls found in this thread:
Why not raise it to $10000000 an hour then? Imagine how well off we'll be!
>the govenment can make money out of air
*sigh* wages should be unregulated and there should be no welfare. Family Values will pick up the slack, with charitable families taking good people under their wings, and society flourishing.
because small business owners can't afford it
they can
they just jack up their prices
I cant wait to be making the same as mcdonalds employees come october. And move back in with my mom at 31 years old. And not be able to afford anything besides bills. Woo raising the minimum wage is such a good thing. Moron
There are people's whose labor isn't worth 9$/hr
>they just jack up their prices
>minimum wage goes up
>price of everything also goes up
So then either negotiate with your employer for a raise, attain more skills, or just quit and work a McDonalds job since it's apparently easier?
I don't think you know what century you're living in.
more money = more taxes = higher cost of living. fucking retarded ass leaf
Start a business and then you tell me
Because when you raise minimum wage, the price of everything begins to rise. It's called inflation. Get a better job you lazy fuck. You're destroying our currency.
It should be raised periodically to keep up with inflation.
But raising it suddenly to about double the current standard is asking for another economic crash.
Minimum wage was created as a eugenics policy to keep blacks out of the work force.
Unfortunately, we also implemented a welfare system which keeps the blacks alive and voting democrat.
Yes, and plenty of muggings and burglaries and people starving in the streets. But just shoot them, right?
>family values
>charitable families
There should be no minimum wage.
>Can someone explain to me why raising the minimum wage is bad?
If you don't understand this diagram, user, you're an imbecile. The problem is clearly proven right there.
Because this:
If minimum wage kept up with inflation like it was originally supposed to then it would already be around $15/hr. The layoffs from Walmart and the like for the pay raises are due to maintaining their (((shareholders))) profits when they could easily pay everyone more without layoffs.
>If minimum wage kept up with inflation
Inflation is partly CAUSED by minimum wage, you fucking imbecile. You're basically saying, if only my clothing would grow larger as a direct result of all the tubs of butter I eat every day...
Because productivity does not rise at the same pace.
How are you going to keep paying a higher wage to a person who still produces as much as what he/she is producing without the wage increment?
>inb4 a better paid employee is a more motivated employee
The buying power of each individual dollar will go down, so having a higher number in your bank account doesn't mean you can "buy more shit".
Only people with a low IQ think minimum wage going up is a good thing.
Businesses shrink to account for increased operating costs. Prices will then go up to match those operation cost. All this does is price out a bunch of businesses that would of provided that service and, in return, will raise the price.
All raising the minimum wage does is slap a bandaid on the wound and let it sit and fester into inflation and less jobs. It also gives more incentives to hire illegals and to replace costly human workers with automated devices.
That vid mentions the car industry creating millions of jobs when they became a thing 100 years ago, but cars became a thing in the late 1800s but weren't big back then and didn't start getting big until the 1900s and even then it only got bigger throughout the last century. Sure car job creation has stagnated but he uses faulty logic to say today's new industries aren't as effective for job creation when we're around the stage cars would have been in maybe the turn of the last century.
Also, lump of labor fallacy.
stupid automation happens regardless
Ayyyy macro economics 101. Thanks for posting this. A graph is better than long winded explanations.
>Friedmanite scum textbooks
If you can't afford to pay minimum wage, don't start a business you useless boomer shit.
Nothing matters until the Federal Reserve Bank is blown to shit
Suffice it to say, raising the minimum wage to an excessively high rate would exert inflationary pressure on the economy, but increasing it to keep pace with inflation would only have a minimal effect.
Empirically, it does not cause unemployment and doesn't cause "inflation".
Its clear none of you know what is inflation even is, so this is a stupid discussion. Its interesting that its North Americans who suffer from this affliction, bravo to the central bankers for corrupting the education system this far I guess.
Higher minimum wage = higher costs on low wage produced products.
>they can
>they just jack up their prices
Which Corporations don't need to do, and it still puts them out of business.
Ultimately, it just allows corporations to run a monopoly on cheap labour until inflation catches up enough that small business can compete again.
It's a shitty idea. Minimum wage should be like $5, taxes should be less than half of what they are now and prices would drop by 50% over night.
People are not poor because they don't make enough money at their minimum wage job. People are poor because they are already making more than minimum wage, and can't afford to buy anything because of the carbon taxes and wage increases.
Cut everything. We are just making a massive debt with absolutely no benefit to the citizens. We are spending millions on expensive abstract social programs for 1% of the population, while the other 99% pays for it.
... or not increasing minimum wage would lead to deflation.
Deflation is bad for people with debts user, inflation is good for them, moderate inflation as described is the best middleground.
You are an idiot.
oh fuck me now I have to pay even more ? NO fuck this, BILL give me the automations department we are going to make this entire store run by robots IM FUCKING DONE!
also boss:
OH FUCK ME MORE MINIMUM WAGE F THIS! From now on we only take in Phd's, if I'm paying this much at least I want competent people not some fucking random NEET who never studied darwinism!
also every other boss:
user (you) : still jobless, now it's even harder (have a PhD or become a fucking robot) and your doritos just got 2 bucks more expensive.
Yes, debt is bad. I agree.
>coporations dont need to do
kek corporations will match up prices anytime
no one competes on prices
Higher mininum wage -> Higher prices -> Poverty Floor rises -> welfare handouts go up.
The only way to fix it is to cut down on the labor supply (get strict on bringing outside labor) and to implement birth control with welfare handouts (no birth control means no welfare). The problem will work itself out in ~20 years when the only people having kids can actually, you know, afford it. Also; if you haven't worked in 2 years you have a mandatory mental health check.
No they won't.
They'll "almost" price match, so they are always priced lower, or just take a revenue hit and put everyone else out of business. They can easy throw away free shit for a few months to put the small businesses out.
It's not even worth eating at a restaurant anymore, It's like $20 for a tiny meal and a beer.
>2008 in the wake of the American financial crisis
not even relevant to the discussion retard
>raise the minimum wage
>businesses have to raise their prices, inflation goes up
>no one can survive on this wage anymore! It’s not keeping up with inflation!
>raise the minimum wage
Wow it’s almost like libshits don’t understand economics
Comp's are harder to come by desu
who cares anyway? usa debt has proven to the world that it won't crash (biggest military force if need be) also raising minimum wage is politicaly sound for the left.
a similar graph can prove how lowering rent creates homelessness.
>no one starts a business because due to labor costs there’s no money to be made
>unemployment goes through the roof
>Wow now the government has to force people to start businesses at a loss.
>entrepreneurs want to leave the country for greener pastures
Now you understand why the Berlin Wall existed
minimum wage IS a government hand out
Oh, sorry
>Ontario Minimum Wage Hike Being Passed On To Consumers, StatCan Data Shows
the jews dont like it and Sup Forums has to appease the master
Inflation and deflation have nothing to do with wages, they are phenomena of money supply.
We face devastating deflation in the global economy. A small hint is that upwards of 16 trillion dollars was chucked into this bottomless pit and we're lucky to find 2% inflation as a result.
I will also point out if what you "common sense" economists who use long words you don't understand say is true, it is impossible for any society to become wealthier.
The minimum wage is just a small redistribution, it doesn't create or destroy money (as you seem to think). It increases, very slightly, velocity of money because poor people spend more of their income than extremely wealthy people. But as noted, if you are worrying about inflation in 2018, congratulations, its you and the EU central bank whose anti-inflationary policies you can see powering Italy and Greece to greatness.
it avoids the actual issue which is a labor surplus
you can't just mandate businesses pay more while you flood the country with immigrants and hand out H1Bs like candy
not only will the prices of goods and services provided by those workers increase, their increased demand will exacerbate that
meanwhile people who already made more than the minimum will have to suffer these extra costs without any additional income to offset it
it's nothing but another insidious way to harm the middle class without admitting that labor shortages are good for workers
>misgendering IS hate speech
why do you need to faggottry your point
Artificially raising the price of labor doesn't make cheap labor more valuable. It just effectively bans cheap work. And yes, I know you can't raise a family on one minimum wage job. Lots of people need or want work who aren't raising a family.
if a low min wage is so great, why not make it $0 an hour. Then we'll all be rich when it trickles down!
And again
What's wrong with deflation?
It does increase the money supply, because it increases costs, forces borrowing, and increases the money supply.
Instead of saving money, paying off debts and ending interest payments.
The financial crisis of 2008 was not caused by the minimum wage.
Maybe stop calling other people "idiot" Professor Google?
I agree, abolish minimum wage.
Businesses only hire labor when it makes them a profit. With the minimum wage, all the businesses that normally would hire people for 5, 6, 7 $/hr can no longer make a profit, so they fail/downsize. Then all the people who aren't skilled enough to be worth minimum wage don't get jobs.
wasnt japanese supposed to be intelligent?
>Implying that you’re literally stupid enough to take a job that doesn’t pay anything
theyll actually charge more bc they have added value
brand name
costumer service
most industries are some kind of poly anyway
better yet, we make people pay to work! When min wage is a negative number, it won't be a trickle down, it'll be a torrential down pour of riches. A golden shower, if you will.
thats not what the graph says
Because a minimum wage doesn't allow me to out compete you for labor market share as it makes hiring each of us an equal liability and significant loss of profit. Driving up inflation of prices while deflating purchasing power. I'm against ANY minimum wage laws, let alone alot of labor laws. Please utilize me for 60 hours a week at the same employer without overtime so I can actually afford something!
If we raise the wages, companies will automate and we'll lose jobs.
Unless Trump is the one raising wages via tariffs and stimulus spending. Then everyone benefits and there are no downsides at all.
>...raising wages via tariffs and stimulus spending.
Not how that works dude.
Who is dumb enough to work for free?
People will get paid what they are willing to get paid, instead of the wage bar being set to a limit only corporations can afford.
I'm not sure why Liberals love corporations m so much and absolutely hate small business and franchise owners..
But automation is being developed whether the minimum wage increases or not. Sooner or later people will be replaced by robots anyway.
You think spending money and preventing imports make wages go down?
Please tell me how the crayons taste today.
But there is a minimum wage and unemployment is not through the roof.
Small businesses sell brand name products.
If Walmart and K-mart are both selling the same product, but Walmart is willing to cut the price by 5%, people will shop at Walmart.
Work is worth what it's worth. I know it's hard, but imagine you are the business owner, and all salaries come out of your pocket.
Maybe it'd be cool to have someone hand out hot towels to your customers. Or whatever. Not $1,000 a month cool, but maybe $500 a month cool. You'd pay $500 a month for this service. When the government insists that the service must cost $1,000 you don't pay it, the the job just goes away.
Maybe some downie or an ex-con could have got his foot in the door and now he doesn't. Why is that good? The people who thought that wasn't enough money could try for a different job. And the customers don't get the extra service either. But you can only legislate the price, not the value.
>Sup Forumstards complain about third worlders taking their jobs
>hurrr abolish minimum wage!
>third worlders will settle for $3/hr making it a net negative for the same people that complain about third worlders that take their jobs
There are still obvious drawbacks to protectionist policies. We can employ more people in America in better jobs, yielding more money in the pocket, but due to the trade restrictions, that money has less value when purchasing imported goods.
So you’ll have more money, but it won’t be worth as much.
I wrote a paper on this subject. Basically I supported a limited increase in minimum wage. This was because the supply/demand model a lot of libertarians use is too simplistic for realistic macro cases. You can have multiple market equilibrium. Also there was a study that found an increase in minimum wage increased unemployment by 2% however it was still a raise for 98% of people. There has been a change in general opinion of economist on the subject since 1996 economist have been able to do better "natural" experiments on the study of economics and they generally support the minimum wage.
For example
Sean Last of the alternativehypothesis is a Post Keynesian and he has spoken out in support of raising the minimum wage. I wish he didn't take down his econ videos desu, why I bring him up is that even on the alt right there are people who support raising the minimum wage
Unless it's conservatives in the U.K. who want to cut tariffs. Then they are terrible and getting rid of them is the best thing you can do in an economy.
tarrifs are for tax income.
stimulus spending is (supposed to be) for infrastructure.
You're just assuming we still won't be buying everything from China still. If they and others don't sell to us they go bankrupt, all it will do outside of releaving the US taxpayer is shuffle around the deck chairs and cause inflation overseas.
wrong pic
is walmart the cheapest store in the us?
are we only talking about grocery retailers?
But that's not a meritocracy.
Which is what I thought we are all aiming for.
The slackers end up starving.
Make it $0 and let the market reach equilibrium. Let people whose labor isn't worth $15, work for $12, or $10, or whatever they are worth, instead of making nothing and requiring welfare.
Yeah no shit.
>Third world makes $3, spends $10 on groceries for the week
>Leaf makes 15$, spends 50% instantly on tax, most of it goes to third worlders and their families, spend $100's a month on groceries, including overhead for wages, carbon taxes, sales taxes, more taxes, etc etc so fat people can ride scooters for free and third world countries can have a military
>Be unemployed, don't make any money. Minimum wage makes all things unaffordable on welfare, ask the Government for more money, increases taxes
What's the problem here? Money =/= Wealth
My $15 isn't worth more than their $3, if my food bill is 10x the cost.
But user how am I going to afford all my useless shit if I work on a real living wage instead of a middle class wage.
What other retail stores do you think exist in Canada?
There's Giant Tiger, maybe Canadian Tire, and that's about it.
How about abandoning the 40 hour week or would people working two jobs fuck everything up?
The biggest competition for Walmart these days is from the Dollar Store, but that tells you something about how much products actually cost, and how much the overhead costs.
30 hour work week*
then it goes into overtime.
Please kill me.
You'll have more expendable income since your cost of living hasn't risen in tandem with minimum wage inflation.
Another option is studying/training and getting a real job.
Because of I N F L A T I O N
wow how dare you provide graphs, evidence, and logistical arguments you fucking RACIST BIGGOT you dont care about the poor at all!
Some people will work less (like high school students) however there is evidence of general increase in productivity from being paid more; this is part of the reason I brought up the multiple market equilibrium graph.
cough.... leaf
now thats out of da whay...
Lets say i can only afford $100 for employment. I hire 10 people for $10 each. I need at least 6 people to complete the task.
Now the gov comes in and say that I half to pay $25 min wage. now I can only afford 4 employees. 6 people lost their jobs and now the quality of my service/ product suffers due to insufficient labor. I can either hire illegal aliens or buy robots to make up the labor gap.
thats why it sucks
The 30 hour work week is long overdue. With the current costs of production we're looking at a 25 or even 20 hour work week. That is only if companies don't want to decrease their x5-x20+ the actual cost prices.
You want the truth on minimum wage? Check this shit out.