How goes the love life Sup Forums?
Any luck finding the perfect m8 to repopulate the "white rice"?
I personally am having no luck at all!
How goes the love life Sup Forums?
Any luck finding the perfect m8 to repopulate the "white rice"?
I personally am having no luck at all!
Pretty fucking awful.
I should of snagged a gf in college.
After hs/collegedating scene is a fucking horror show. Social life dies down a lot and you are forced onto tinder/bumble.
I'm better than average looking and my social status as a male on tinder is low as fuck. Hardly ever match with chicks I'd want to date.
Get a gf in college lads.
>I personally am having no luck at all!
Maybe it's your personality. I have a wife and two kids.
Also, you look like a fucking idiot when you put the name of our race in quotation marks. If you don't know by now that race is objectively real, it marks you as being uneducated.
it's a shill
Pretty good, found a nice and pretty Anglo girl who has aggred to be my wifey.
Did you do it by lying a lot? I seriously can't see being sucessful at dating if I'm my true self.
Anti-Race mixing
Feels bad man.
I am literally all of these things and my gf said yes when I proposed. She wants to give me a half dozen babies to boot.
survive the apocalypse first, then settle down, breed, etc.
just installed tinder today, only been swiping on asian qts though... sry about your white rice
I got a great girl ive been dating for the last 5 months. There is one issue though... She is 5'1" and I am 6'5". I don't want manlet kids.
Got married in December and the wife is already pregnant.
Try anywhere outside of cities. Most people in rural areas are pretty redpilled, especially in areas where they have to deal with chugs
I got a pretty girl I'm talking too right now.
I don't want to be too forward right now, remaining friends.
We talk a lot, and she's pretty neat.
3 years ago when i was a normie who unironically identified as "centre-left" i dumped my 8/10 blonde VIRGIN gf of 6 months because when i took her virginity she was way too tight and it hurt my dick. Jokes on her tho because now i know that she is barren. Pic unrelated, visited arrowhead lake area today and was completely blown away
Sorry about your future son
you're already oversized.
how long do you think there will be an abundance of food in this country falling to communism? your kids would be better off an inch or two shorter.
pretty good I would say. There's slightly one problem. gf mad af because I'm lurking here for quite sometime. She thinks that I'm rasisct and Sup Forums influencing me in bad way. She bluepilled af by (((media))). but it does not interfere with our relation it just makes long conversasions about politics and history. Shes slowly swolling redpill from me.
Found a pretty little doctor. We are talking about having kids, I'm wanting 3-4 personally.
I have 2 boys with my ex; she's Dutch/Scottish and I'm German/English/Polish.
They just started BJJ last week; 6 & 8yrs old.Good shit.
congrats user
>Sup Forums yard:I personally am having no luck at all!
Imagine my shock
I was together with the "woman of my life" about 10 years ago, at the end of middle school till the end of high school - 4 years in total.
She was smart, slightly nerdy, objectively beautiful (cute face, bright eyes, freckles, big breasts) and well brought up in a Christian household.
However, despite me being a quite confident nerd, I was a soyboy physically - most of my confidence stemmed from my personality and easy-going attitude.
As it turned out, she had psychopathic tendencies, lied her ass off and started cheating without me knowing. Once the time for university came about, she dumped my ass - AFTER I started renting a flat for the both of us. I kept on chasing after her and she played all those ridiculous games. Kept on telling me how she loves me, but then not calling for a week. I got cucked. Blinded by emotions and mislead by endless lies I couldn't make sense of any of it. I chased her for about 2 years afterwards and waddled into deep depression (was about the time I started visiting Sup Forums, too).
Later on I finally started finding out what was going on. I kept on catching her off guard with her endless lies and she kept on getting lost in them, too. Sometimes she came up with 3 different versions for the same event. She was cheating on me with several drug dealers, went to random sex parties during her university days, kept on cheating on her new boyfriend. I could write a book about the fucked up shit she did to me. My honor was so broken I seriously thought about killing her and/or myself.
Either way, it took many years of depression to slowly get outta that one.
The times of innocent teenage love remain as the most cherished in my mind. Making each other laugh, cuddle all day, fucking like bunnies in high grass or on late night public transportation, going out for walks in the woods. All of it seemed genuine because we liked each other, we had the same sense of humour and she was smart enough to get everything I was talking to her about.
I'm half white and half black and just had a little girl.
If you round up she's white
>Any luck finding the perfect m8 to repopulate the "white rice"?
Yes, pic related
Growing up I never thought I would get to the point of really wanting kids. But just that little description you gave there sounds so fucking awesome to me.
No luck here. No prospects either.
There's no good way to meet quality women anymore. Potentially depending where you work, but I work in a very small town surrounded by leftists. Most people I work with are leftists. My power level is so fucking high that any time I'm out of the house, it's head down, mouth shut for the most part. Now if someone strikes up a conversation or whatever, I will stand by my beliefs. I'm not a spineless faggot. But I definitely mask my power level in public. You have to adapt while not compromising too much of yourself.
This was my last prospect. A fucking hapa. Turned out to be a psychotic feminist too. I challenged her on the bullshittery regarding college rape statistics and she fucking flipped out. Such REEE. Much BIGOT! I just fucking laughed.
>I'm unironically working in this area
>white rice
Is that the new term for hapas
I showed her Warcraft III and she said she doesn't like it at first, but when I came to visit 3 days later she was playing the last mission of the nightelf campaign.
Despite all the negative stuff that happened. The fact that our relationship didn't come to a conclusion and I tried to kill myself over it, I still think the good outweighs the bad. Teenage love is probably one of the best things you can experience in life as long as it's genuine and not based purely on physical attraction.
Jimmy Soul made a song. If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.
>babies first red pill
you cannot obtain the love you are looking for from a woman. That love can only come from your mother, who you seek to replicate in all your future female relationships. First that means you should cherish your mother as she is the only woman who will ever love you like you want to be loved. From then on you must understand that you can have relationships with with women but the best of them are mature teenagers. If you show weakness they will destroy you. Lift to improve your soyboy physique and always be prepared to drop them. Always, ALWAYS, be prepared, even if you're married for 20 years. The second she thinks you're afraid to lose her is the second she leaves.
Highs and lows, of course. But it can be what you make of it.
Think of it as building your own little army; love them, be firm and fair, give them the tools to succeed and watch them make the heavens tremble... and your heart sing.
Sorry for getting all sappy there, but it's true.
>Just finished university
>finished courses for project management and financial consultant
>dated cute 7/10 girl at beginning of uni
>redpill her
>becomes iron pilled and full alex jones crazy
>everything is conspiracy but you would never know it looking at her because she looks like a hipster
>we both started lifting, nothing libs hate more than attractive white couple
>originally intended to have zero kids
>milo said have kids
>fuck it
>tfw two months into my new 86k a year job, gf has a huge ass and tight core and is redpilled and hates most men because my city is liberal/green party as fuck, making good money, will be able to provide for 9/10 gf and the one or two kids we make
Keep your heads up right wing user bros, shit will happen. Don't search for it because holy shit, it will find you.
I'm in love with my qt neighbor. Got in good with the dad and currently going for her now. Her brother is making it difficult but we will get around that eventually.
Thanks guys. Hopefully just the first of many
>the one or two kids we make
fucking leafs can't do anything right. If you're young and financially well off you should be having a MINIMUM of four kids.
>two people enter marriage
>one person leaves
You fuck, you're doing nothing.
With someone I genuinely like... though not satisfied intellectually because she has no ability to talk about things not related to: Marriage, kids, current useless celeb events, shit her thot ass friends did to her.
I want to find the perfect girl, smart, understanding, funny, able to bond on an intellectual level. Someone who can say the voted for someone because: ______ Not someone who votes simply because it was the popular option in her family/clique.
Overall, I'm content. Though I'm constantly looking and I find myself meeting people who seem like that perfect woman, though they're always in a relationship or it just isn't feasible due to logistics (met on business trips). It's honestly tough.
I'm 4 years into lifting bud. Have been redeeming myself throughout the years.
You are definitely right, though. All humans despise weakness and if you ooze some of it, your significant other will use it against you.
there's a reason why leafland is barren and our country is smaller but 10x the people. They're shit at everything.
Don't despair dudes. People are dating and getting married later and later because women have started going to college as much as men are.
This. The only true deep emotional connections possible between humans is between two men (no homo). Maybe between two women as well but i doubt it
I haven't talked to anybody I wasn't forced to talk to by circumstances for 5 years now
You might have overestimated your looks mate
Tell us more m8. What sorts of scientific research have you been doing, and how much progress are you making? Also what companies are working on this and how can I help artificial wombs be developed faster?
This is the future of the N*rdic race
More like not populated with Mexican stink and black trash.
fraternal bonds are far more complex and strong than male/female bonds. Men can actually understand and empathize with your emotions. There was a study that came out in the last 2 weeks that show men obtain much higher satisfaction from friendship with other men than their partner. I don't think women/women friendships even exist, they just keep other women around so they can shit talk about other women
>four kids
Fuck that, her family has had birthing problems in the past. Literally could not and would not live without her. Two kids. Plus fuck, I had a billion siblings and she did too. I'd rather make sure the two I have get all the opportunities I never did.
I'm a 30 year old virgin
and leafland is populated with arabs and chinese. US' population has been 10x canada's for 100 years even when we were 85% white and they were 99%