What countries is raw milk allowed? Is it safe and/or healthy for you?
Raw milk
Andrew Sanchez
Ayden Reed
>raw milk
>put it in estrogen plastic
Nathan Rogers
What about glass?
Adrian Green
>raw milk
>not allowed
1984 called they want their joke back
Robert Barnes
In the US raw milk is illegal in many states.
Dylan Thompson
Raw milk is milk that hasn't been pasteurized or processed in anyway.
David Ward
We have "country milk" over here. It's not homogenized, but it's illegal to sell milk that isn't pasteurized.
Lucas James
Mom started buying it from some farmer down the road. I drank it 2 days in a row and got the shits.
Dylan Jackson
When are the invaders getting deported, Sven?
Grayson Perry
Why are there so many /ck/ threads today?
Shills trying to flood the Trump "No due Process" threads out?