I'm Hispanic and cant stand Hispanics they all think that they are gonna get deported but I have not heard of a single deportation. every time a Spanish person speaks to me about how bad trump is or how racist the right wing is I just want punch them in the face. I hate being Hispanic because everyone just has to pity me even though nothing has ever happened to me that is worthy of pity.
you can tell by this rant how my day has been.

>Self hating cuck
You hate us cause you see a reflection of yourself inside us (Hispanics). Fuck you btw, we have an amazing diverse culture, the anglo cucks wished they were us.

la creatura que quita las armas

You're not hispanic. you're american.

Why would anglos want to be manlettes?

I think being self loathing is pretty pathetic and pitiable. Congratulations, you have your reason to be pitied now.

Hispanic guy here, some are okay some are shit. I really don't give a fuck if Trump or whites are racist because I've been around plenty of my own people and when they drink together in a garage they're making fun of niggers and whites, women, etc.

You know, you can always kill yourself and help us make america great again

You will never have a great america, you will bow down to the god of israEL and serve the jews.


This just proves how vile and evil spics are

And what exactly are the benefits of being tall? Not only anglos are tall, niggers are taller than them and see how they've been doing...

Youll be kneeling with us paco, bring some tacos and latinas please

Fuck 'em

Niggers are only tall because slave breeding, africans are shorter than mexicans. You ever seen a somali?

You retard, we should be working together to defeat the Jews, they want to make Latinos live like niggers just like they want whites to as well. Settle our differences once the Jew has been defeated.

Nope, we don't have niggers in Mexico, you didn't answer my question, what are the benefits of being tall? I mean, the only benefit I see is that women may have a certain preference to date taller people but other than that I don't see any benefit.

You can reach higher items on shelves.

Women. Muh dik motha fuka fa sho holla at a nigga, homeboy

>No self-hating
>Not realizing our """""culture""""" is shit
>Not trying to live by white standards
>Not having a white fetish

Youre the one whod say we will be kneeling. I just wanted to make sure we were all comfortable

You da nigga and I da nigga, we all niggas

To bad you can't be light skinned hispanic. Most of the time i get mistaken for a white person. I also have a thicc booty white girl GF


B.But pol with save u

pretend to be white! free name change - look it up, surround self with white people, say you're a mutt that your dad is white or something

Is this how we fight the jew my chicano amigo?

What state?

La Abominacion......

I’m Hispanic and a server. It’d be nice if most of us stop being rude and start tipping decently.

And for those of you who don’t tip, congratulations! You’re all a bunch of fucking niggers.

What can I say?
Sucks to be you?

>not being based boricua
None of us are worried about getting deported, because we're all citizens!

Dont hate hispanics, hate mestizos and indio la raza idiots.