The Alt-Jew does not realize the Zionist leaders mean to sacrifice the majority of Jews for their cause, or if they do have this knowledge, do not understand why it's the wrong strategy. Man is approaching a new evolutionary mark, not of the body but his mind. The closer huanity's meta-Evolution approaches, the scheme of the Enemy is less and less applicable. This is why the Zionist, regardless his motivation, is wrong and for no other or emotional reason. The Zionist will either accept this reality or find himself swept aside by those who will, not as a matter of superiority or ego, but only as the natural destruction which befalls the unnecessary.
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Sup Moarpheus. How's that search for a connection between the Kalergi Plan and National Geographic going?
Not bad.
Really? Because that's the same image you posted last time I asked. And I told you that you can't just put out Point A and Point B without drawing a line in between them. You have to show the in-between steps. How did National Geographic determine what Americans would look like? Who was involved? What was their relation to the Kalergi plan? How many degrees were they separated from Kalergi? You've answered none of these questions. Looks to me like you haven't made any progress at all!
>Kalgeri claims the mixed raced to serve Israel will look like Egyptians
>Modern news confirms the mixed races will looks like Egyptians
>this is proof of nothing
oh user, i..
Wait, does the national geographic article even explicitly say that they'll look like Egyptians? You're making a lot of claims with no real proof.
Besides, if you can't draw a line between Event A and Event B, who's to say they're not coincidences? Or, perhaps, there's another, more valid hypothesis?
looks huwhite to me
>more valid hypothesis?
enlighten me?
That's not a line. That's conjecture. Here's some stuff you could dredge up:
>Kalergi or a cohort contributing to a foundation that helped spawn National Geographic
>The NatGeo staffers responsible for the piece attending a school where Kalergi's works were highly promoted
>Kalergi or an associate setting up a foundation that comissioned the NatGeo piece
That's what actual hard proof looks like, stuff that can't be denied and leaves no room for conjecture or alternatives.
These two links form a good basis for my hypothesis:
Modernity, through global capitol, promotes the erosion of national borders so as to promote the ease of commerce. Likewise, as modernity is detrimental to fertility, it demands that R-selecting populations are imported so as to churn out more workers and consumers to keep the whole system afloat. At the same time, while modernity makes it easy for K-selecting populations to succeed, it also provides the resources for R-selecting populations to not collapse. This incentivizes R-selecting populations to simply relocate to modern areas where their lifestyle can be supported, rather than deal with starvation or predators.
Where you see a conspiracy, I see the the complex intersection of several natural processes and phenomena all borne separately of each other but still coming together.
>Kalergi claims the future mixed races whill be light-brown and resemble the ancient Egyptians
>Modern news projects the future races, due to forced miscegenation, will resemble the mixed brown Egyptian peoples
>this is a mere COHENcidence
Kill me right now, otherwise realize I will win the People.
Can you prove it's not a coincidence? If not, then you're already dead.
Are the People more likely to believe it is in fact a coincidence or not? The Alt-Right, a PSYOP, has conditioned the People to think it is in fact not a PSYOP. YOU have done this for me without thinking, because you made a mis-step, and I will take full advantage when the time fits my cause. I need only convince the People of conspiracy and I'll do it by point out you can not prove otherwise, therefore, it is rational. And, like those whom you wish you were, I can expose as much because the Plan is far beyond where you and I find ourselves tonight.
>Are the People more likely to believe it is in fact a coincidence or not?
I think the people are more likely to believe what I'm proposing, which isn't a coincidence nor a conspiracy.
>I need only convince the People of conspiracy and I'll do it by point out you can not prove otherwise, therefore, it is rational.
I'm doing the same thing with my hypothesis, but by and large I'm doing a better job of it. I mean, taking the whole "proof" thing out of it, my hypothesis just sounds better to the average normie. It's more scientific, doesn't tie me to some of the most hated historical figures, and doesn't sound explicitly partisan or even political. It's not threatening at all, which means it's perfectly designed to slip past people's ingrained defenses against crimethink.
>I think the people are more likely to believe what I'm proposing, which isn't a coincidence nor a conspiracy.
Rothschild Family is the cause the European Genocide. The very root of the matter is the Diaspora. But they also created and maintain Israel. To loathe the one while supporting the other is a loser's strategy. When Israel is exposed who do you think the People will flock around?
See, that's not really a coherent response to my post. It doesn't address any of what I've mentioned, nor does it even fall within the general topic. It just changes the topic completely, derailing the discussion entirely. If it weren't for the IDs, you'd come across as an entirely different poster.
Your post signals to normies that you don't understand the basics of communication. They'll see it and assume (perhaps rightfully so) that you're deranged. And normies have no interest in following someone they believe is deranged. Once you convince them of that, you lose the ability to convince them of anything else, no matter what facts you have.
My theory is that the liberal Western Diaspora Jews created and control modern Israel, and that by support Israel through Zionism but while also oppose the liberal Western Jews, you are fighting with one arm tied behind your back.
What is your argument?
>sacrifice the majority of Jews
Exactly what they did in the holocaust
Again, that doesn't sync up with the post. Here, let me show you what a proper response would look like:
>I think my theory will catch on better with normies because it appeals to their romantic nature, providing the sort of sinister conspiracy they see all the time in pop culture. Likewise, people are more receptive to the idea of someone being in control of the world rather than the uncontrolled wild machinations of nature.
That would be a proper counterpoint to the point I made. It addresses everything I bring up and continues the conversation in a coherent, consistent manner. Likewise, the spelling and grammar is entirely correct, which shows that you care somewhat about your presentation.
Now let me show you how to make a coherent response by responding to your post:
My argument is that "the Jews" are not really a cohesive, unified force, as I believe there is no non-circumstantial evidence to suggest that there is a grand conspiracy. Instead, I attribute the rise of the Jews to their innate high verbal IQ and above-average spatial IQ as well as a strong in-group disposition. In the traditional Darwinian fashion, this gives them a competitive edge in certain fields, allowing them to excel. Thus, where you see conspiracy, I see natural forces at work.
Answer to my argument. Don't deflect, it's rude.
I just did, though. I made a counter-argument that bitching about "the Jews" is entirely misguided to begin with.
>My argument is that "the Jews" are not really a cohesive, unified force, as I believe there is no non-circumstantial evidence to suggest that there is a grand conspiracy. Instead, I attribute the rise of the Jews to their innate high verbal IQ and above-average spatial IQ as well as a strong in-group disposition. In the traditional Darwinian fashion, this gives them a competitive edge in certain fields, allowing them to excel. Thus, where you see conspiracy, I see natural forces at work.
Do you read the post before replying to it? Because you've just made yourself look incredibly silly right now. This isn't something I'd advise doing in front of a normie audience.
>bitching about "the Jews" is entirely misguided to begin with.
Israel is responsible for European Genocide. As a white male of European descent, why should I not bitch about the Jews for the genocide of my people?
And here we come full circle, back to what I said in and and and where you more or less make a claim and then fail to provide solid, irrefutable proof for it.
And to compound that issue, you once again only responded to the first line of my post, not addressing the rest of the text, which once again doesn't respond to my original argument, instead attacking a synopsis. You've made yourself look incredibly silly again. How do you expect this to play out in front of an audience of normies?
Annnnnd you once again deflect and refuse to address the issue. Let's see you save face in person.
East Asians are as intelligent (or more so) as the Jews, just as clannish, and greater in number. Yet their social power in the US is inconsequential.
I think these "two" people are the same guy arguing with himself.
I want you to know something. I want you to know there is an individual in this world who would, given the power, absolutely and completely destroy Israel and this very reality, being built with bricks from black cube fallacy.
Also, these same founding Zionists created Communism (Marx was later introduced to it).
>Sup Moarpheus
You faggots call everyone Moarpheus to create some kind of strawman that your innocent (((alt-right))) is a victim and not some Dugin psy-op.
not with physicla force, of course, but mental. Israel a place of repentance rather than world dislike, Rothschild rotting away where they belong. But Zionist capitulate, why?
All of the posts I link address the issue. My counterpoint to your claim is that you fail to provide any sort of substantial, irrefutable evidence that cements your claim.
East asians didn't start to enter the US in large numbers until the late 19th century, while for the most part there has almost always been a consistent stream of Jews into the US, at least since the very beginning. And it's worth noting that east Asians are rising significantly in social power now, particularly in tech. It wouldn't surprise me if one group of Asians became the Jews of tech, more or less.
Whoops, meant to link to instead of That's another important thing for credibility: correct your errors!
My argument withstands all other errors. You fail to see the propaganda.
Just because you say that, doesn't mean it's true. Have you considered replying to my point in ?