Isn't it time for some honestly sensible gun control? how can we let these tools of war be used on our children? Plus, the second amendment was mainly meant for muskets, not these problematic high-tech weapons that can mow people down.
Isn't it time for some honestly sensible gun control? how can we let these tools of war be used on our children? Plus...
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Define "sensible" commie.
By the way, you've been losing since 1994.
Fuck off, commie.
it's time for you to fuck and die
that's what time it is you faggot
Hahahahaha just die faggot.
I think OP is making some good points. There has been a lot of deaths that could have been avoided as a result of banning assault weapons. One day man... One day we'll get there brother
>sensible gun control
>tools of war
>mow people down
Nice buzzwords.
Don't know why I'm responding, since you're obvious bait.
I know right? It's like pol can't even reason or read actual statistics
retards larping as communist while pushing for gun control should be throw from helicopters for being counter revolutionaries
Source: biased BS with an agenda
>Sorry, you're still not taking them
That's a bit extreme isn't it? Let's be sensible about this. Children are LITERALLY dying because of this, can't you understand?
>Plus, the second amendment was mainly meant for muskets
>the top tier of tech at the time
>Semi-Auto ONLY AR15's outdated for the last 60 years since the early concept AR10's
>implying there is non-biased pro-2nd amendment sources
There is no "sensible" method of gun control.
Owning a firearm will be made punishable by death in 5 years.
YES I can't wait to be unarmed when the evil Nazi's take over
It's so humorous how you peons think you will resist the U.S. military. Um, news flash, they have tanks and bombs and drones. You don't want to hand them over willingly? I'm sure the military will be happy to take them by force.
You talk a big game now but when a squad rolls up to your house at 2am, kicks down your door, and puts a gun in your wife's face I bet you'll change your tune pretty damn fast.
everyone must own one of pic related for use in slide threads such as this one
That's a tad bit extreme but not if it's what it takes to stop children from being slaughtered... I'd take that trade off honestly. I am a good person with nothing to hide I don't need guns
the road of revolution is paved in brimstone, fire and blood and your angry because a bunch of kids got killed
My rights aren't up for debate, or argument. mmkay?
Do not give them any moral high ground.
The not only need to be purged, they need to be made an example of. They are cattle fattened up for the slaughter.
>implying pol has wives
giving this board too much credit man, mostly fat man-children that can't let go of their penile projectile popping insecurities
i bet a dollar the men who wrote the 2nd amendment would have the ar15 figured out in a minute or two
I agree, and they would see the carnage it's having within our schools and they'd ban it promptly
Does income in Californium in case I need to Crack a planet that gets too close to my solar system?
The human is a tool of war. The final solution is to remove humans and then guns will no longer kill people.
The second amendment was to make sure the people will always be on equal footing with any potential abuser/abusers. Since the potential abusers in this case include groups of people that have legal or illegal access to full auto rifles, it is only reasonable that the people have at least semi-auto rifles to use in such a situation.
To be fair, the only way that can be guaranteed is for American citizens to have their own semi-auto rifle available to them, at all times.
stop larping you counter revolutionary
Not music related please leave
>"good person"
Nope, you just get the rope, then gutted, then left for the critters of the wild to feast on for what's left of you.
All commies will hang one day, better ditch your shit-tier edgy faggot pipe dreams before they get you killed, son.
More buzzwords.
You're still not taking them.
Sucks for them. kys. sage.
>stop replying to obvious b8 nufags
I don't think your a communist, I think you're a troll that comes here for (you)s and you might even be a Sup Forumstard who is just board.
Agreed. The only way to stop gun violence is to let everyone have access to it and be educated on it. It’s really that simple. Easier access is the answer. Just revoke right to access to those who essentially , wouldn’t be allowed to drive or vote.
>the "muh drones" argument
There is nowhere on Earth that you can hide kike.
The army couldn't beat slanted eyed rice farming gooks and subhuman towelheads. What makes you think they'll be able to easily beat the militias of America?
Seems to work in Britain doesn't it? We should attempt to model ourselves after them. Their kids are healthy and safe in their schools while ours are being murdered.
>It's so humorous how you peons think you will resist the U.S. military. Um, news flash, they have tanks and bombs and drones.
Bye, commie.
Oh suck a cock you retarded commie, banning guns WONT stop gun violence, do you fucking think criminals will listen to gun free zones?
And just for good measure.
>Magpul magazine
Get out.
>Isn't it time for some honestly sensible gun control? how can we let these tools of war be used on our children? Plus, the second amendment was mainly meant for muskets, not these problematic high-tech weapons that can mow people down.
>Meant for muskets
That was simply the military technology most prominently used at the time.
The purpose is creating an armed citizenry to create a balance of power between governed and government to deter the rise of tyrannical rule.
Frankly any restriction to the types of arms available to a US citizen is unconstitutional.
The laws created regarding the restriction of access to automatic weapons are unconstitutional, and any body declaring otherwise is, unwittingly or nefariously, laying the groundwork for tyrannical rule.
Yeah. A drone is going to come raiding my house for contraband in 4 in the morning, idiot.
plz explain. I bought an AR recently and it came with one. are they unreliable in the long run?
This. We have been in Iraq/Afghanistan for how long? All because everyone in the cities are armed.
If an American citizen can afford to procure any form of armament, there should be no law that prevents it.
That is constitutional and lawful.
Restriction of any sort is not.
what a bunch of gun nutbags lol
What you describe is the precise worst case scenario envisioned by the men who authored the Constitution.
An armed citizenry makes such military operations on home soil dangerous and demoralizing in the extreme.
You overestimate the obedience of a soldier who is told to kill his fellow citizens. There will be plenty who follow orders without question.
But there is a breaking point. And operating in a campaign of violence upon your own countrymen is a fast track to reaching that point.
and how many of the perpetrators were niggers shooting each other?
not an argument
It is when you can point to the areas with tough gun control and some of the worst gun crime, and those areas are all black and spic suburbs.
not an argument, vulnerable populations such as the african americans are more prone to gun violence as a mean of survival. Perhaps if you'd help rise them up they wouldn't resort to it
FACT: All weapons are weapons of war.
FACT: The Constitution, and all Amendments, adapt with modern technology as long as the spirit is maintained. The spirit of the 2nd Amendment is a properly armed (i.e. well regulated) citizenry that results in wins. Arming citizens of today with, say, spears would guarantee a loss, thus the need for AR-15s.
FACT: The 2nd Amendment was intentionally written using the word Arms to cover all manners of effective weapons. Some people owned cannons, which can be effective at mowing people down.
An ironic statement from somebody who is a communist.
If niggers are killing each other and selling drugs to other niggers, who's creating the problems in their community?
It isn't whitey anymore. Whitey did what he could legislatively to erase the barriers.
Not his fault anymore if niggers don't choose to advance themselves.
wrong. all I'd need is a bike lock :^)
The literal second someone mentions
>"our children"
>"Muh Muskets"
it's time for a guillotine, preferably the french kind.
Spot on.
they use drugs to escape the reality of how oppressed they are. Let's face the facts, the US is a racist country that keeps people of color down for personal gain.
I find the best way to control it is to put it to your shoulder and grasp the grip firmly, while looking at the front sight through the brackets of the rear. This way you can keep on target a lot better.
Franklin would've been the first to figure it out, and it would've been him and Jefferson as the first ones trying it out. Aaron Burr would've def gotten in on the action if he had been there.
"Groomed" is a euphemism for gang rape.
Recreational nukes for all.
You have to go back.
Just because muskets were in use when the 2nd ammendment was written, it doesnt follow that it only applies for muskets or that the founding fathers were retards who didnt think the technology would ever improve. The whole point of the 2nd ammendment is to ensure the people have the firepower to resist a tyrannical government. Really, the average citizen should have the right to own whatever the government owns, including nuclear weapons. Honestly i dont understand how a man can be as much of a nancy as you are. 4 billion years of survival of the fittest and your line is going to end with you because you are so low test.
They look ugly. I like the standard ar15 mag.
Not legally racist since the 60's.
That's almost 60 years to get their shit together in a country that is no longer legally restraining their advancement.
If they choose chemical escapism over personal advancement to escape their situation, that's on the individual now, like it is with every other American citizen.
Freedom is the freedom to choose your own path forward. Even the poorest, most disadvantaged person can strive for something better.
Black Americans do.
Niggers don't.
Rifles account for less than 5% of gun deaths, and literally more people in the US are killed with knives, blunt objects, and bare hands each year.
If you really wanted to stop murders, you'd stop importing shitskins and giving them light sentences with they get arrested.
Shill shitfest in here today.
Did CTR reappear?
No just normies off of memebook.