Would he have fought if he knew the world was going to become like this?
Would he have fought if he knew the world was going to become like this?
He would not have.
No more brother wars.
You act as if he had a choice in the matter.
He dead, who gives a shit?
Why is he straddling a man's corpse?
A member of my family was a pilot in the RAF. He was shot down by the Germans.
How dare you doubt that his last thoughts were anything but "At least my daughter will marry a nigger and transgenders will finally get the attention they deserve."
Peculiar American inclinations.
He would have turned around and gone home
Jesus Christ, soy-boy.
If you think times are tough now, go read the Jan. 1-Dec. 31 1968 timeline for this nation.
The only reason people think the future is bleak is because just a handful of rich Leftists control the narrative.
Look here "my dude", I don't want your psycho clown troupe coming over here to mutilate the genitals of my fellow countrymen (or women), kthnx.
Yep, if I died in a war, that's what I would be thinking. AND, Tax me because limp dicked communists are jealous how much more money I make than they do.
AND, I don't want my grand children to be as smart as me or as good looking so be sure to marry a sub human race.
>I don't want your psycho clown troupe coming over here to mutilate the genitals of my fellow countrymen
What would our Glorious Clown Warriors invade Icenigger Land for, to steal your alcoholism and geothermal tourist spas? No one wants to steal Bjork, don't worry.
Because 3,686 American soldiers were killed or wounded on that beach (Omaha).
So you wouldn't throw a complete hissy fit if we were to engage in civilized business with our neighbors, THE RUSSIANS!!!1
>No one wants to steal Bjork, don't worry.
aged like milk
Damn, that didn't take long.
She taking old pills?
>aged like milk
when the milk turns sour, it is called "the American influence"
God bless America. Where the free has the right to be a dildo loving faggot and a woman can get cummed on by niggers and spics.
TRULY the land of the free and just what all these people died for.
We do. My store imports 7.62x39 from a Russian distributor. I sell SPOSN gear. They're some of my top sellers. I don't know what ice nigger media is like (just that our leftoid media worships you) but the anti-Russian meme is a very bizarre forced meme over here. For the last 20 years, Russia was our friend in our media, then suddenly in 2008, Neocons in both our major parties became obsessed with demonizing them. No one except really young and really gullible people buy that shit.
Dad fought because he was drafted and people were threatening to kill him if he didn't and because people were shooting at him.
Just like everyone else there... to be honest.
On veterans day it's all for "Muh Freedom", but that's just apologetics.
I donno. Britbongs are STILL brainwashed.
of course he would've fought. He just would've taken a few hundred paces toward berlin, and turned around first.
Interesting perspective user. I'm unironically glad to hear that at least someone is optimistic
is this swede actually talking like that right now??
Its good for him, let him vent.
What the fuck is that flag?
Never heard of ya...
>that date-stamp filename
>not even posting OC mutt memes
She looks like a character from a Dr. Seus nightmare.
Optimism is the ruin of nations.
Looks like another country I've no need to learn about with a "Flag-Of-Faggots"
Isn't it Norway's flag... The other sweden
to my understanding, going to Europe at that time for Americans, was like going to the middle east today. as in, why am i going here, to Europe, to fight their wars? they knew why they were fighting the Japanese, but not fully why they'd give a shit about Europe. don't really know how common that sentiment would have been, but from what i've read, people do reflect that attitude in letters.
also, they probably would reject it if they knew they'd wind up being considered Nazis themselves for hating niggers and degeneracy. Patton saw the Jewry first hand to know that US was compromised by the kikes. if your average American had known, i think they'd feel guilty for what they did.
It's fucking iceland you idiot phone posters
I see you've read the Obama doctrine;
"we ain't special; wez jus rassist"
Ok...but why is he straddling his corpse?
Whoever they are, they surrendered many times over to anyone who talked loud.
Julius Caesar went gerrymandering way up north and he even wrote a book about it. My vulgar latin is kinda rusty but I believe the title was "What in the fuck am I doing here, these shitheads aren't fucking around!". Now what did this get him? A knife in the face.
Let me guess.... your history teacher taught while wearing socks with sandals and a musty sweater
Isn't that a ride at Knotts Berry Farm?
That real slow one that had stuffed Eskimos and an otter?
no, i learned the American perspective of the war from listening to the TTC course on it taught by Thomas Children, a history professor at U Penn.
They're not phoneposters. Kissinger called them animals.
lol epic
>Would he have fought if he knew the world was going to become like this?
Yeah he would have fought, but not against Nazi Germany.
to be fair it probably would've still gotten like this even if uncle Adolf had won
If all allied soldiers could glimpse into the future they'd join the German army or just surrender
>to be fair the world would be a jewish nightmare even if Hitler had won
Found the sodomite.
How do you glean the shape of things to come?
I'm almost tempted to buy SPOSN gear instead of x200-300 $$$ American gear.
Then when the Russians start kicking doors I can wave my made in Russia logo shirt and say "CHEEKI BREEKI"
Lmao no it wouldn't. Once you become that uncompromisingly set in your ways like fascism does you can only beat them into submission.
Exactly. Insider tip: look for some Polish distributors of SPOSN knockoffs if you're on a tight budget. They usually sell both the legit brands and the knockoffs in the same outlet. There was a Polish contractor a while back who made their gear, then started making legal ripoffs once the contract ended. Its literally the same quality for half the price.
So that is why you supplied weapons to slavers. But all is well, Kurds are now your best friend.
>Kurds are now your best friend
Oooh, that sounds like a Turkroach post my friend. Are you a non-ice-nigger hiding behind that flag?
You are literal slavers.
No, we ended slavery, Turkroach. You mudslimes still practice it.
There is no god. There's slavers and slaves. You are a slaver, hence I am your slave.
>There is no god. There's slavers and slaves
Is this some kind Nietzschean reference you're trying to make here?
this is one of the best thing murdoch murdoch ever made
I do not doubt your will to power, bismillah.
Wew lad that's the edgiest post I've seen all month around here.
It was just jews munipulating our govs into this mess
this mentality is why we’re at this point. dipshit
Russia Insider, do any gorkas come in these tans/greys or are they all actually green?
They actually seem to differ, not sure why. I've seen them in darker greens, but mostly they're olive
well, light olive. some are pea soup / puke green
That's what I gathered
Luck of the draw maybe
I think surplus is a mix of different contracted suppliers over the year. Kind of like American companies contract Chinese factories to make their products, SPOSN contracts various eastern european manufacturers. Some might even come from China. My advice, just ask the seller for darker or lighter that they have in stock.