The doom of SA

This is probably the first time I've posted here.

Can we discuss how the sub-humans have purposefully or even worse due to incompetence created a water crisis in a major capital city with the intent to creating instability/inciting a race war or simply because they are too incompetent/degenerate/moronic/corrupt to function as human beings?

Also the fact they are doing the same thing by threatening to confiscate land from farmers without compensation which will lead to a situation as occurred in Zim/Rhodesia -famine, rioting, degeneration, etc.

I was born in that shithole and lived there for 20 years, feel free to ask me questions.

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prove intent

what do you mean?

You typed it, what did you mean?. You literally typed...

>with the intent

elaborate on that part.

You're new to this aren't you.

yup. my first day.

How realistic is the race war situation?
Is it a topic the average white family would talk about?
Are there enough whites in the military to keep it on their side?
What do people do to prepare if they think the war is coming?

Well it is either a premeditated action carried out by the ruling party ANC for political reasons - this applies especially to the land confiscation or the water crisis came about due to the lack of foresight/corruption(nigs stealing all the money), so basically incompetence due to lack of intelligence. I thought these issues were known to Americans?

Pieter Bruegel is my favorite painter. If you rotate that painting 90 degree counter clockwise you’ll see his portrait appear in the crowd

>I was born in that shithole and lived there for 20 years, feel free to ask me questions.

Do the white farmers have access to drone tech?

No I believe whites have been fucked for a long time now, firearms were basically confiscated from whites after Mandela became president to avoid a civil war.

I don't know what you mean by realistic, whites have been fleeing SA in droves since the 80's, almost my entire extended family lives in either USA/AUS/NZ/Europe now.

Of course whites talk about it.

Military is controlled by the chimps.

I'm not sure what you can do to prepare in a situation like this, blacks outnumber whites massively in terms of population, and they control the military.

Hell no, not me. I'm not even sure who you were referring to with "SA". I'm assuming South Africa somewhere and if that's the case I don't know jack shit and haven't read jack shit about what's going on down there. All the headlines from my main news website is about other dumb shit. Nothing about South Africa.

Didn’t the last leader say ending apartheid was a mistake?

Damn sounds like things are not going good at all. Best of luck to all you. If there’s anyway realistic way to help out from the states, or spread the word I’d be happy to do it.

In 10 years SA will be begging the US to send food aid because all of the starving negros. I just hope we have a government smart enough to say no

with all due respect, please stay here but don't comment again for at least a month

I think we can safely say that whatever happens, it won't be good for white countries. Australia's ready to bend over and take some more boats.


no but you are.

RSA was a lost cause from '94 on. It was just a matter of time and took longer than Zim because it had more infrastructure to decay. The priority needs to be the immigration of the remaining white population to other Anglosphere countries. With Western liberals, that itself will be an uphill battle to accomplish.

everyone but me gotta learn thats retarded.

Numbers have never been an issue when it comes to war with blacks. History has consistently proven that blacks can outnumber whites by 1000 to 1 and still lose with few casualties on the white side.
It's not about number, it's about location and will to act. If the Boers banded together in a protectorate (western cape seems like a good place) they could hold off the hordes of blacks coming to kill them.

the main problem would be western trade sanctions
they waz good boys they just want their land back, they're gonna go to college

possibly, why?

This is basically what my father said, he said it comes down to a will to fight more than anything else.

The problem is that the blacks don't win the wars, it's the jews and commies that win it for them. Rhodesia wins 99/100 times if the soviet union didn't feed guns to mozambique and mugabe.

If race war breaks out, you can be sure that the white will not win. The jews will turn SA into a wasteland before whites can take power.

just a concerned citizen

The West has changed greatly since the 20th Century when (((they))) used our power to end the African colonies. Today we're divided and are being put on the same path that South Africa is on. I don't think trade sanctions will happen, or will do very much. There won't be military intervention either.

Your numbers will be bolstered by foreign volunteers anyways. Young White men from Europe and America will travel to fight alongside your people.

Rhodesia had 250k White people; South Africa has 5~ million. Rhodesia fell to (((international pressure))) and the world has changed since then. Two entirely different beasts with different outcomes if the will is there.

you might find this an interesting read,

I remember hearing about this. IIRC it's the battle where SA's armored calvery destroyed over 100 T-55s. There's a video of a crew complaining about an experimental missile that's not working well for them.
It's battles like these that I'm not too worried about the Whites being outnumbered. No one can defeat Europeans on the battlefield but themselves.

I'm a 29yr old US citizen living in Los Angeles and hate every woman I meet because every woman in Los Angeles moved here to be an actress and actresses are all cunts.

How do I get a qt Saffa or Boer woman? I figure there's got to be loads wanting to get out of SA

nobody, not even people fleeing their lives would want to sleep your obese arse. they probably rather die

Americhad living in Cape Town, right now. It's actually quite comfy anons. I'm with a beautiful yoga model living on the waterfront. We are down to 50L per person per day, but we got used to limited water supply living in Indonesia before. The blacks are annoying, yes. They break everything and chimp out on the regular over the stupidest shit. Seeing a dead body in the street isn't abnormal. As a white american living here, I just have to keep my whits about me and maintain situational awareness. Not hard as an alpha. Most avoid me. I feel bad for the Afrikaans. They've been getting fucked over sideways, since the apartheid. They are all extremely redpilled. Any questions?

>implying I'm not 6'3, 220lb lawyer who models in his off time and has literally been described as "Nietzche's Ubermensch" and "if the Aggrocrag were a human" by multiple people
>implying I'm not looking for a woman with personality because I'm sick of fucking hoes
>implying I don't fuck more British girls than you, Ahmed

please see

Are you formulating a plan to have the whites in south africa fall back to a safe zone that is more easily defended? It won't be long now until the ethnic cleansing starts and whites in south africa will receive no outside help

I don't think he was implying, he outright stated that you are not those things

triggerd amerimutt is mad no girl wants to suck your small diabetes choad cock.

honestly America would be better 100% because than I might actually believe some of that. we all know you're a weak nerd desperate for any female attention at all

I can't tell if you're new here or this is a new form of Aussie shitposting.

>honestly America would be better 100% because than I might actually

it's all 3
