Does he have to put labels on everything because his readers are too stupid to understand without them?
New garrison
I think it may genuinely be autism.
Did the cartoon hurt your butt, Op?
>conservatards overwhelmingly oppose net neutrality
>internet megacorps quit acting neutral on anything and give the boot to all conservatives
>conservatards get pissed that the internet isn't a neutral platform anymore
You can't make this shit up.
It's more for posterity so people who aren't living in our times will understand them.
Not going to lie, it's annoying that he could improve his work so much by doing less to it.
Ben Garrison named the Jew again, fucking based.
Now how about the original, non-kiked version?
>Thinking net neutrality was going to stop it.
and with much impiety we may cause much anxiety in the autobahn society with our games.
The Jews and the corporations they control are hellbent on undermining to first amendment rights on the internet. They can rest assured we have literally tens of thousands of accounts on both sides of the political isle. They want a guerrilla style information war... they got it.
Net neutrality only effects the telcoms. These websites have always been able to do this. I guess we should of dropped three
You're free to make your own websites.
But now growing them is harder due to big liberal websites being prioritized by your ISP. :^)
Post the original
Do you have the original one?
Where's the original?
It's traditional for political comics to be excessively labeled.
I get some lables, but he lables literally everything
I demand the original now
Wait. Are you saying the Jews control the media? I'm going to need citation.
everyones free to make their own website nigger
if NN is abolished youd be bithing the lib sites are putting a purge on your retarded ass
god i love titties
Bobs are awesome bobs are awesome.
Ben doesnt factor in crypto communities. Crypto sites like Steemit and Sola wont suffer the way youtube and twatter are.
There, cry baby bastard, now it makes more sense.
It's not like creators are using YouTube because there are no alternatives. They're using it because that's where the audience is. To replace YouTube, we need to get everyone to abandon it, not just right-wing commentators.
Where's the shoe?
You can't compare them. That old comic is a tree, barrels, things that have no specific meaning or relation on their own.
Meanwhile ben draws Bannon who is easily recognizable, then lables him, and does so with literally every other person. It's like he is labling them two times at that point
Keeping the logos is important, or some of the names just not the redundant ones. It looks 100% better btw thanks
>that tummy
Make your own website or join websites that don't deem your views as "unacceptable"
With net neutrality gone, now telecoms can censor your internet if the websites you frequent don't match up with the company's interests.
>no shoe floating under bridge
missed opportunity
What is this even trying to convey
i-is that...
adolf... is that you!?
> should of
reminds me of when some Sup Forumstard shooped the running eyeliner off pic related
Has nothing to do with NN retard. That's for ISPs, also this was happening long before.
Literally false
Why the fuck is the most major criticisms of Ben Garrison is the fact he uses labels is part of his genre. Labels have been used in political cartoons since their invention.
He realizes liberals and Progressives will look at them too. Soooo, forest, trees, you get the idea, don't you or was that tooooo difficult to understand, buckaroo.
That had nothing to do with it. The 2015 NN laws had everything to do with preventing specialized data services.
There has never been a law from tech companies like Google from censoring information, and hell they are not even an ISP, not yet of course. Actually there was a time where they where morally disgusted by censorship from China.
well, he didn't label the white house at least