Veteran hate thread

Fuck the soyboy US military. Bunch of welfare queens fighting for kikes. Not a single fucking one of them signed up to actually defend us, they just wanted muh benefits. Your taxpayer dollars subsidise their pathetic lives and pay for them to go to jew school and become sjws. How do we stop the ultimate cuck forces from turning america into a gay kike nignog fortress?



I hate being told to "support my troops" when all they to is recruit nigs and spicks to fight for jews



Here's a pic of them fighting alongside ypg antifags. Traitors, all of them

I refuse to participate in hero worship. Kike slaves deserve zero respect

If you want to train with guns to save this country, join atomwaffen or a militia. DO NOT ENLIST

Could we refill the military? Most officers are white males who vote republicuck anyway, why can't we get them to turn against their jew masters like the Soviets did? Several US military forces joined the confederacy when war broke out, can it happen again?


Must be a busy night, no takers? You cucks obviously are to scared of (((them))) to go against the military.

People in the armed forces pay taxes retard.

And you pay more. They're caught in a kike feedback loop, while you pay taxes to (((them))) willingly. Kys, faggot.

>samefagging so hard youre the only one in the thread

Most veterans have gainful employment outside the military. I would also like to point out that your tax money goes to Israel anyways.

No they are payed in taxes. They don't put in they take out on the balance.

Its Cucks r' us on Sup Forums tonight. Fucking shills and libtards abound.

Militaryfags do indeed pay taxes.

Contribute or get out, fag.

This is a big reason I joined the military. The only way to save it is from the inside

Combat arms are unironically redpilled. Talk to anyone in infantry or special forces, they’re always redpilled. Pogs are hit or miss.

Right, and I bet you've had fantastic luck with that. Careful not to show your powerlevel, or you'll catch an adminsep, amirite?

If they're so redpilled, why continue shedding blood for kike? They're either ourguys or kikes. I don't care about that crusty old antisemite drunk at the vfw, I mean all of them. Just cuz you voted trump in uniform doesn't mean you're ourguy.

You’re serving the zog too if you have a job. At least I get to shoot guns and blow stuff up while I serve the nose.

Guess I've been getting tricked for the past 4 years of my life and they haven't actually been taking federal and state tax deductions from my paychecks.

This actually yours?

It says example you ape

Obviously not. I was gonna use mine as an example but mypay is down right because all government run websites are hot garbage.

Figured that out, after scanning for your ssn

True story

What do you think of the Coast Guard user?

So how does it feel browsing Sup Forums with a jew dick parked in your anal cavity?

Not op nor am I anti military, but coast guard is the most based branch. They do lots of migrant interdiction and anti drug trafficking operations.

Most liberal of all branches. Fuck em.

Navy is the most liberal, also the gayest.

Motherfucker you wouldn't go to war if the enemy parked his dick in your mom's ass.

Whatever, cuck. Go blow more kikes.

You want some Tylenol with that butt hurt son.

Keep shitting on our race, kike.

I get to play with guns, go the gym and hang out with some of the best friends I have ever had all day, with the bonus of occasional free trips to the Middle East where I'm allowed to remove disgusting vermin from the face of the Earth with extreme prejudice.

Nice, what branch and mos?

11B, Army.

I'm a goy I used to be an 11 bravo in the army.

How many deployments have you done? I’m an 0331 in the marines but haven’t deployed yet

Soooooo many jews in this thread!

Fuck off, this thread is now /milpol/

One, you aren't missing much. The war is basically over. It's like a shitty vacation where sometimes people shoot at you from really far away and you respond with an extreme escalation of force utilizing HE and indirect fires. Then your leadership makes you crawl up a mountainside to kick bodyparts and attempt to identify how many people might be in this pile of goo.

It sucks for new enlistees because you don’t really get respect in the infantry until you see combat, and id estimate that like 99% of E-4’s and below don’t even get deployments anymore.

A deployment doesn't really mean much in the current environment honestly. It's garrison mode all over right now unless you're under XVIII Airborne Corps who are the only people who deploy regularly anymore, leadership is all about Ranger School and EIB when it comes to looking good at promotion boards and shit, not CIBs and deployments.

I’m not too familiar with the army, since army infantry and special forces is way more diverse per se. Youve got your regular infantry’s, airbornes, rangers, airborne rangers, delta, and all kinds of special forces that I can’t even name.

In the marines it’s just infantry, recon and marsoc really. Recon and marsoc have decent chances of deploying and doing operator shit in Afghanistan and secret squirrel stuff in Syria. Regular infantry means cleaning rifles, sweeping rocks and going out in the field, and that’s about it these days.


You probably have a better chance of catching a deployment simply because the Marine Corps is a much smaller organization that costs much less money to send overseas.

The reason XVIII Airborne Corps in the Army catches all the deployments is because they have pretty much all the major light infantry units under their umbrella of control.

It's way cheaper to send 10th Mountain or 82nd Airborne than it is to send any armored or stryker brigade.