So much Satan in one picture.
Heretics need to repent and rejoin the Apostolic Church.
>organized religion
Catholicism and Orthodoxy united in ending heresy
Which denomination is best Christianity? I want to become a practicing Christian rather than just a generic Christian, but my only experience is with Baptists, which I don't have good feelings about. I want to go to a church that sticks to tradition and God's word.
They'll all damn you for something, user. I've been damned by every major religion for something. Nothing lots of money and a big dose of hypocrisy can't fix tho'.
Catholicism. I've never been judged by a Catholic, not many of them in my area. Protestants are real judgey and moronic.
Protestantism is like an insane clown posse.
Isn't there anything else besides Protestant, Catholicism, and Eastern Orthodoxy?
Look no further than Catholicism/Orthodoxy for tradition and accurate interpretations of the gospel.
Study Christian history and scripture relevant to the claims of Peter and his successors as to whether you agree with the Catholic view of the hierarchy of the Church or if you favour the Orthodox perspective.
In terms of theology between to two of them there isn't a great deal of difference.
Lol, Protestants is like the gift that keeps on giving.
Daily reminder that IFB is the only cure for the homosexual and jew infestation.
Fundamental Baptist
You haven't even tried Catholicism?
>stop being edgy
We all have to submit to God.
There is nothing worse than the United Church...They are a bunch of disgusting degenerate heretic faggots.
I'd be willing to discuss this further with you if you didn't misuse the overused term "edgy." I'm obviously submitting to God, otherwise I wouldn't have asked the question.
There is but it's all new age bullshit. See Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Christian Science etc.
All of which, I might add, are a consequence of the breakdown of the worldly hierarchy of Christianity, most of these heretical sects are break offs of Protestant churches. This is why the doctrine of 'self interpretation' of the Bible espoused by the reformation is so dangerous and damaging to Christianity as a whole.
While technically not christian, but essentially identical to untrained eyes, Mormonism.
If you prefer white genetic-imperialism, over white isolationism. Mormon's implicit strategy is to spread their whiteness by outbreeding+racemixing.
Well there is Oriental Orthodox which is kind of seperate from Eastern Orthodoxy. They are the Egyptian Copts and Ethiopian Orthodox Christian among a few others. But if you have a problem with Eastern Orthodoxy your probably not going to like Oriental Orthodoxy.
There are many different types of Protestant, the straw men that are being pushed in this thread are the ultra-liberal European state Lutherans/Episcopalians/UCC but there are many different variants which range from moderate to ultra conservative. If you tell me what country your from I can give you a breakdown of which are conservative and which are progressive.
As for Catholicism there is SSPX which believes they are the true catholic church and everything since Vatican 2 has been bad.
Outside of those there isn't really anything that can meaningfully be considered Christian.
These people you're hating on aren't even Protestants though
The best Christianity spread to the savages in North and South America, example. I have travelled all over the US and Europe, and remain by my calling to remain Catholic.
Protestant denominations are joke. Starting with "ordaining" women, then allowing faggots to get married, then gibberish nonsense about tolerance, it's madness.
Protestantism will be gone in another 20 years, at most. It's all boomers, and goofy liberals that go to these churches.
>a bad vatican is a perfect excuse to leave real Christianity
>a bad presidency is a perfect excuse to leave the USA
Christianity shouldn't be treated as a shopping mall where you get to pick and choose the doctrines and beliefs which best suit you and your perspective on the world and, how you FEEL it should be.
This is why Protestantism fails. Jesus gave us a Church on earth, and Christ is the truth. You can disagree with the Church on its beliefs but that doesn't make it any less true.
Is this a memecavantist thread?
>those noses
Kek. I was trying to think of something along those lines, but you said it perfectly.
What is it about baptists that you dislike?
>nobody mentions Pentacostals
Dude, the only Christian Churches you should be going to is either Catholic, or Orthodox. Those two are pretty much the same, but they are separate from each other primarily because of politics. Other than that, the theology is the same.
There were plenty of schism before the reformation.
Protestants are heathens.
They have this "What can you do for me today?" attitude, like that we are servants or slaves to them. That and they are just "bad" Christians. We call them "ecclesials", not Christians. They are like 1/10th Christian.
There can only be one truth, not multiple interpretations of the truth.
Are you saying that Christ gave us Catholicism? You guys are riddled with idolatry and traditions of men that pervert the very words Christ spoke.
gay.. holy matrimony.. wat
It doesn't matter. The best denomination is the one your family, friends and community are a part of. That's the whole point of religion. Not following arbitrary rules and standards for the sake of following them.
Find a church where people you like go, so you can spend time with them every week and get involved in the community
>Christ creates the first church on earth
>that church is Catholic
We Pharisees go all the way back to Abraham, so do not question our traditions
>c-catholics are b-based
>*sucks sweaty nigger toe*
Many christians are larpers. That picture is your proof
>sorry but Christ and God are real and so are their words
>not wanting a bastardized religion but a true one
Hey, if your friends jump off a bridge....would you too?!
Of course there was, and they too were also wrong. Waldensian, Lollards etc were heretics the same as Protestants.
This. Although I grew up Protestant, I wouldn't be any variant of Christian except for Traditionalist Catholic and/or Eastern Orthodox. Protestants have no authority greater than themselves.
DO NOT DO, what this guy is talking about. Following a fake church is doing satan's work of corrupting the world.
> Fags getting married
> White whore holding on to her niglet
> ((Priest)) blessing the marriage in the house of the lord while wearing fag-flag
I wanna gas them so much.....
Protestants aren't Christians.
Is le 5% face white? Probably not....
scripture > denomination
>gay *wedding* in a "church"
>calls itself protestant
>must be protestant
yeah thanks, the books of romans and leviticus, at least, have no changed
so please be serious
i see
so a Christian label is "on" something
therefore it must be Christian
>the truth doesn't matter, just be a part of what makes you feel good.
Protestantism in a nutshell, folks.
not good grammar there
replace "wickedness" into spot of that "s" word
>forgive debtors
For perspective...
fast food:real food::Protestantism:Christianity
Or like a drive-thru Vegas wedding ceromony
thats not protestantism
neither is that
please be kidding
in fact the worst
the VERY worst of the non-schizophrenic understandings
nothing in scripture substantiates the validity of the almost every practice/ritual/conclusion/tradition that makes catholicism/orthodoxy unique
each of those churches has but a few to several things right
trying cath. is the very worst possible idea
but no
you also: please be serious
not all are laughable
nor scary
nor crazy
many though, of course
You're missing the point. You think God gives a shit which church you go go? Just find the one you like. You're also missing the point of Church. It's not just a place of worship, in most cases that's secondary. It's a community thing.
>just be part of what makes you feel good
Well yeah. If gay marriage doesn't make you feel good, you obviously won't go to that church. Go to the one in line with how your morals
How do you know which church is the fake church?
>Christianity shouldn't be treated as a shopping mall where you get to pick and choose the doctrines and beliefs
the Bible alone should dictate them
no human manufactured/imagined tradition nor understanding
just the Bible itself
it interprets itself
Oh yes it is. Lol....
Um because there's only one church, so no? LOL.
Are mosques a church? You have to be "Christian" to have a church? And from my understanding, that's only Catholicism. LOL.
those 2 give equal weight to manmade "tradition" AND the Bible
which is the most terrible idea you can have in Christianity
the Word must always be paramount, and everything else stand or fall on it
the Word is that truth
not tradition nor endless writings of mankind
the Word ONLY
that is fact
Catholicism holds that this paritcular human man on earth is God's representative, his envoy and then some
when in fact God has only ONE representative on this earth, and that person is called the Holy Spirit
>Sorry no one wants to go to your tool shed of a "church" with you and your HS clique and "pasture" full of "manure"
the "church" that slew millions for naught but carrying the light of Christ was and is the darkest hole of hereticism
It's like fags larping as catholics
>from my understanding
Then you clearly don't understand
thats just plain foolish and silly
if you have 2 different families/communities and with different conclusions regarding the gospel, how can they both be best for anyone?
either 1 is right or both are wrong
theres women there as church leaders, which necessarily, factually precludes it from being anything Christian.
so please.
Typical orthodox shills to try to shill against other denominations..
>You think God gives a shit which church you go go?
the Word specifically speaks of a necessarily extant "remnant" Church in the end times, if you dont go to any Church, or go to any other, try not to imagine God doesnt care
you have a haughty, self righteous, exclusionary attitude in the extreme
judgemental and spiteful
that is not the attitude of Christ by any means
>So much Satan in one picture.
You mean Moloch. Watch that Russian documentary called SODOM. It brings up the homosexual bible and how they have interchanged the word god with Moloch in it.
something being protestant does not preclude it being Christian
what an elitist divisive hateful and arrogant anti-gospel attitude
Freemason scum bow down to the Rothschilds
World War 1: Protestants destroy Europe for their Jewish masters
World War 2: Protestants destroy Europe again for their Jewish masters
Fuck jews, fuck the freemasons, and fuck all Protestant heretics
Burn them all
not necessarily moloch
thats absurd
satan or any of his minions/leaders/demons etc
various fallacies in that image
calm yourselves and cut the insults, sarcasm, demeaning, and haughtiness
grow up and act as Christ commanded us to act to our fellows, most especially lost souls
all you do is alienate and push them away with your hate and belittling
>homo bible
tell me such a thing is not extant.... ever
and any/all are welcome to hold all such beliefs and practices
so very long as none at all fly in the face of any command/teaching of the Word
but in his case, i imagine many do in fact
absolute larpers
Jehovah fitness
Whatever you want to belief, it's your soul after all.
The Catholic Church, and the Orthodox Church are the only Churches that have inherited the apostolic authority passed on through the ages. All the others are outside of that inheritance, and therefore they have no authority whatsoever, and are in error of nearly everything that they do, and teach.
I don't care to get in to debates, it's tiresome, and repetitive. Every other one of these protestants, Evangelical, and whatever always define themselves by not being Catholic, based on some interpretation of whatever they read in the bible. This is nonsense. When it comes to Jesus, there can only be one truth, not multiple truths.
its very easily demonstrated by sola scriptura that very much of that is quite in error
Christ never asked to condone wickedness, on the contrary. Forgive, yes, but never condone
Those are not protestants. Those are faggots LARPing as protestants. Martin Luther would never stand for this
>just be yourself goy :^)
Christ didnt condone sin. "Go and sin no more" doesnt mean "Go and do whatever feels right"
You are right! Let's take out the guitar and go to clown mass.
Goddamn fucking boomer.
Implying western Chrisitianism doesn't have more in common with eachother than they would imagine.
>"Go and do whatever feels right"
i never said nor implied that
>whatever you want to blieve
>believes solely in the Word
>something in this can somehow be wrong
and this:
>are the only Churches that have inherited the apostolic authority passed on through the ages.
most especially true of the churches you mention
they are easily proven to be false churches by the Word of God alone
>All the others are outside of that inheritance,
and yet we read in the Word that Israel (of the flesh) was the sole Church of God
for a time
but by their own wickedness, lost it
same with what is known as catholicism, if it ever had, it lost it (at the very latest) when it started torturing endless Christians to death
> and therefore they have no authority whatsoever,
according to who?
majority of practices (almost all, if not all) fly directly in the face of scripture
cannot be explained away
> and are in error of nearly everything that they do, and teach.
many are, many are not
all have flaws
"Go and do whatever feels right"
>I don't care to get in to debates, it's tiresome, and repetitive.
if you had the Light of Christ you would always have energy to press the Gospel as you understand it.
> Every other one of these protestants, Evangelical, and whatever always define themselves by not being Catholic,
yes, and?
> based on some interpretation of whatever they read in the bible.
catholicism has little basis in the Bible itself
instead: centuries of Mans arbitrary interpretation, held EQUAL to scripture (terrible evil)
>This is nonsense.
but holding mans word equal to scripture isnt?
When it comes to Jesus, there can only be one truth, not multiple truths.
which doesnt even need to be said
"I am THE truth" indeed, only one
Which is why they need to come back into the fold.