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Don't worry, Ben Shapiro is still safe
Jewtube alternative.
Oh my god. I've seen this so many times, but it never gets old. The old guy is just like "WTF IS GOING ON?"
It's shit. Better alternative: Repubs pass an anti-censorship law before the mid-terms, preventing all of these neoliberal globalist scumbags from censoring truth they don't like.
I don't see how you can word that into law. Jewtruth overrides anybody else's truth.
You need an internet bill of rights like the one ATT is trying to tell people about
You have a megaphone and own a ranch. You invite people to your ranch.
They come.
You use the megaphone to tell the funniest jokes you know. They laugh, you feel happy.
Other people ask you if they can also use the megaphone. You’re a cool dude. You say “sure, line up”.
Except, you just don’t feel like listening to lectures.
So you say “take my megaphone and have fun, but do not lecture anyone. If I see you lecturing, I will take my megaphone away.”
So you go around lending the megaphone to people. Some tell jokes. Some sing songs. Some do impressions.
Then suddenly one guy starts to tell people about the evils of capitalism.
“Hey”, you yell, “I said no lectures”.
He doesn’t listen, he continues.
So you take your megaphone away and give it to the next person in line.
“You tyrant”, the guy who lost the megaphone yells, “I want my freedom of speech”
You’re annoyed, naturally. You ask him to leave your ranch.
“F you”, he complains, “you’re violating my freedom of speech”.
You try to reason with the guy. “Look, it’s my ranch and my megaphone. These are my guests. I want them to have fun. You can stay, but no lectures”.
He doesn’t listen, and you kick him out.
Replace “you” with “YouTube”, “ranch” with their platform and “megaphone” with “videos”. You have your answer.
tldr: You have no rights over YouTube. YouTube is under no obligation to give you anything. Therefore, by not giving you something, they aren’t violating any of your rights. We literally owe you nothing you whiny cunts
ironic, a communist supporting rights to ownership.
wew lad how hypocritical
>We literally owe you nothing you whiny cunts
it's not hypocritical in any way desu
>Bitchute sucks
It (or alternatives) don't always have to suck.
To find out who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Those in power can control the narrative at will to assure solidified grasp on it.
You have no right to own the (((ranch))) it belongs to the (((people))), remember antifaG??
or do u fags only like ownership when it fits your agenda? really makes me think
Youtube has a clear political bias in it's censorship decisions, lawsuits to follow.
Except for the fact that the ranch owner allows certain lectures. Lectures that fall in line with the way he thinks. So he didn't really say
>No lectures
Just no lectures on shit he does not agree with personally. Unknown to him, there are certain people at his ranch that were actually enjoying, and agreeing with the lecture. About half of his guests, actually. And when he denied the megaphone to that speaker, they were annoyed. They became even more annoyed when he handed the megaphone to the next person, and that person started to give a lecture, but the ranch owner didn't stop that person from speaking. They thought
>this is the worst ranch party I've ever been to, and the guy who invited me is a dick, and the beer sucks. I'm not coming to the next party.
>SPLC has a say in what gets removed by Youtube
It makes a lot of sense now.
I have an idea go to another website or make your own that way you don't get banned
>southern poverty law center
I do hope everyone around here understands how disgusting this orginization is.
So you agree that your entire anology was complete bullshit?
No do you have a problem with reading comprehension?
>pass an anti-censorship law
oh, you're retarded
Support Nehlen's Shall Not Censor.
>You have a megaphone and own a ranch.
The internet isn't a ranch, stupid. All RL comparisons to the internet fail utterly, because real life doesn't have an /ignore feature. Simply a (laughably dumb) false comparison. If your 'ranch' had infinite space, was subsidized by tax payers, and everyone there could click a button to make anyone they wished become invisible/mute/unable to interact with them in any way, it would get a bit closer.
>just go make a multi-billion dollar corporation so you can operate a youtube competitor at a loss (just like google does) if you don't like having your basic human rights violated!
Nah, I'd rather the government do its job and prevent corporations from violating the basic free speech rights of citizens. It would be objectively better for humanity.
The (((ranch))) belongs to the (((people))) goy, the "owner" has no (((rights))) to it
Follow what you believe faggot
>no argument found
Nice one, retard.
If YouTube takes $1 from the us govt, freedom of speech applies.
Youtube is trending downward in suckyness.
Youtube doesn't have good content outside of "e-celeb commentators which really become monotonous".
They remove anything else thats cool.
Early youtube allowed anything, it actually was "cool", that's how it established dominance.
It's not impossible for an uncensored alternative to be less "shit" than youtube.
Literally pulling shit straight out of your ass
I don't understand how anyone claims Jews don't have a stranglehold on media
If you refuse to try to compete with Youtube then Youtube is nothing bit CBS and ABC. Something that's going to dominate the next 100 years. If you want government to make it be "fair" then it's just NPR.
Free market is the only way.
Ignore getting BTFO all you want sweetie, all you're doing is giving the thread bumps/more attention. Thanks hun
Halsey and other jew apologists saying "you don't get banned for ctiicizing jews"
Nothing makes them angrier than the narrative getting out of their hands
Use LL
Jews also have significant control over labeling what is and is not "hate speech" thanks to organizations like the SPLC and ADL.
The difference between your simplistic nonargunment and my argument is that YouTube has no logical or legal reason to do anything for you. This the way it's always been done and 99% of the YouTube community doesn't care or is supportive of your content being removed.
>thinking I mind if more people see your idiotic contradictory arguments
buy the tokens here
Keep provoking the censorship gentlemen. Short term pain for long term gain. We just need to make sure the goy knows who's cracking the whip.
>when it suits my beliefs
pick one
>>thinking I mind if more people see your idiotic contradictory arguments
>Supports a corporation's right of ownership
>Supports a google monopoly
>Having literally no arguments except ad hominem attacks
Keep it coming
they have been for quite some time. you all need to read this its a HUGE redpill
>ad hominem
Do you even know what this means???
Or can you just not see your own hypocrisy commie fagflag?
O i am laughin
You enjoy shilling for Alphabet, you love that corporate, multinational, monopoly dick in your mouth?
> lawsuits to follow
I challenge you to find ANY legal precedent to start a lawsuit over tell me if you can. Hint: YouTube has no reason to give you any time on their platform
read it niggers. read it
>I challenge you to find ANY legal precedent
>Muh legal precedent
The precedent WILL be the upcoming lawsuits
Also i love how you just ignore how ironic your flag and posts are.
>Shilling this hard for alphabet
switch to Ancap or something faggot you want corporation's to rule, google already has it's hand FAR up your ass. Hardly communist at all.
TL;DR version
> This content is not available on this country domain.
Memes or not, this is enough to question the jewish tricks.
>What is a monopoly.
Say goodbye Google
People will go back to reading instead of watching/listening
Shits annoying
You know things have gotten bad when AT&T is the least scummy business involved.
Idiot. The internet is one of the greatest tools for spreading information uncensored that there could ever be.
It allows you to completely circumvent (((publishers))) and has made a whole host of alternative information available outside of the elite's propaganda web.
>TL;DR version
a jewish copyright lawyer got triggered by antisemitism on jewtube so he invented software to censor it, then started sending letters to MSM so they would shame advertisers into leaving jewtube, all so he can sell his patended software to google
Checked, will also check it out
Well, looks like leftist nihilists dominate the Internet
Paper is tougher to detect and control
You Americans really believe in the always liberating role of technology while it can also enslave you
Besides, reading is better for widening your knowledge. Also, maybe people will go out and meet each other instead of wasting time on Youtube
>Paper is tougher to detect and control
Its also a hell of alot harder to spread around
>Besides, reading is better for widening your knowledge.
We're reading, sharing knowledge, and spreading truth right now, online...
It is harder, but not impossible. Besides, newspapers create institutions and representations. Internet is anonymous, spread out and hyper individualistic
>tldr: You have no rights over YouTube.
That's why we're proposing a law, retard. How do you think rights happen?
Now suppose the individual owns stock in Alphabet (Google).
Now what?
Why aren't you fags using
It's free, no ads and you can even get payed in virtual currency for your content!
Also, it's decentralized and therefore censorship free.
Well well well. What a fucking surprise.
White men should have gotten off their fat, lazy asses and built world class technology companies that they owned and controlled. It's been 30 fucking years since the internet started and you retards act like it was all invented yesterday. I mean seriously, what in the fuck have white men been up to this entire time? Where is white-Google? Where is white-YouTube? Where is white-Facebook?
Shortsighted morons. All of you. Future you chose.
This video is gold
fuck it - the internet is boring now. I like watching interesting things on youtube, like videos of driving through Japan in hi-def.. it would probably be even better in 4k.
I like watching pewdiepie, I like streaming movies and chatting to the 2-total people on the internet that still talk to me.
Otherwise the internet is almost dead to me. I've been on it since 1997 as an addict. Time to just cut the cord, I guess. I have a huge backlog of video games to complete
checked, but the truth is that the liberal white man is almost worse than the jew. Once should expect the jew to act kikeish, but the jew would accomplish nothing without his legion of soyim
Well said. Get off your asses and build your own platform. Google started in a dorm room with two guys. So did Apple. So did Facebook. So did Microsoft. Put in the fucking work, take the risks, reinvest your earnings, and STOP FUCKING WHINING.
That has NOTHING to do with what I said. At all. The problem is white men's laziness, endless comfort seeking, and aversion to risk and higher education. If white men didn't suffer from these things, we'd probably have our own YouTube.
They have, and they failed. The internet is littered with the corpses of thousands and thousands of blogs, websites, web-communities, messageboards, etc.
Anyway what do you want a new platform for?
Dennis prager got a suit going right now and last read may turn class action of free speech. Angle is they are claiming it should be a utility due to its monopoly. Something also about them violating the terms of agreement.
this is fucking retarded. YouTube isn't one megaphone being passed around. it's literally billions of megaphones at once. and it's not a ranch. it's a continent-sized land where those megaphones go to share ideas. if there were other continents roughly the same size you'd have a point, but there isn't. this "ranch" (YouTube) is something like 80% of all videos on the internet. so when you kick them out for ideas you don't like, they have nowhere else to go. it's not a "muh small humble ranch". fuck off with your gay commie flag and your retarded analogy. there's a helicopter waiting for you in the very near future
Those defunct companies were shit. Utter and total garbage. The majority of them were horrific Wordpress and BBS sites.
Out innovate those companies. A lot of the software they make is garbage. There is a ton of room for improvement. Build things that are community funded so you don't need advertisors. If whites won't chip in $5 a month to fund your platform then our race deserves an untimely death.
upload on vimeo you dense fuck
>ciagoogle buys streaming service and operates at a loss for decades, cornering the market
>it's your fault white people? why didn't you operate a failing business model for years just to establish market share dominance?????
also, jews tell jew ceo of jew company what to do, kek
A commie supporting private property. I am impressed. Also this commie is in favor of monopolies. Very cool.
I just want to say I appreciate your bait, you bring life to these threads.
Have some girls (male)
Shut up retard.
>blocked in your country
never heard of it
get someone like pewdiepie to upload to it and then it'll be mainstream
Reminds me of this
need a real holocaust for these people, BURN THEM WITH FIRE!
Based jews deciding what you can and can't see.
This is what's best for you goys so just quiet down and wait your turn to die.
It won't be long now.
Bake my nazi cake faggot
epic get
fuck me
I’ve been expecting this or some close equivalent to pass for years. Either this or nationalization of a handful of major platforms.
mad bc bad
>no legal reason
Exactly, we're going to give them one