The fuck is this

thought i'd share this... literal shit show with you all.


That font makes my eyes bleed.

Pls change it and repost the pic

>that font
what the fuck


You are worse than these boring nobodies youre posting because they probably at least look at twitter in a normal human font

agreed and numerals

i don't give a fuck about my font, my dude

Oh hell yeah FUCK YOU OP

this in all fields

You should. It makes you look like a massive faggot

That’s the gayest fucking font I’ve ever seen are you actually retarded?

nice and spicy, I do love me some good dick, thanks for noticing, man.

>meme flag
>autistic font that a 14 year old girl would use

saged, hidden, reported, called the fbi

fuckin sick

Listen you fag. If you're going to post social media eceleb drama at least sum it up in the OP, it's what the fucking text field is for and you'll get better discussion

And change your font, jesus christ, it's hard on the eye and distracting from the point you're trying to make, assuming there is one because I CANT TELL BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T EXPLAIN OR SUMMARISE ANYTHING.

holy shit, this font rage is golden. didn't expect another round of laughter, thank you, pol.

Is this a promo for a new show, "Fat Cunt & Idiot"?

With that font it's a comedy with a laugh track for sure. Bet Chuck Shlomo Lorre is behind this.

>Checkmark next to the name
Every time

this. Im not reading that shit

That font? Yeah a shitshow indeed

don't take shit seriously from aussies either, good luck trying. also the end of my night, got work tomorrow. thanks, circle jerks. ; )

trannies should be killed. awful, awful "people"

>no one talking about what I posted and rejecting/ignoring all criticism.

Clearly, you are the chosen one.

>vandalising your phone with a font like that
>willingly straining your eyes with some buttfuck ugly serif font

design ineptautistic android fags really need to kill themselves