What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
He told them he was placating libs and they all laughed for 5 minutes straight and then smoked cigars and fucked hookers from singapore
100% this
It means Shareblue's going to have amp up the concern trolling.
Introduce a bill that allows full auto sale to private citizens.
Fear of losing guns will force Republicans to come out and vote during the mid term elections
It means that there was a good (((great))) meeting.
NRA and Trump agreed to pass the gun seizure bill. They sold us out.
it means no gun control. Trump just likes to scare everyone to keep us on our toes apparently.
It means we get to keep our guns bois
also silencers
private citizens now can buy warships
> (((Great)))
i would legit start a gofundme for that. the ss ss.
agreed but they used local hookers from the hood
Meeting with them to ask for more bribes.
They've sold you out.
President Cuck sold out, he is coming for your guns. Shameful.
My dear lord, have I never wanted trips to be truer than right here, right now, in this very thread.
The SS AR15
Its over boys
Have a look at this, gentlemen.
Hes trying to win us back.
The NRA convinced him how dumb his statements were.
how will SharBlue be able to twist this into something they can concern troll with?
"keep guns away from dangerous people" = Gun Violence Restraining Order, which Marco Rubio just proposed in the Senate today. They're going to give courts the ability to take your guns whenever they feel like it lol.
I'm starting to think this 4d chess thing isn't a meme after all.
agreed but they used trailer park girls from kentucky
He sexually serviced four of them at once
>tfw you weren't even scared
Im not to proud to admit I thought he was selling out our rights. I was wrong.
Gotta laugh at how retarded Trump supporters are being over this. Instead of yelling at Trump for undermining the 2nd Amendment, they've convinced themselves that he's "playing" the Democrats.
Oh my god best hookers in the galaxy
It's funny that you don't understand why I posted that.
NFA removed. Everyone gets a machine gun.
By using the same pics they have been? Its what they did during the election, none of them actually give a shit they just like Brock's money. I mean if they had morals, or conviction they would have left after being outted as a bunch of closet dwelling virgins that get mocked and laughed at by their employers.
NRA caves again.
You think that might be an insult, but they Kentucky girls are some of the best girls in the world.
checked, full auto suppressed shotguns soon fellow burgers
>You will never tag team mongrels with your gun toting Christian white brothers while your wives raise your god fearing and law abiding children.
More likely Filipino.
>NRA agreed to go bankrupt
even libshitters in twitter know he was lying out his ass, why dumbass senators believed him I have no idea. mybe because they were being recorded and thought he wouldnt dare have the balls to lie to their fucking faces?
Pls be real. I don't want to be a "done with BLIMF" faggot. I'm not a meme.
They gave him $$$$$ and convinced him that if he went through with the gun ban he would be fucked in 2020. Still don't trust the fuck after what he said in that meeting.
I wish I was a girl from kentucky.
>good (great)
Wtf is this autism
I think you're swedish man hiding behind meme flag
I hid behind meme flag because I come from the biggest shithole in the world and I wish I wasn't born here.
I generally don't hide behind meme flag because that's coward but I'm feeling terrible today.
>It's already legal you dipshits