Hows that wall coming?

hows that wall coming?

Other urls found in this thread:

being built right now in CA

Fine thanks, how's your mom's herpes?

>expects things to be done quickly

Sorry this isn’t the private sector. Government takes time to move


How did Tyrone's cum taste as you lapped it out of your girlfriend's pussy?

All you have is shit tier memes

It's true... my memes suck but at least I'll have a good laugh this time next year years when I ask the same question and get the same shit tier responses

now excuse me why I go and find some quality MAGA memes!
cry moar faggot

You’ll be posting from Mexico shit skin

hey buddy... you better watch it!

hahahaha is that it? are you guys still shilling the photo of the wall prototypes

face it... you aren't getting a wall. Trump is a cuck



Did your parents already leave for the trip back to Mexico?

oh shit he named the file cali-mexico wall!!! IT MUST BE REAL!



So? A fence works too

HAHA this is great! I couldn't have hoped for a better result from this thread.

>see sexual post regarding negros
>check flag
every. single. fucking. time.

Why spend money on an expensive wall? Fucking liberal faggot


It's not expensive, it's less than 1% of the US annual budget. Don't let (((MSM))) gaslight you.

Also, the wall is really the 30-foot concrete one, and it's being built right now. The newest ep. of Fash the Nation mentioned it.

>It is a little more than 2 miles long


It literally just got passed by the same spic judge that blocked it originally. Try harder burrito-san.

>why doesn't it instantly materialize out of the aether?

guy keep this up! this is fucking great!

>2 down 3800 to go

hahahahahahhaah you'll get it some day

Unironically, we will.


I'm sorry guys these are all the exact same excuses I heard from you fucking chuds half a year ago.

You know why you aren't getting a boarder wall? Because you're in complete denial. Why would trump build a wall if you're too scared of looking stupid

You are such a fucking shill.

Go jerk off to Bernie Sanders

but look at this... you aren't even willing to push your congressman or senators to fund this retarded idea you have.

Because for some semiwitted reason you've brought yourself to believe it's actually going to get built.

this guy might be right if you people would stop being fucking retarded and start holding your elected officials responsible

Judge okayed fast track construction 2 days ago.

I’ve emailed my congressman about it


what's the point of building a wall if all of his brain dead, retarded, semi-literate followers already think it's being built? Problem solved! Lets go golfing

It's nowhere, because there is no actual budget for it. Trump lied about getting money from Mexico so he has to get money from Congress, which they haven't given him. Prototypes don't count either, children.

This is just sad.

bullshit you did... go on lie to me more. I love it

Maybe you don’t care about politics enough to be politically active but I do

you know what's funny about this... I know from experience you get a letter back from your congressman when you write them

you can really own me by posting a picture of it. Although you will not because you haven't thought any of this through.

Why would I keep around a form letter?

here's some self awareness: everybody is ignoring this thread

thanks for posting!

A costly invest such as a wall takes lots of time and planning to accomplish, If Trump does not win a second term, the whole concept might be thrown into the trash. but expecting it to be designed, funded and build in a span of two years is absurd op.

I'm just saying it would really prove your point... but no I shouldn't expect that. I didn't keep the one that I got

oh I'd expect them to get AT LEAST 10% of it done in a year. They finished the prototypes summer of last year

The only reason it's not getting funded is because all of these people in this thread and all the chowder heads watching fox news think it's actually happening

(((reverse image search)))
>cry moar

are you saying reverse image searches are jewish?

why would that make me want to cry?

at least 10%? I doubt they even made the whole blueprint concept in the first year. for example, a "small" (comparing to the scale of the wall) project like the world trade center took 1 year to start building after they got the land. the building started to be build in 1966 and the ribbon was cut in 1973. the wall is much lager than this so it might take over 50 years to be completed.