The rats are fleeing the sinking ship.
Gary Cohn disgusted with Trump's protectionism, may leave White House
Yup. Just like Rosenstein and Sessions and Kelly and Miller and Kushner and Ivanka and Mattis and McMaster and on and on and on.
Fuck off faggot.
oy vey you must buy Chinese steel over American steel or it's white supremacy!
Yep! You're right. fake news from fake sources, and the Democrats shill it like it was the Gospel of Jesus Lord Almighty.
If he doesn't support the President's policies he SHOULD go.
There's a new economic paradigm. It's called America First. It's replacing the failed Globalism First programme, which undoubtedly made truckloads of money for Cohn and his ilk.
>posts an entire list of garbage people
>is proud about it
>calls other people faggots
you're probably jewish
Goodbye, Goldman-Sachs!
ok bye kike
don't let the door hit your yarmulke on the way out
All the mainstream media are laughing at the chaos, but the chaos is how Trump drains the swamp. As long as Miller stays I’m fine with him starting from scratch. I also want Hope Hicksfu back too. Cohn always was a slimy kike. Good riddance if he leaves.
>Gary Cohn
>Gary Cohn was born to an Eastern European Jewish family
like locust
noun: protectionism
the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports.
Hopefully Trump will go full Hitler and BTFO the international judeo-capitalist mafia
He’s Making th swamp drain itself
Bye fag
cohn's diease? lets get ahead of the memery
>get into the house on a "protect the jobs", "protect the blue collar whites" ballot
>phej protectionism
The mindset of the jew. They don't want to get close to you to support you, but to subvert you. The goyim is nothing, but a toy, an item that should be used.
this jew faggot betrayed trump after Charlottesville and went kvetching to the media. fuck him I've wanted him gone for a while.
>Capitalism isnt just one side of the Jewish internationalist coin
Found the boomer.
if I work enough to own an establishment that others can care for when I age and I profit from liability than that is my option with or without the presence of vultures.
>disliking capitalism means im a communist
My good goy you've been jewed