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What happens to illegals in Houston, Austin and the others?
fuck that transphobic pos
fuck you, ladyboi
My man.
Into the oven with you
fuck off you ablist pig!! God bless this cripple!
I miss Texas.
ummm did i say anything about his disability? no I did not. he’s still a bigot.
Fucking nazis
Fucking commies
>original post date May 2017
old news fuck you op.
nah son...
What do you mean.
>Published on Feb 27, 2018
I don't.
Getting away from spicland was the best thing to ever happen in my life.
Why leave now that illegals can't bumrush the cities for safety?
It's a Haven for conservatism, tradition, rights, and bbq
You still have 15 million spics, oh but they're "based" so I guess they don't matter huh? Le 41%
>Haven for conservatism
You still have far more legal spics then illegal ones, you only got rid of a small part of the problem. You guys are still fucked regardless even if you did get rid of all the illegals.
Fuck yeah
What conservatism?
Living with brown Spanish speaking people sounds more like Cuckservatism
Gregg abbot's legislature about sanctuary cities was passed in early 2017, it was news from last year.
What state? I want to leave TX pretty badly but still not sure where to go. Was thinking Utah or Idaho probs.
No income tax, low property tax, low barriers of entry, pro gun, pro religious freedom, rich Western frontier / republic culture, high job prospects, low regulation, massively laissez faire policies, home to libertarian minds like Ron Paul.
Literally just stay away from border counties and the inner parts of the 5 hub metropolitan areas and it's God's country.
Do you want to know how I can tell you don't live in Texas?
There’s a yellow rose in Texas...
>No income tax
Is somewhat good.
>low property tax,
Not so anymore
>low barriers of entry,
Not a good thing. See niggers.
>pro gun,
Lmao. Tx cops are gun thieves. Plus having to have permits to open or concealed carry is shitty tax on a right.
>pro religious freedom,
Yeah. For jews and muslims.
>rich Western frontier
It is all dry as fuck and only worth the oil wells.
>republic culture,
Lmao not at all. Its all fags and illegal aliens.
>high job prospects,
Not at all. Job market is flooded with illegal laborers.
>low regulation,
Wrong again.
>massively laissez faire policies,
Yeah and thats how sanctuary cities started.
Tx is fucked
>Gregg abbot's legislature about sanctuary cities was passed in early 2017, it was news from last year.
Yet thw cities continue to free illegal immigrants into the cities and block ice from deporting illegals. Really joggin my noggin.
Nowhere to run to, baby!
Nowhere to hide!
This is from last year. I live in San Antonio and it still seems to be a sanctuary city to me.
You won't be missed :^)
One thing I will say is, Houston is a shithole.
anywhere worth living in texas has ridiculous property taxes unless you're in the middle of nowhere on a ranch but why buy a ranch in texas when it's 85 degrees and 100% humidity 9 months of the year? if youre gonna live in the middle of nowhere, why not live in a state like montana?
i'd rather have a 50 acre ranch in montana than a 500 acre ranch in texas
All of Texas is a shithole
Texas isn't "saved" the damage has been done and illegal will continue to find their way into the Hispanic dominated south. Been here almost a year since coming from Germany and never have I seen a place with more race mixing and niggers. Look at the major cities and towns, this place is finished for whites with the exception of small northern towns.
>waaah we have so many spics boo hoo
At least you don’t have as many niggers as the southeast. Trust me, it’s worse.
This is the only redeeming quality of Texas, it isn't as bad as the "real South"
God Bless Texas!
You don't know shit about my state you dumb faggot. Half the state is piney woods. Houston is where the South ends and the Southwest begins. Most of the land east of Houston is marsh or swamp. You don't get desert until 100 miles west of San Antonio.
ICE ICE baby
ICE ICE baby
All right stop
Collaborate and listen
ICE is back with my brand new mission
Panic grabs a hold of illegals tightly
Makes the beaners sweat daily and nightly
Will it ever stop?
Yo, I don't know
Report illegals and we'll make 'em go
Back to the shitholes, ICE deports MS-13 and vandals
Build a wall, gotta go back, winning with Trump more than I can handle
The fact this is required is total bullshit. Fucking invaders given sanctuary from federal law.
Very nice
Hahahaha beaners BTFO
Damn i have no idea what mexico is like. Under daca here and this is scary im not gonna lie. At least if they do get me i will still be able to this board.
how scared should i be Sup Forums?
Right wing death squads will come soon...
But that alone won't be enough.
Texas needs to focus more on its demographics which are threatening turning the state blue permanently, like California.
You should have seen it coming you fool, you have no right to live in this country, join the military or something.
some faggot ass court will strike it down for some bullshit reason
why do you hate our people
25% white by 2050
15% white by 2100
that has been my last resort but so far i like my job. Ironically the place is named American lol.
In all honesty i have a woman who keeps asking me when are we getting married. She is american. But i have been slacking i feel like i can't provide enough as it is. Maybe i should go into the army.
Abbot is a madman, god love him.
>Muh Whataburger
Ughhh. We have them in NM. The honey butter chicken biscuit sandwiches are so good. Other than that I like my state more. Too bad Texas has more jobs. I start work on an oil rig in Pecos in 10 days.
I hope you get sent back and then raped and mutilated by a wild coyote if you try and cross again. You DACA fucks sicken be, bunch of pretentious fat ugly shit skins who think you're all entitled to being in a nation which you've broken the law by entering in the first place then cry racism when its time to go.
Oh please baby make my day
Surprised you couldn't find one in NM
Lol classic Greg
Based Texas, one of the best states
Abbot 2024?
They cry in front of cameras until we give them amnesty. It's been working so far.
Thank fucking god Based Abbot is taking care of this shit.
I live in Austin and holy shit guys you have no idea how backwords ass retarded our liberal city council is.
Any other right leaning people in Austin know my pain of living here?
It's an amazing and fun place to be and I love living here, but I'm just sick of the bluepilled idiots I have to deal with on a daily basis.
I don't cry racism i deal with it.
I love texas been here since i was 6.
I would of voted for trupm if i registered just was a neet during the election.
The thought has crossed my mind before. When i was a teen
Texas is terminally ill. Too close to the border. I’m fleeing to a friend’s company in Wyoming. My ancestors took this place, and here I am, the last male of my line, running. Fuck
I live in San Antonio. I wish I lived in Austin. Just move out of downtown or North Austin and you won't deal with liberals. At least your city is fucking white.
>low property tax
You fucking wot?
In all the democrat cities the property taxes are high enough to compete with rent for equal-quality and space units. In Houston, (or neighboring cities in the county) a 300k House can easily cost 15k a year in tax and HOA bullshit.
Everywhere else is normal.
>pro religious freedom
>low barriers of entry
>massively laissez faire policies
Yeah, like I said, cuckservatism
There's nothing wrong with legal spics.
Fuckin pussy, you dont wanna stick around for us to succeed over the upcoming (((asault rifle))) ban?
Welp, where are Runners supposed to go now?
-Aaaand California is heard from.
I'm a natsoc you faggot.
I don't live with my family anymore. Should I worry for them? What will really happen after this? What should i do.
>why not live in a state like montana?
Fuck off, we're full.
True, but with the amount of bluepilled shilling in this city they are all self hating whites.
That being said though, a lot of the people here are just misguided because of the liberal schools in the area and the major cult like mentality of leftism in the city.
That being said, I have converted many liberal friends due to the fact that I'm a charismatic musician and blend in very well with the degenerate crowd.
>be me
>go to party and trip balls
>play my set and end up going to room with lots of UT thots
>get coked up with them and end up dropping subtle redpill
>they mostly agree and we leave it at that and keep the party going
Converting leftists is easy if you convince them that you are like one of them. You gotta be a wolf in sheep's clothing here in the city when it comes to being to the right of Bernie sanders
Also, when most guys look like pic related, it's incredibly easy to get laid here
Montana has like 40,000 people
Texans are a very utilitarian people who prefer action to thought. They make good engineers and businessmen but they have a profound lack of foresight and no capability for introspection. A nation of ambitious, individualistic extroverts. They were perfectly adapted for the frontier and swept all obstacles before them in that environment, but in modern times those same traits make them putty in the hands of Global Capitalism. As a culture they just have no defense at all against the entropic forces of modern life. This is why they will not even notice the threat mass immigration poses until it is far too late, let alone do anything substantial about it.
every one in Utah acts like a real life Ned Flanders
many white UT sorority girls grew up in Texas schools that were rich and white with a small minority of poor mexicans so it makes sense they are already pretty red pilled, keep at it.
>Montana has like 40,000 people
And we're full.
Could have fooled me.
Sounds like heaven. Im sick of all of my peers being amoral degenerates
I live in austin -- we have found a small enclave of like minded people here.
Not too many though.
think about a place that's hotter'n hell
This is bait.
You've clearly never been there.
Move to california and you'll miss texas
t. want to fucking kill myself every day
since when is texas anti pork?
Our most famous BBQ style uses beef brisket, so we like to poke fun at Carolinians whose most famous BBQ dish is pork. We don't actually have anything against pork.
>neo-nazis are natsocs
Don't you have someone to behead, Pablo? Nothing like the good-ole' aztec tradition.
I feel ya. I used to live in Austin. Finally revisited after a decade living up in dfw. So many blue haired lezbos... My husband and I felt like we were in another world when we stopped to eat at Kerbey Lane.
I hope the current 5 star doggo is nicer than her predecessor who nipped peeps