Chieftain NEED take war club from grug

chieftain NEED take war club from grug

how many more grugling go forever sleep from war club

ancient chieftain say "all grug club not be taken away"

but spike in club not invented then

battle club make so many grug go sleep it time give them to long-nose

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not using fur bag filled with rock
It like you not even trying.


spike club not invented then

but also cave drawings not used for freedom of grunts

long nose tribe is behind this again

here are the other grug threads

How Grugs fight chieftains warriors with club when chieftains warriors ride giant lizard?
Grugs can't fight warriors with just club. Club not save Grug and Gruglings. Chieftain will protect Grug

Last time tribe gave chieftain war club Long Nose die in Holorock.

Only Goyim Tribe give up war club.

war clubs only put grug forever sleep

no grug need one

me turn in father war clubs to be put in dancing hot

how many grug do same?

Grug like this meme on cave wall

No lie to Grug! Holorock no happen, Rockler not do wrong!

Yes Grug, me Chieftain from hook-nose tribe.

You give Gruglome clubs, look at hook-nose tribe! Not single mass clubbing!

Hook-nose tribe will use clubs on brown tribe half a sun's walk from Gruglome's holy shrine.

Brown tribe always invade we need safety and shekel, remember the Holobunga Gruyim!

Grug heard Rockler made stickish sleep caves to fill longnose tribes with mammoth stench. Over big number of longnose stopped moving.

Grug think if not-lie, then Rockler miss many longnose. Much sad that Redtribe make Rockler club self. Rockler only try to help.


Yes, trust us. No more spike clubs means no more dead gruglings. Turn them all in and we keep you safe. Remember the great many lost in holubunga as numerous as hairs on mammoth.

Grug, Holobunga no lie, Gruglome's grandma got rocked by big boulder in Rockau sleep camp at only 6 moons time.

Grugs' Grandgrug die at Rockau, too. Fell off Watch-rock.

/head chieftain campfire/ always say chieftain right on everything, even when want to take clubs

gruallah shmalla din hal mal divaj nallah

Who let Sand tribe in cave?!


Grug's Grugma was folded into a fire hat. Grug keeps her on flat log for safe keep.



grungle was made into white rock that melt in water
now tribe never use white rocks


>Chieftain of clapping tribe say to hand in all spike clubs

Me think it 4-rock cave tossing.

No laugh at Holobunga Grugim, 6 grugillion go sleep! Anti-Gruglimite!

Grug propose cave to think forever of Holobunga, so all Grugs know Rockzees are not nice. Make Grugmans feel bad.

Holobunga last for 10 days?

Number is 6,000 long nose killed, but no bodies, "blonde hair tribe burn longnoses", but if 6,000 long nose burn, and holobunga last 10 days then 25 long nose burn in hour.

But what fire burn 25 bodies hour? Holobunga not add up

Rockler built wheelie logride that drops them into mini volcano really fast. Go in fast, come out fast.

Chief Troogdoog is ruin Leaf Tribe. He bring Sand Tribe and give shiny to grugettes and berry pickers. Grugs no grugly no more.

Grugmen must breed with OOGA BOOGA tribe to make up Holobunga, Grugmen no be trusted.

Anti-Gruglimite! It against Grug Law to know Holobunga knowledge. Grug go to cave with many bars for being Rockler worshiper.

but grug think big red tribe own many sleep cave
not rockler

Why Rockler put longnose to big sleep with mammoth stench? Not club to head? Big effort to make big sleep with stench... Grug think weird.

Me says no club none any. You need no club for mammoth hunts only long stick with 1 point at tip. All clubs must go

*Gets invaded by neighbor enemy villagers from other side of valley with clubs*

I enjoyed this, thank you Sup Forums for making the shit shift better.

Troogdoog bring many other tribes into our cave. He feel guilt from other grugs ruling over other tribes in past because they stronger, think grugs are at fault. Gives nice things from grugs to other tribes to come live in our cave, basically ban grugs from being unhappy about it. Yellow-Tribe especially bad, take all tribe shiny. Troogdoog say it good thing and make tribe richer... but only leave less cave and shiny for grugs!

Grug think grug cave should be for grugs...

Why grug get yelled at after noseling smash other noselings?

how tribe cure soy sickness?

before Grug only hear of sickness, but last night by fire Grugling not eat day's hunt, say only want soy-plant. Grugling also start wear cloth of women. in morning Grugling say he not want to hunt, only want play with rocktendo.

Grug think Long-Nose tribe do this.

Cavegela Grugkel has big idea to bring uggrifican Grugs and sand tribe Grugs. Says manygrug our muscle.

Rockler wanted longnose suffer long time. Had other things too, like groin-good box. Made longnose bleed white until big sleep.

Don't be hatemonger, embrace grugling choice. Remember Holobunga? Holobunga make longnose tribe always right.

Less Sand Grug and OOGA BOOGA Grug not in Rocksreal good for Gruglome. Grugmen pay in Grugmen's red liquid or in Rockeles so they make up for Rockler's and all Grugmen's Holobunga. No forget the 6 gorrilion grug.


Can somegrog red berry me on monkey grugs? Long nose tribe say Monkey grugs are same as Grugs. But this no true?
Cavepainting related

Grug only use club protect cave. If grug no have club, jungle tribe come to take cave.

>monolithuania cloth
The sharp of this grugling...

Can giant lizard make sure Grug not make own war club in cave? Can lizard make sure Grug no use scary hot light? No. Lizard no make chieftain better than Grugg.

Skin noggin tribe say 6 gorillian not enough

good thread

Your momgrug good last moon

grug hungry but have no berries

man from hook nose tribe say "grug me give you 10 berries for free now, next week you give me 20 back"

that good deal, 10 free berries is a lot

man from hook nose tribe best friend of grug now

No give club to grugling and grugling no go sleep

All grug must sleep the sleep of the ancients eventually

gay thread

if chief take club from good grug that men bad grug still have club.
Club take not work. Rocks on ground. Bad grug take rock hit gruglings head.
Only good grug with club hit bad grugs

No trust hooknose. Hooknose give me rock say worth 200 berries.
Me use rock and hooknose want 500 berries. Me tell hooknose "I no berries". Hooknose say he take all my rocks. That no good.

Thank you for brain-working of our gruglings.


United Tribes have over 10 clubs in cave. All other tribes have only 1. Fatgrugs will club soygrugs a lot if take warclub away

This make grug head work...

Follow grugler and gather many berries and rocks for out grugs. we make war clubs then. then all good grugs visit hooknose caves and make war-time until hooknoses grow no more on gruglets face.

cave gather always end up talk of hooknose
me go to cave drawing rockawooga
she still good to grug
hooknose no take rockawooga toody loyal not like treedypeedy

darud hugg not real youngling
darud hugg not even train under urg with other youngling

hook nose tribe send him
darug hugg pretend to be youngling
hook nose tribe always want battle club so their chieftain stronger

hooknose want smash berries on toody. hooknose want make grug go brain wrong cave and make grug eat woman berries
grug protect toody with other toody love grugs

If grug can have club why grug can not have war mammoth?

if grug smash enemy tribe, enemy tribe really smashed you


grug no have barries to feed war mammoth. grug not know how to care for war mammoth.

why grug no just plant more berries? than grug have infinite berries

Hooknose tribe paint berries on cave wall. Say they same as real berries. But grug still hungry.

>planting berries
>being this soy

me visit hooknose and trade rock for berries. he say give me purple berries but gives red berries instead for same pile of rocks. hooknose say they the same but they make grug feel less strong.

Noselings make spike club scare to take all spike club away. Then noselings use spike clubs and flying spike clubs to kill many grugs. Some noselings want control everything. Noseling say are like gruglings of Grod. Noseling wrong. Noseling think Grod say grugs supposed to be like berrypickers, but noseling take all berries. Grugs wrong again. Noseling need go back to noseling cave or us grug make leave

Maybe give real berries to hooknose to paint more berries until you not hungry

Too be fair grug require great thinksmart to know rock and mammoth

Grug talk to grugs far away with smoke signal. Now smoke signal tribe say grug talking bad. Tell grug no more far talk.

Grug use wrong cave paint

top geg

grug need club to protect little grug
and protect momma grug

longnose wont take club from grug or grug will smash longnose

is this how the 49% has to talk so that the immigrants understand them?

Pitiful albinoids, with your reliance on kinetic energy as a means of inflicting trauma against your advertises.

I only pray that you never harvest the power of our chiral technology once we have finished mastering interstellar travel and abandon this planet with you left behind.

>grug see other grug without mammothskin
>awaken new feelings over twig and berries
>other grug say mean thing to grug
>call grug twig lover
>say grug hook nose friend
>say grug bundle of twig belong in smokehut
>grug just want homounga with other grug
>grug do special homounga dance and fire for rainbow spirit
>grug show other nosmart grug it okay to homounga

Grug make fun of grugjeet for no poo in loo. Grugjeet make fun of grug for long sleep. Haha.

*kills everyone in this thread*

Bag no exist yet, only bloated danglybag from big bug bite

Grug give berries to chief. Chief give Grug berries to longnose. Grug want keep own berries.

Grug find interesting leaf

Grug stick leaf on red and white mammoth skin, use mammoth poo

Look at grug cool look!

>First hooknose tell chieftain to stop letting grugs make war clubs and stop grugs trade rocks for war club
>Then hooknose start telling bad warriors that grug that already has war club is making drawing of gruglets on cave wall without loincloth and they take his war club away
>Other grug with war club mad about this and say hooknose lying and chieftain knows this but not stop him
>Chieftain gets mad and says grugs no more help decide berry picking days and mammoth hunting days
>Many grugs and she-grugs and gruglets starve
>Hooknose and chieftain say it no problem and will get more berries and mammoth soon
>Hand out leaves with pictures of berries on it instead.
>Still no berries and grugs notice chieftain and hooknose and warriors still always have many berries and mammoth to eat but say they have same amount as grugs
>Grugs get mad and tell chieftain it inside cave war-time
>Good warriors help but many grugs killed by bad warriors before they can get to hooknose or chieftain because not enough war-clubs
>Surviving grugs and good warriors leave with she-grugs and gruglets and cave eventually fall apart
>Soon hooknose arrive at new cave offering grugs 5000 berries if he allowed to stay
>But hooknose only have leaves with picture of berries on it
>Grugs kill hooknose then.

come to dry land of no cave

it good, few harpy tribe few dark tribe

many bean warrior though

grug have any spike club he want so it ok

Why Red Sun Tribe make cave paintings better than Grugs? Me see Venus carving, meatstick goes turtle. Me see cavime meatstick becomes long spear.

Grug want to be she-grug and join warriors.

>leaf tribe
all you do you wallpaint with poo
we call it poopainting

Grug want to be she-grug and draw grughole on cave wall all no-sun-time


Indus-tribe just poop any place in cave. think bad juju she-grug live in poop hole.
we call them cave-poopers.


Grog point Grug to many amendment:
A well regulated tribe being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the Grogs to keep and bear clubs shall not be infringed.

Grug can have Grog's club, when Grug pry it from Grog's cold dead hands.
