Putin is threatening to nuke Florida
Let's see how Trump reacts.
Putin is threatening to nuke Florida
Let's see how Trump reacts.
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You're wrong. Putin is saying that if (((anyone))) tries to nuke the US while Trump begins the purge of the swamp he will nuke Israel.
good riddance
What? He said no such thing
Will Sheriff Shatner be able to stop it?
You know I'm right you kike.
That says that Trump gave Putin information passed on to the US by Israel about a threat by the Islamic state involving the use of computer batteries. In doing so he endangered the under cover Israeli or other source.
How many AMERICANS wish he was your PRESIDENT.
Few quick policies of what President Putin is against in RUSSIA.
No GMO foods to be imported to Mother Russia or to be grown in Russia.
No special rights for LGBT.
No gay marriages.
No open homosexuals in the Russian Military.
No children to be adopted by homosexuals.
-just few phenomenal benefits if Putin was The President of the USA.
Can you envision how strong and blessed the US would be under his leadership.
HAHA. Try harder Jew.
>Putin is threatening to nuke Florida
Amerifats will never understand foreigners, will they?
If you read the whole thing it says exactly what I said. Do you have a learning disability?
Trump told Russia about a Mossad operation where israeli kike faggots were teaching terrorists how to remote control planes with a laptop and crash it.
He told them about information gathered by a mossad operation. I think you literally have some sort of learning disorder. Your reading comprehension is sadly lacking.
What the fuck? Where did you get that idea? Also how exactly would that work?
No. Mossad was training ISIS. Fucking dirty ass Jew. I hate everything about Israel. I hope you get bombed and your women suck arab cock all day.
Good finally a happening
Fuck putin....time to curb stomp tiny man and liberate crimea
It's Florida. Nothing of value will be lost.
Either a troll or literally retarded.
Israel already lost a submarine off the coast of Alaska...You really wanna play these stupid games?
> doesn't give a shit about the future of his country
> deals with shady dictatorships
> brags about his nuclear missiles
It's finally happening, Putin is turning into Kim Jong Un.
Everyone warned you, vatniks, but you didn't listen. Now we're all screwed.
Mark my fucking words: the old farts are going to vote his ass into the office again, Russia will hit the African levels of poverty, the Internet will be severely restricted or outright isolated by 2022, the Chinese will have us all at the tips of their tiny dicks, and by 2027 when this house of cards of a country collapses, Putin and his buddies will grab their fake passports and leave.
Definitely a retard.
observe how the shill false flags and tries to spread disinformation
The Russian vote is rigged.
No shit Sherlock.
I'm the only person in this entire thread whose backed up what I've claimed with evidence.
Tons of mutts will die so who really cares, if anything it will make America whiter.
So give him the nickolus treatment. Are all Russians emasculated?
Some of your "evidence" was the opposite of what you claimed.
It is. But even if it wasn't Putin would still be the most popular by far.
He's not threatening anything, this is just dick swinging. Could you guys please bump these two threads?
I love how dead inside Trump looks after these bullshit meetings with foreign leaders he knows are meaningless
Its not even the snub of the handshake thats the best part, its the look in Trump's eyes that lets you know he thinks its all a crock of shit.
Are you scared about the future for Russia?
Depends on who Trump is meeting. he knows Netanyahu is an evil demon.
The majority of workforce is brainwashed, those who are not are usually not as strong. Even if we try to do something his fanboys will BTFO us by sheer numbers alone.
Even if those who don't like Putin are scared shitless of muh 90s and muh instability and will join Putinoids. Besides, a revolution WILL bring back the 90s, and another novice dictator will emerge.
Revolutions never worked in Russia, we need something else, if only I knew what exactly.
Don't cry when we build so many NATO bases around your country, this is the reason we do it. You fags always threatening to nuke people.
But Florida being nuked would help us solve the mutt problem. I hope he takes one for the team and attacks California and Texas as well.
>Trump likes Japan, China, Turkey and France
not sure how I feel about that desu senpai.
fucking do us a favor and nuke california instead.
Literally the source of every problem in this world is Israel and central banking.
the goal isn't to help us, but to harm us.
is it really that bleak?
yeah but...China and Turkey are pretty Jewey themselves.
Japan and France I can live with.
You fucking pissant. There's still a lot of white people in Florida, including Russians themselves. You think the nukes are gonna only kill the brownies? And what kind of a fucking cuck are you anyway to beg a foreign power to nuke your country and solve your problems for you? Why don't you deport them or form a right wing death squad like a true patriot?
>help us solve the mutt problem
you'd need to nuke all the southern states all of california and new york city
Fuck Florida
You need to do some research before you pretend like you know what you're fucking talking about
Fuck off back to /ptg/
>manlet wants attention
>episode n. 836290
Did /news/ send you?
>Putin is threatening to nuke Florida
Boomers and spics BTFO!!! Do us that favor Putin.
I only care about mine. When shit hits the fan I won't hesitate to jump ship. I'm young, I'll be okay.
The guilt of leaving my parents behind will probably haunt me for a few years, but in a dog eat dog world only assholes survive, besides if I were a 40+ year old parent I'd tell my children to do the same.
Sup Forums, stop falling for this kike shill bait. He is trying to say "muh putin is going for you! help!!!", but in reality he is just trying to save himself from being a kike that armed ISIS.
You're better than this, Sup Forums. You know he is a liar.
Trump won’t react cause he’s a faggot.
good. fuck those cubanos
>nuking Florida
>not LA or Jew York
And here I thought Putin Was one of the very few intelligent world leaders...
yea dude totally impossible to make something that shoots fast things out of the air. we're fucked
or you're a retard getting memed into nothingburger cold war 2.0
Sup Forums... you fucking Sup Forums..... fuck
This is the most retarded post I've ever read in a while. Congrats
manlets, when will they learn
Just take a look at our history. We've always relied on a strong leader, this slave mentality has been ingrained into our minds over the last 1000 years. Whenever a dictator is overthrown another takes his place shortly afterwards. We are a nation beyond repair, a piece of Africa in Europe. If things ever change in this shithole, I'm sure I'll be long dead by the time it happens. I can't do anything but flee if I want a better life. I'm not Napoleon or Washington, I am but an anime poster on a Taiwanese basket weaving imageboard.
This. The last time when Russia was liberal, people used the freedom to create crime groups and control the valuable assets in the country by criminals. Now instead of criminals, the corrupted police is in charge. At least it's a lesser evil and at least they try to feign a rule of law.
Furthermore. Russian liberals are worse then the western lefties, full of shit.
ur basically saying that putin is supported by his people but he shouldn't be becauuuuuse
>muh FEELS!
I'd rather be governed by a nationalist dictator than an anti-white niggerfaggot (((democracy))).
current generation (1995-till nowadays) way better than those before.dunno how in small cities.
slave mentality will vanish.
I'm sure old Nappy would have been a weeaboo virgin if he was born today
>by a nationalist dictator
And who is that nationalist dictator you speak of?
Florida will at least put a dent in the inbred problem
western teenagers believe that Putin is saving the white race
If David Duke became Emperor of the US, it would solve 90% of our problems.
It isn't a slave mentality, we have freedom and live together without problems, our values are built on dominating and hatred towards each other. We don't value human life and human rights.
For example homeless and alcoholics, people in England consider them human, we hate them, hate vatniks (patriots in fact) and so forth.
*we can'r have a freedom and live together without problems
I know Putin isn't perfect, but he's better than our degenerate anti-white kike oligarchs by a longshot.
Spotted a poor anti-Semitic pleb.
Well you'd have to have something that could adjust for all the variables and hit it within the minutes it's in flight. Yeah, good luck with that.
>but he's better than our degenerate anti-white kike oligarchs by a longshot
yeah because saying that muslims are part of Russia is much better
The Russian mob is run by the police. How is that better?
LOL, try living in Murica and getting shit on constantly because you're white, and watching leftists, niggers, and kikes raping and destroying your ancestors' culture and institutions.
In 90s they didn't even try to create an illusion rule of law. You could have been killed and no one cared. They killed journalists, businessmen just like it's in Ukraine now. Now media attention, social resonance can make a difference, it's better than it was before Putin.
>they killed some leftist faggot journalists
Oh noooo that suuuuucks...
Look how much influence, money and jobs were brought into America by fagbook, jewgle and jewntel. The USA is the strongest economy in the world due to the perspicacious Jewish bankers.
A Jew created the British Empire.
A country is stronger with Jews, I envy that we don't have talented Jews who could make Russia the richest country in the world.
That's technology, not Putin himself. Putin wants to turn the clock back on some of that. He's had journalist killed.
First of all, if Russia has it now, we had it 20 years ago. We have black projects hidden from the public that we couldn't even imagine. Even now, with liberal Democrats trying to fuck up our nation, we are still far ahead in terms of military. Russia isn't going to nuke the United States, Putin may be the enemy but he isn't stupid. Good luck being an ignorant sheep OP. God Bless.
If you unironically believe that you are retarded.
If anything, the ""progressive"" Navalny is more nationalist that Putin. Barely controlled illegal immigration from Muslim Central Asian countries and China is killing this country. The worst recent terrorist attacks were committed by foreign nationals, Russians can't get unskilled jobs because there's always a Tajik illegal migrant who will do it for half the paycheck. The Caucasus region is the most dangerous place in this country, yet little is being done about it. Sounds familiar, Mr. hot blooded confederate flag waving American? It fucking should.
Slavs are the niggers of white people, so it's expected. I'm just saying that if a nationalist Anglo-Germanic man like David Duke or Paul Nehlen had the same power as Putin, but in America, it would be a much better place,
Just because we had it first doesn't mean we have a defense against it. Furthermore we waste a lot of money and fabricate results. The military industrial complex is not this glorious thing that will save us.
Mate, if you think that living in the wild west tier environment is a nice thing, you're welcome here and can try. I'd prefer to live with leftists but have all perks of the first world, a good salary, secure and reliable future, support from the state, pension etc.
Duke is embezzler who committed mail fraud. You think he honestly believes what he says?
>I needs mo money fo dem programs
Nah you just got the mafia jews.
Russian mafia is jewish.... oh and so is putin