He proceeds to bend a fat knee.
Boogie2998 gets cyber bullied by a Tranny
Why the fuck do you dumbfucks even follow boogie on Twitter?
He's human garbage.
never apologise to SJWs
So they can bring his stupidity here, for you to enjoy.
This. It's an invitation for more abuse.
What a bitch. He's an entertainer not a political commentator, she's being very unreasonable and an apology from Boogie has only made her aggressions more bold. He should terminate communication until signs of respect are shown, which at this very remain absent.
lol Emily G is literally trash
it's a tranny.
That tranny got swatted
once, so much butthurt
That's what he does. Why do people care as if it's breaking new ground, why the fuck is he even on this board constantly?
He's an old fat fuck talking about videogames. What the hell relevance to anything does he have? Do you self-identify as him?
>an apology from Boogie has only made her aggressions more bold
NEVER apologise to SJWs. They're predatory shitheads and when they smell blood in the water the feeding frenzy is on.
It would be a shame If Emily Gorcenski
319 5th St Sw Charlottesville VA 22903-5525
would get pizza
nut w/e
Did he not learn anything after being mortified by Anita?
Even ISIS is less obdurate than these creatures.
That's great
I'm going to have hope that this begins Boogie's redpill process.
I mean, dude's been divorce cucked and is now being berated by trannies and libshits.
If I had a dollar for every Xer/Millennial I know who started off as a doughy gamer and has gone full fash in the last 5 years, I'd be a very wealthy man.
I really am not fond of this guy, but he's ripe ground.
He'll either come out redpilled or just really double-down on the libshittery. I'm hoping for the former. He's got a big audience.
>Not even once
>apologized to anita for being a white male
>apologized to his wife for the divorce and asked his fans not to talk bad her
>apologized to a tranny and gets belittled on public twitter
What can help this man get his balls back?
This is just sad to see.
If you're a right winger on twitter go tell boogie to grow a spine
Boogie2998 is now Boogie1488
What a cool guy
He's got too much SJW wormtongues in his sphere. I watched his stream and he seemed really frustrated and pissed about the fact a bunch of fucking commies were trash talking him in public, but I don't think he realizes it's an orchestrated, intentional tactic by a particular ideology.
Boogie will never man up, he's a natural born pussy. nobody should defend him either, social Darwinism.
Boogie is a hero
he eats food so that niggers can not
if we all ate as much as him then we wouldnt have any spare food to send too africa and they would have died out by now
Boogie is the ultimate redpill
His audience turned on him, so he either doubles down with his rhetoric and only the faithful stay or he kowtows and shows to his core audience that he is a fake.
I've been Boogpilled, eating Whataburger now. 2 #2s,,,
Do it, nigga. DO IT NOW!!!
what a dumb timeline
I keep seeing those as ass cheeks and not boobs and its FREAKING me out.
Imagine, with all we know about the faggots who run the site, having a Twitter account and using the site at all. Unacceptable.
Emily (male) is the tranny who got caught up in the Charlottesville night march. He's a coward and insane. He has managed to grow his Twitter account to 25k from a few hundred the night of the march. Now fully invested in being a Twitter crusader. What a hero... Maced and shoved while wearing a dress
Indulging their mental illness won't fix their mental illness.
Who's going to pay for his healthcare?
To shit on him on Twitter.
Well not anymore I'm banned again.
It must. He would be an unstoppable redpill to his fans and possibly the MTG community (not kidding).
We must stand in solidarity with Boogie
i propose a permanent Boogie sticky thread
I don't care how much you hate them don't dox this faggot, no one deserves it
you must be new here
Chilly your willy. it's free food for a month. Besodes, she looks like she needs the caloric intake from that soy diet.
Such a radical change in thinking would require much more neural plasticity than Boogie has as a damaged 40 something fat fuck.
Boogie1488 soon
What a vile creature.
>inb4 "she"
You mean we?
Like an apology would mean anything from such a whore of a man. He has no honour, has no pride, his apology carries no weight.
Was he the asian faggot screaming that there was noone there?
I should go find that video now and rewatch it.
I'm paranoid about being doxed by trannies and faggots and even I wouldn't wish that on them.
Let them enjoy each other's company. They deserve it.
It does all around his body. Just look at that healthy body :3
>Throws his own fans under the bus
>cow tows to a tranny
fuck this guy. he's got what he deserved desu
aren't you a sight for shareblue eyes
>no one deserves it
Yes they do user, many people deserve far worse than some free pizzas and prank-calls
Whatever you do to them will only get them more victimbux in exchange and they pump that directly into political change. It's a net positive for them to play the victim which is why they do it.
I wish people would buy me pizza but sadly no one delivers here
net positive for Sup Forums
free keks
They play the victim whether literally nothing happens to them or not.
hardly anybody can carry that weight, I don't blame him.
>Sup Forums
>e-celeb shit
>old Sup Forums garbage
You niggers have gone down hill
Don't you want some pizza?
We can get you something else if you don't like pizzas.
Boogie vs chrischan when?
Only if you put extra pineapple on it.
This sadly
boogie is the biggest beta male cuck on the planet i think
Reminder that non-whites and leftists DO NOT see apologies the way that we do.
We see apology as an acknowledgement that one has done wrong and would like to make amends, move on. They see apology as a sign of weakness, not of common decency. NEVER apologize to leftists. NEVER compromise with leftists.
2 combo meals? I guess these people get the way they are somehow...but ugh
Also, no pity whatsoever.