Any more like this. Shit like this cracks me up lmfao

Any more like this. Shit like this cracks me up lmfao

This is what happens when you fucks step out in the real world


Sup Forums blart loses his virginity ahahahahahahahahaha

>chimping-out over a sound
When can we just call prison "day-care" and get it over with?

>kill white person
>claim they called you a nigger
>still go to jail because you're too stupid a nigger to realize bad words don't justify assault


No u

thats not the real world, thats america.

Not remotely true. The real story. A group of white kids minding their own business get jumped because racist niggers hate whitey.

How tall are you? 5'3 lmao

welcome to melbourne.

>Not even swinging back
