I get sad whenever I see gay people on the street. Why do they choose to live a life in sin, doomed to burn in hell? Why do they not denounce their sinful lifestyles and turn to God for salvation?
I get sad whenever I see gay people on the street. Why do they choose to live a life in sin, doomed to burn in hell...
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fapping to Anime is a sin
I don't fap at all.
discord gg/feYnXj5
add a .
Pick only one, faggot.
I will pray for you. Hopefully you can change your ways, leave your life of sin and find salvation.
So how's the Christian God treating you? It's been a while since I've left for Buddhism.
Romans 1:28
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
ie They are no longer human due to their hatred of God aka the Truth. Since they hate the truth and goodness you can't expect them to turn away from sin, indeed, it's amazing they're not even worse.
Why don't fat people work out and get skinny/fit? Same answer: It's hard to change.
It's even harder for gays because everyone is telling them is bad is good and to "accept yourself"
I find it comforting to think they'll burn in hell for eternity tbfh senpai
how the fuck do people actually believe in reincarnation lmao
you post frogs and act the sodomite. you dont know wht youre talking about. i get sad when i see people who dont know what are temple prostitutes and are faggot racist jew pedo mason aids patients already burning in hell
christcucks in a nutshell
feminists and mother fuckers make me sad
yea I would kill a feminist before a fag
Because it's similar to an afterlife, but easier to conceptualize? It also gives us meaning in life and reasoning on why we suffer?
Shouldn't be thinking this way user, they may be misguided and sinning against God. But they're still His children, so we should love them none the less.
Also OP, I'm sorry about the recentish homo marriage thing in Aus.
Statistics on gays and marriage:
Science on gays as parents:
The benefits of gay marriage:
Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:
Does conversion therapy work:
HIV information:
Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?
Is being gay a mental illness?
The time for reasoning is over.
These people cannot be reasoned with.
They will not surrender their lifestyle.
We must move forward without them.
We must take to the streets and have massive rallies for the cause of preserving morals in America and across the west.
"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness." (Galatians 5:22-23)
I have self-control, therefore I do not masturbate.
The gayest thing I ever went to was a Cher concert. There was gay guys dressed as marines and of course lesbians were there as well. Everyone had a good time.
>everyone had a good time
"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." (Galatians 5:22-23)
I have self-control, therefore I do not masturbate.
reptile worshippers
Homo is the top tier of goy evolution after protestant, atheist and communist.
Once you are surrendering your faith and your money, they want your arse too.
are you failing to impregnate your widowed sister in law? then enjoy the ass cancer
Do you think these furries are so autistic they don't know how weird they look?
but all their symbols and practices idolise vaginas
>They are no longer human
youre taking an arbitrary leap that the scriptures do not back up
they are then different, but not non human
if you want non-human then see any demon possession or the state of "animal mind" he gave nebuchanezzar over to
theyre having fun at mardi gras. tits on the easter bunny day for some reason. for dollar store beads and many children around
user, pray for those people whenever you can.
Ask the lord Jesus to have mercy and compassion for them, and ask Him to intervene in their lives to lead them to salvation.
Ask Jesus to come to them in dreams and visions warning them that sin leads to death, and then hell. Also ask Jesus to let them know he loves them in the message.
hi freud
Most of them probably already tried that.
Wipe your mouth and stop talking to men.
You're a bitch now so fuck off to tumblr cunt.
enjoy your periods innawoods. why you havent pulled a peterson and blown off your dick ill never know
I’ll pray for you.
pray for the temple hookers and the frog bastards ok
I feel sad when I see religious people. I don't understand why anyone would submit to any sort of "higher power". It strikes me as some sort of crude substitute for self-love, as if they lack the ability to unconditionally accept themselves. They're more or less permanently limiting themselves too, effectively using the limitations of their scripture to stop themselves from reaching their full potential.
Personally, if I want to talk to god, I'll just go monologue in a mirror.
The whole mental disease thing.
> Modern attitudes toward homosexuality have religious, legal, and medical underpinnings. Before the High Middle Ages, homosexual acts appear to have been tolerated or ignored by the Christian church throughout Europe. Beginning in the latter twelfth century, however, hostility toward homosexuality began to take root, and eventually spread throughout European religious and secular institutions. Condemnation of homosexual acts (and other nonprocreative sexual behavior) as "unnatural," which received official expression in the writings of Thomas Aquinas and others, became widespread and has continued through the present day
Rofl. Homosexuals weren't condemned until the 12th century? The second or third bloody Holy Roman Emperor declared it a death penalty. The Church Father's wrote against it vigorously.
I mean I'm sure some of the sources in those archives are valid, but its just like the whole Zeitgeist documentary where if you can find several flaws in their citations or sources early. You may as well disregard the whole lot as a crock of horse shit.
sacred band of thebes ruth and naomi centurion born eunuchs the 144,000 david and jonathan. paul:
>it is good that a man not touch a woman
hadrian alexander
I didn't want to do it but fine I"ll post all the traits of homosexuals.
You tell me if this sounds human to you from a Biblical standpoint.
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
To me, that's an animalistic mindset. Something akin to a demonically posessed individual, psychopath, pure evil archetype.
>I'll just go monologue in a mirror.
Macbeth? Is it thee?
That's not having fun you sick psycho freak.
for worshipping crawling things and birds and creatures. and reptiles and frogs
ok so youve hanged your local mardi gras participants. that's between you and God
Africa knows how to keep their faggots in check.
hi commie
you guys are fucking gay
You'll never fit in here.
Get back in the closet before society forces you back into the closet.
We're sick of your shit.
We're done reasoning with you.
That was the action that lead to them becoming homosexuals but not all homosexuals worship animals. Such as the homosexuals of Sodom and Gomora or Ham or San Francisco.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
youre a tampondick and your gf is chokesonclit
Oddly enough, I've never read Macbeth. I stopped with Shakespeare's tragedies after Caesar, which I felt was the peak. Beyond that, it mostly ceased to interest me.
Speaking for myself: it's not like I woke up one day and chose to be gay, I just like my sex and find the opposite one completely uninteresting in that way. But let's assume for a moment that it IS a choice. If some powerful being teleported down to earth and promised us that nothing but eternal suffering awaited for people who were gay, do you honestly think there'd be any faggots left? The problem is, basically, that we're not convinced, and this is the problem with religion in general: it asks you to do things and make sacrifices, etc., and to induce you to do so it promises rewards AFTER you're dead. But without any proof that any religion actually posses real truth of what comes after death, why would anybody follow these rules?
that's nice degenerate fat gun grabber. i have a real job and hobbies. enjoy your women handed to you on a platter you never seem to want. only circle jerking and staring at everybody and giving head and cutting yourself. mofo and tits sucking monkey and man baby
>uses a word invented by a fake kike in 1880
The Bible never says its' a choice.
The Bible says God made you a faggot as punishment for not believing in God.
>The problem is, basically, that we're not convinced, and this is the problem with religion in general: it asks you to do things and make sacrifices, etc., and to induce you to do so it promises rewards AFTER you're dead. But without any proof that any religion actually posses real truth of what comes after death, why would anybody follow these rules?
God speaks for Himself
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
That's a pretty terrible punishment, given how I don't feel bad about it in the slightest and am generally happy with my life.
reptile worshippers for the 618th time. muh frog mascot reeee
All that projecting.
Blame the doctors for telling you you're normal.
Stop pretending you belong here.
You belong in the ground you fucking freak.
The disgrace that your father felt when he realised he had made a girl should have convinced you to kill yourself you filthy fucking degenerate.
what projecting. get the tits outta your mouth theyre for kids
call no man your father. vaginas give you test eh? youre already floatin in the breeze like the weed and lover of the earth you are. the empty sack
Well we live in a sick world.
What God intended was for you to be stoned until death by your family and friends while you yet lack understanding on why they hate you.
Nowadays it's not nearly as bad, you just wear yourself out on Poz loads, die of numerous cancers, then burn in hell for eternity.
fapping is normal and prevents dick and ball cancer so just admit to it user
qadesh. molech type shrine hookers. truvada. doesnt work on pussies. go look in the white house for morality there stormy daniels epstein duo
you should 100% join Islam
Michael Knight only saves those who want to be saved.
nice larping
I legitimately fucking hate this. Not all gay guys go to pride at all, much less do gross stuff like that, just like not all straight people are rapists and child molesters (if my analogy seems arbitrary, that's because it is. you can find straight people who do awful things, but they are not all cocndemned - it's just one crazy guy. But find a gay person who does some stupid thing, and it's all gay people?)
I hate that this is the idea straight people have of us. You probably run into half a dozen gay people every day and never even know it.
theyre the original degenerates and if they gotta put up with a tiny but of what we do. then fuck em. theyre overruled by turkey basters
You're one stupid dick sucker.
People like you are why i'm armed to the teeth, friendo.
Islam is a wicked false religion.
That being said even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Leviticus said stone homos with stones.
Jesus said he's not here to abolish the law which implies your country will always be better if you stone the gays.
qadesh. take leviticus. go to deuteronomy. see moses repeat all of deuteronomy. check which year the wors homo was invented. and then see how moses repeats the whole thing. molech is right there the whole time. but for your clobber passage he says no shrine hookers. kys
mind giving me that leviticus quote?
also what is the legitimacy of leviticus?
can you give me that jesus quote?
I can't kill you because the government says I don't have the right to exact justice on you. As a Christian I'm bound to the law of the land just as Christ was when he was on earth.
tl;dr I'm not stoning gays, until it's legal.
Oh did you report me for calling you a dick sucker like the little commie you really are?
Leviticus 20:13
Or, since none of what you described is in my self-interest, I could enjoy safe sex in a committed monogamous relationship with my partner, then impregnate a willing surrogate and raise the resulting children as my own. I figure that if I get cancer, it would be more from smoking than my sexuality. Or did god make me smoke for not believing in him?
>t. Internet tough guy
What's the purpose of heaven?
What good is it to live in eternal bliss? Why do you crave hedonism in heaven?
What challenges do you fear? Heaven provides no challenge. If you want heaven, just inject opiates and live without pain or challenge.
Your religion is a joke. It temps people with the bane of life. Comfort.
> If some powerful being teleported down to earth and promised us that nothing but eternal suffering awaited for people who were gay, do you honestly think there'd be any faggots left?
No there wouldn't. But by doing this He would be taking away our free will as people, if He came and showed people His power just like that then everybody would serve. There is no choice in the matter, your free will is being stripped. God didn't want automatons, He wanted children that can choose to be with Him or not, even if it breaks His heart.
I will throw this caveat out here now that hell isn't some state where you're tortured for eternity with pitchforks and flames and what not. It's a state of being, completely devoid of God. As that is your wish, by sinning against God you are choosing to be separated from Him. And all that comes with Him, Goodness, Hope, Love, etc. On earth you can't be completely separate from Him, but once you die your will is carried out. If you chose to not be in relationship with Him it was your choice. This is over simplifying manners, but this isn't what the threads about.
>he problem is, basically, that we're not convinced, and this is the problem with religion in general: it asks you to do things and make sacrifices, etc., and to induce you to do so it promises rewards AFTER you're dead.
Love entails sacrifice. And doesn't require something in return. For those with Faith though we are given something in return, not something tangible and hard to explain unless you've had Faith and been in a state of grace before. We don't serve God and make the sacrifices we do because we want something in return. We do it out of love, and we know the love God has for us. Again I'm trying to bugger off here so this probably sounds pretty stupid but I'm answering none the less.
>But without any proof that any religion actually posses real truth of what comes after death, why would anybody follow these rules?
Why not? SHort responde due to commentmax
Why hasn't god arranged things so that it would become legal? Seems like God's doing a shit job of things, or he's actually kind of a huge bitch who isn't "all-powerful".
You'll need more than stones, shit head.
I get sad when I see Christians who don't follow the bible and love thy neighbor. Actually when I see Christian women who go to church without a head cover laugh. Literally right wing virtue singling right there.
How many trannies are in there? If there are a lot I am not joining because I want to avoid drama.
Leviticus 18:22
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 20:13
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
As for Jesus being for the death penalty, this is where a lot of confusion comes up because of Jewish subversion.
Mathew 5:17-19
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
no. read fucking words. stop letting others translate and lie for you like a fatty. makes you BECOME that which you lie and criticise about. you know nothing. and it's so bad all youve become is a literal reptile worshipping sodomite. nite. homosex came after. frog whores were always. youve been speaking about frog whores all night. about yourself. that is the reality
>I can't kill you because the government says I don't have the right to exact justice on you.
So you're a chickenshit?
Human law > God's law to you.
You fucking piece of shit, you don't know hell or God. You've never been down in it.
cuts out the molech part. ignores my point about deuteronomy and shrine hookers. qadesh. learn it. read it
Because they are demons. You should praise God while slaughtering them in the streets.
throw the jews down the vaginas. so my country can be free. youll be watched when youre dying of vagina cancer and become a 90 year old sucking on raisin tits. maybe youre hit by a bus tomorrow. who knows
>What's the purpose of heaven?
Communion with our loving creator.
>What good is it to live in eternal bliss? Why do you crave hedonism in heaven?
We simply wish to be with God. Hedonism wouldn't do this justice. And why not live in eternal bliss? Goodness was created by God, and if our end goal should be to be with God, then it is good.
>What challenges do you fear? Heaven provides no challenge. If you want heaven, just inject opiates and live without pain or challenge.
Don't fear any challenge, but why would I seek them? Opiates=/=Heaven
>Your religion is a joke. It temps people with the bane of life. Comfort.
Pic related
Wrong. In order to love that which is pure you must equally hate that which corrupts.
This is the testing time.
God's picking the good from the bad. The whole world is wicked because neither God nor Christians are of the world.
27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
28 And I will give him the morning star.
>tfw post apocalyptic gay bashing with Christ himself handing me the rod.