I am currently in a debate on Facebook with a fellow on Facebook. I am attempting to prove that America is objectively the most free country on the planet. Can you guys give me some red pills that I can drop?
I am currently in a debate on Facebook with a fellow on Facebook...
Other urls found in this thread:
It's legal to say nigger here
No, go away boomer
>having to prove an absolute fact
I am the 1st post
>having a kikebook
>attempting the argue with normies in kikebook
>being unable to construct your own arguments on kikebook
>going to pol for help
Shiggy diggy
A you can be king of fagets, cut yer dick off, grow tits and still be allowed to roam about.
> I am currently in a debate on Facebook with a fellow on Facebook.
Well the education is free and as they say "You get what you pay for".
"Freer" is not a word. All of these other countries literally put people in prison for writing facts on social media.
>We're still allowed to deny the holocaust
>The kikes will ruin your life if you dare to suggest that the kikes have the power to ruin your life
>I am currently in a debate on Facebook with a fellow on Facebook
LMAO what a pathetic way to spend your time. Even shitposting here is better.
There is only one redpill you need, Americans have constitutionally protected free speech something leafland does not have you live in a country where at any moment dissent can be classified as hatespeech and outlawed you percieve yourself as free because your leaders are merciful enough (for the moment) that you tolerate them nothing more.
Your opponent will define "Freedom" by how many government services are provided. Do not allow that rigged definition under any circumstances.
no other country has free speech and the right to bear arms on an individual/collective level.
1st and 2nd amendments
>other free countries
name one
Fuck off, pussy
>have to pay taxes
>not allowed to rape or murder
>have to pay child support
>most free
My vote would go to some shithole like Liberia which barely enforces any laws.
Getting buttraped in prison for sexting a 17 year old or owning a few grams of weed
Most free
Nah man
It's not quite that bad. Most cops are faggots. It's just what they do.
>the most free country in the world is a chinese puppet state backed by communists
Usa a free country? Fucking puppets of the jews and Chinese, prove me wrong please