What's on the agenda tonight, cobbers?
Friday Night Australia Thread
Nice flag.
Heat up a few partie pies and sausage rolls and drink some chocky milk...on call tonight for work so can't stray too far from home. Might hit gym if no calls come through
But seriously. Having one can then I’m off for a counter meal, then I’ll spend the rest of the night shitposting and preparing an employment claim against a former employer. Should be able to file in with the court next week. It’s gunna be fun.
Wallow in misery because I can't stop thinking about her
It ok user. I miss Pauline too.
Pauline never left mate, im talking about my oneitis
ur flag is gei XDXDXD
Your flag is literally just ours but less white
Just like your country
It's Thursday night in the part of the world that matters you shackle dragging cunts.
Discovered today I work with a self proclaimed Bolshevik. What do Sup Forums?
Glass the cunt
I wish I could user. Im a contractor and he's perm. Fucking old cunt too, couldn't believe it when he starting sprouting that bullshit commie rhetoric. Just Gunna out headphones in and ignore the cunt from now on...
i was talking about the fact that OP used the NZ flag instead of the Aus flag M8
Can you at least tell him to fuck off with his commie shit?
Dont call me m8, m8
nah I like big boy pies
Wait a minute Friday starts a day early for Australia? Fuckin a I need to mve there
Well, started today with asking him a general Q on the SA situation. And he was glad it was happening. He's a white old cunt too....
And im in IT... I thought IT was based?? Fucking soy cunts everywhere...
Ignoreance is bliss now.
Why the fuck would you think IT is based lol, you never heard of Silicon fucking Valley?
I hope we take in all the white SA refugees. Ill legit bomb canberra myself if they prioritize fucking ragheads over them
>Australia thread
>NZ flag
Those are the wealth-hunters saying anything to be accepted at a pre-Google buyout. they've created their own critical mass of Marxism.
>most IT is pretty based.
I like the flag, west island
Fuck off Tasmania jr. Cant you read? This is an Australia thread
This is now a dick rate thread.
Let's see them hot uncut downunder cocks, boys!
>about to post dick
wait a minute.....
>check flag
>realize this is just a ruse to get us to voluntarily derail our own thread
Im already drunk
>Feels good man
Also i just came up with that
>realize this is just a ruse to get us to voluntarily derail our own thread
Post it somewhere else and let me see it.
Gay cunt
Gays are normal people just like you and me.
No one cares, cut cock.
Fuck off you fucking fag cunt
Being really sad,
Whats got you down cobber?
Mental problems bored dull no motivation feel like nobody likes me , been this way since I was 8
That's what your oneitis said to you aye?
Have you considered being a sick cunt rather than a sad cunt?
fuckin not bad out aye
I'm too scared to be sick, but I see your point
whats good at dans
I wish, at least then i could get over her
I know the feeling well mate. Keep your chin up, we're all gonna make it
When I was grabbing my couple of cans of bundy op from the bottle shop yesterday arvo I saw they had wine in a can now.
I'm going to buy a carton and take it to a uni party.
I guarantee I will get fucked.
Either that or I will drink the whole carton.
No free drinks.
Fear is the mind-killer. You can't be a sick cunt until you dgaf anymore. The other week my boss exploded at me and said
at which point I took a hint and told him about terry davis and lectured him about Temple OS and told him to watch youtubes about
fatlambs on me
The absolute state of Cuntstralia.
posting in an aussie thread!
aye bro, sweet as, aye
one to many ayes ... plus a sweet as
your not a fuckin kiwi are ya
Drinking JD, pulling my dick and playing rts games
No sir, you are one bright gent. I was indeed taking the mickey.
nailed the flag
talk to people
Lets talk about the problem that is happening in Melbourne
How can you call yourselves men when niggers literally do savage raids on your villages?
looking for good abo porn
Why can't australia just stop pretending to be a continent an accept their small island status?
whats doing in melbourne?
all fired up because of the nogs killing south africans
gonna go out and get drunk and bash the first darkie that starts something
when are we getting our right to bear arms back, cunts?
any cunts go to (((La Trobe bundoora campus)))? i was at orientation week and saw so much open marxism being advertised on campus, have not met anyone decent there yet. pls tell me one of you shitlords go there and if so, what year and studying in what course? im an undergrad in my first year studying commerce and law, trying to out jew the jew at his own game and then declare martial law on all coons.
pls respond to
I live close by, but you sound like a loser.
R u a neet?
So firstly. Reported to your university for hate speech.
Secondly - The majority of the professors in your area (Commerce and law) will be socialists and promote cultural Marxism as a means of convincing young people to vote in a socialist party into government. Ignore it, they are only in university and any students that go into the workforce with a mind set of socialism=good capitalism=bad will not last long. Listen to their bullshit as they are right about the propaganda they preach as it's something you can use later when arguing against these fuckwits, but ensure you are studying other economic systems as well. Don't both saying anything until you are a full bottle on how "the free market" works and why it's a good thing in nearly all circumstances
>give the impression they are right
is what i meant
Seriously mate? Wouldn't have crossed my mind that a Uni is cucked,,, Its like seriously?
yeah but why it's cucked is the important bit.
it ok freind. you have cat
this is your board btw
Leave. Only hard cunts here.
Cause its a University ran by angry blue hair virgin tumblrites?
Yeah but it's important why they're angry blue haired virgin tumblrites. Brain washed by their profressors until they become the profressors and continue the link of autism.
The answer to this is teaching them that they must promote socialism if they want to live in a magical fair land where everyone can do nothing get something for it.
The reality is they will likely die from starvation.